Open Chronicles (Starting Forum Rp) First Mass

A roleplay open for anyone to join
The woman eyed the archer who had his arrow aimed at her, all she held in her hands was her black book with the silver lettered cover, that was it, no weapons, no nothing, just clothing, and a book, words, and her skill was all she held.
"I tell you this here and now boy I am here only to AID this town, I have said it more than once this day I shall say it again I am here to HELP THE PEOPLE HERE, and build up their town, bring them wealth, food and build a church on their earth for my god, I wish nothing more, nothing less but to exist and aid the people here to help my self and my god flourish and in doing so help them and maybe even you if I am allowed too, my power was only used due to being startled by the original attack you should have never done, I walked in here simply to bring my word to the masses and was blatantly attacked for existing, now, I am done with this pointless fighting, be it brings myself and my god great joy and power in its wrathful splender and I wish this gloryfilled bloodshed not to end, I wish no part in it myself and I have better things to use the power it has gifted me with, i have a church to build, and a town to bring glory to, mouths to feed, children to cloth, and homes to build, and i can not do that with some foolish lord of light beliveing that i am some demon woman and makeing everone around me to ignorant in there own selves to not simply belive my words and worth insted of judgeing me on if a element has a allinment or motive insted of takeing the time to sit and learn about me, my god or anything i stand for and respresent, you can stand with a fool and shoot me down here where I stand as in all truth you mister archer are the only bloody one here that can even pierce my flesh at all and shocker I will even let you do so as I am no fighter and I won't even defend myself from the first strike from you, be after that I make no promises, so aim well if that is your choice. or you can get out of my way and allow me to do as I please, or you can stand with me and help this town grow wall the others behind me rip each other apart and make there own bloody choices as I to be blunt am sick of waiting and have made my choice"

That shimmer in her eyes was brighter, there was power in her core, the pride and wrath she had stored this whole time from the fighters had really given her the oomph she needed to do whatever she needed to do, and that girl now snapped back into reality was basically envy drooling over that palladian so that did help a little be not much but every little bit of sin helped one who fed off such things to gain power, but she let out a soft breath shutting her eyes for a second as she tried to calm and collect herself as in reality her chest was heaving as she was getting a tad tempered, and her attitude was showing just a little, this fighting was growing dull and really not enough blood had hit the floor fast enough to suit her needs, and there was a growingly louder voice in her ear that was almost screaming for her to get to work or they would need to move locations or just start there process regardless of what this light fighter would want.

"it is a pity really, the only one here who has not judged me is the one that fights to prevent you all from killing me when I have done not a thing to harm anyone, I have not pulled a hair from a single head, not even stepped on a bug this day, yet a man standing for what you call good and light stands to attack an unarmed woman before a group of watching woman and children without caring if there are any casualties among them. but yet I would without a second of thought would give my own flesh to protect one of them, take an arrow to protect a comrade, use my own power reserves to protect a stranger. maybe, archer, check again who you should be pointing that arrow at."
With a held breath she took a step forward so she would not just be behind the iron giant, out of his shadow, of of arms range, out of that ring of protection, she was sure that if she really wanted to he could spring to protect her but it was a move of faith, showing that she was not going to rely on him to shield her, if she was going to get shot, let her get shot, she trusted in her faith, and in reality, she could take an arrow even if it hit a place that counted, she was stronger then she looked a lot stronger, but it would hurt if he did nail her with one, she knew that it would hurt a lot but she would get back up from it and handle the next step if that needed to happen.
As Cauldwin took steps at him he dug deeper into his defensive stance, his knees bent and his weight shifted forward. His shield was not like other shields, if attacked it could melt metal and ignite wood. If used to attack however it acted as any normal shield would. It was a gift from his God, a blessing of defense and when used so it had added benefits. It had aided him in many battles. He did not sense the same evil that came from most undead. In his experience and in his journeys he had met many undead, most were mindless and feral, those that seemed intelligent were often being used as puppets by necromancers. Holy Knights and Paladins could feel the evil within them. This one seemed different, based on the warriors pause he could be reasoned with.

He called out to Cauldwin,

"Does the Sheppard question the motives of the Wolf amongst the flock?"

He paused for a moment holding his stance to allow the analogy to sink in

"The woman has said many things, promised peace and prosperity. She has promised wealth. Hear her words. She wishes power for herself, she would use these people and their town to build a temple to both her and her false God, I have yet to meet shadow worshipper who wished to serve any but themselves though they all claim so"

He did not take his eyes off Cauldwin, his ears kept hearing Patrik though he tried to drown the man out. Many things he was wrong about, pacifists knew nothing of what kept the peace of what kept order. Wars were waged against the dark against the void, so that these people could live their lives here, this little back water town had a church a church of light and order. However he was right about one thing, the innocent lives that could be lost in this conflict. He spoke to Cauldwin again.

"If we must continue this perhaps the vagrant is right, we should do so outside of the town."

He took a few steps back now working his way backwards towards the edge of town. As he heard the plea of the fellow follower he nodded still dug deep into his defensive stance.

"I wish only to restore order back to this town and drive the witch off, once she is gone or dead then this town will be protected and they will know peace again"

Just by his previous movements he knew this man to be a great warrior, combat was a language all its own and it spoke louder than words, he knew that if Cauldwin pressed the fight it would not be easy, but for his God, for this town, for these people he would fight to drive back the dark.
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There was a reason he hated preachers, that was a very long winded way of pleading good intentions. Now granted, he had similar motives, he was the militant presence of the Warfather in this realm. Through the order he brought his influence grew, every head taken from a brigand, every hung criminal, every chaotic threat to the natural state of the world quashed was a boon to his an the rusted realms power. He had no concern about any perceived hypocrisy, what do dogs care for the opinions of the sheep?

Be this as it may, there were more than a few reasons he had to work against this dark lady. Firstly, this woman's duality, that need to give aid but sow what by her own belief was considered sinful reeked of chaos. Secondly, her primary weapon of choice was clearly her words. A honeyed tongue that coresses the mind, a useful tool to calm the waves of discord, but equally adapt at stirring the seas of the masses into a storm of which no wall can hope to hold. Finally, she could simply be a subversive and charismatic manipulator. He time as one of Alliria's watchmen had him run into more than a few of these greedy and power-hungry sorts who desired to stir up the flock in order to achieve their own ulterior desires.

Then there was the warrior of light. Granted he himself was biased as he favored men-at-arms over any priestly lot, but Cauldwin was (whether he accepted it or not) a son of dark, he was intrinsically, by that nature, an abomination to such warriors. A monster that must be struck from the light. His duties end he could never allow to happen. More over, there was hypocrisy to his actions. Even Cauldwin, the marauding zealot of order that he was would have taken a more measured response when dealing with such threat, rather than just cutting to the chase. As well as the dark lady, the warrior of light had no strict allegiance to order. Just to destroy the dark.

The question he had to ask himself was this: does he defend and aid the wolf in black wool? Align himself with light once again? Or crush the light and the wolf, leaving no room for improvement or discord in the lands. He had seen what covering the six of those that would see him destroyed once his usefulness was outlived, such was a law-dog he supposed, but he couldn't deny it was fun ripping out their spines when it occurred... should he throw in with his own? After all, she was a child of dark as well, or at least subject to such forces. A more... firm hand would be of aid to her efforts, not to mention he could spread the Warfather's influence with his aid.

He made his decision. He turned to face the warrior of light and began to pivot himself to cover the dark lady, having a high guard stance with his greatblade before sternly shouting, "I stand with the dark one, I think her hand and mine will aid this town well. As an act of good faith, I give you this chance to disengage and leave peacefully!" He said this knowing full well it was unlikely he would accept, he was a warrior after all, and one that seemed he would rather fight a threat head on, not to bide time for the right time to strike. Even so, it was at least worth a try. He barked an order, very obviously at the archer, "And you! Put that bow down before I give you something to fear!" The choice of actions she and he had made definitely would hurt the attempts to build a rapport with the people of this town later, but still, their was potential here.

Gil'Tyrnin Solcrest


Naexi Mendrev


Patrik Fetladral

Patrik would sigh quietly to himself as the dark priestess was now the only one here who would not see reason. The paladin had even the intellect to finally get what he'd been trying to get at all along. These people here needed not die over religious zealotry and ideologies that they hadn't even chosen to follow yet.

"Madam, you misunderstand," Patrik began, "I judge none here to be righteous, or foul. I only wish that those who are not a party directly involved be spared pain and bloodshed over your frivolous feud. It would seem that you refuse to see reason, and for that I am sorry that I cannot help you. I am sorry that my words failed to reach you,"

He paused as the giant spoke the order, well more barked it, as he looked around in the surrounding buildings. He'd bought as much time as he could. Now it was time for his actions to try and save lives. If she could stop the magic, if he could somehow just disable her and get her to safety so this situation could be diffused many lives could still be saved. The other two parties would make this very difficult and interesting indeed. He'd have to give the paladin an opening, force the giant to choose. He would finally look at the giant from his shooting stance and very calmly speak his reply.

"If he leaves he will come back with more, or more will follow in his stead. And this place will suffer. And I cannot allow that. So forgive me,"

It was a simple thing that he would do. He had enough distance to more than likely make the shot. He'd bought as much time, more than he ever thought he could. His only disappointment was that he'd have to use violence to bring the peace as quick as possible. But now that most of the people were well away except for the scholarly woman who, for some reason Patrik didn't think logical, was still here. He had one shot to do this and if it worked most should be okay, even the priestess should she not force him deal a lethal blow.

He would turn in the blink of an eye and fire a shot aimed directly at the metal Giant's eye socket.

Cauldwin Talson Valfnyr
Gil'Tyrnin Solcrest
((Sorry guys, had a very hectic start to school lol!)

Eilerias hovered behind the paladin once again, watching him as though he were a god. The shield he held...was it his gift? Had Sol'Nityr blessed him with such a beautiful artifact?

His voice broke her focus on him and his shield. She blushed, embarrassed that she was so star struck as she pondered his analogy. It only confused her. She was not educated, having spent her days in a Vel'Anirian orphanage where they didn't take kindly to anything that wasn't fully human. She was excluded from most activities, including schooling.

What a peculiar thing to ask during an argument.

She mimicked the white haired man, following him as he took the man's suggestion to move this argument outside of the town. She glanced briefly at the man made of metal, shivering as she took in his unsettling details. "Sir, but what do you plan to do? Has Sol'Nityr blessed you with something that can penetrate rusted metal?" She asked quietly, following him like a lost pup. "He's given me the ability to heal others, but one day I'm going to be a priestess! At least I hope to be."

She was mildly relieved that it seemed as though the paladin either couldn't sense her own darkness, or perhaps he didn't care. Either way, she felt more safe following him than staying with the woman spreading venom.