Fraeya didn't know what to say. She'd grown up around fae and she just felt...awkward around humans. Most of the time. A foot in each world and not quite fitting wholly anywhere. A small shrug at Lexi's apology. Wariness not quite leaving her gaze even at Kain's grin and's reassurance.
But from what she'd seen so far?
She knew she should trust him. Trust them. They'd been fighting to save this town and its people. Monster hunters he'd said. She stepped back, giving the couple a moment, eyes drifting back to the river as she found her thoughts wandering. What would Delun make of this and would he even care?
Perhaps only that his assistant was absent for awhile.
", do the townspeople pay you for fighting monsters?" She wondered how they made a living.
But from what she'd seen so far?
She knew she should trust him. Trust them. They'd been fighting to save this town and its people. Monster hunters he'd said. She stepped back, giving the couple a moment, eyes drifting back to the river as she found her thoughts wandering. What would Delun make of this and would he even care?
Perhaps only that his assistant was absent for awhile.
", do the townspeople pay you for fighting monsters?" She wondered how they made a living.