Private Tales Sisterly Love

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Narumi Tsuri

Character Biography
"Is this truly necessary Administrator"?

Voicing her displeasure not only vocally, but in action as Narumi crossed her arms stand on the welldeck as the crew of her Doromura rallied behind their captain standing at rest as they knew there was nothing neither captain or crew could do to stop the inspection while docked. Even so Narumi still kept her less than welcome body language to offer what little resistance she could to her elder sister as her jade eyes stared down the browns of her sister's ignoring her entourages as the ship bobbed along the tides.

Looking away as if to give them the go ahead, Narumi focused on her sister's ship dock just away from the metal reinforcement of her ship's keel and beak. Clicking her tongue as the larger ship cast its shadow over her own just as Ichika's shadow casted over any accomplishments done by her as most would attribute most of the success to her Mother & Sister as they were the ones behind the order of course. The more she stared at the eyesore of a ship the more it ate away at her. The bigger the ship the clumsier the captain. Throwing her hands up and waving away at her sister's ship she took to the starboard side of the Doromura to take in a better view to ignore her sister better.

Staring out into the docks as the sea breeze whipped her tied hair around the captain lazily scanned the horizon watching the ships come in and out of the dock as the tide brushed against the hull of her ship and back playing it's salted melody. A few fishing vessels passed into Narumi's vision on their way to dock for the day. As the fishers noticed the Captain of the Doromura rest her head on her hands simply observing her charge they bowed. Pulling her arms back, Narumi would nod her head slightly down in a far smaller less formal bow as she did not care much for formality. To her formality was far too bothersome and time consuming, why spend hours writing pages of flowery rubbish when it could be summed up in a paragraph or two. The lords spend too much effort patting each other on the back, most of them hold no value of time as it takes only seconds to lose all the time one has.

Stretching and looking back over to her Sister and her followers while placing her hands behind her back while interlocking her fingers to pull on and losing the tightness in her neck. As her neck pops and cracks she let out a reviled exhale as her eyes shut to take in the relaxation more while walking toward her sister's group. Opening one eye to focus on her sister as she swung her hands down. "So find anything out of place or any contraband that you can report to the matriarch to remove me from your hair forever". Offering a confident smile to complement her mocking tone as everyone including her sister knew that she ran the best ship and crew in the entire dynasty.
The Doromura was smaller, sure, but the ship itself was masterfully crafted. Ichika knew before she even set foot on it that the vessel was certainly going to pass the routine quarterly inspection that all Erdeniin crafts had to undergo. Normally this would be handled by one of Ichika Tsuri's subordinates.

However, fate had a different plan as Suyin was called to attend to other matters.

"Yes, it is necessary," the onyx-haired woman answered back to her sibling. Without inspections it was impossible to know if boats operated by agents of Dornoch were safe. It was bad business to see ship's sink, a dishonest captain hauling illicit goods in the Dynast's name, or for dozens of loyal citizens to drown at sea.

Her lips twisted as the two sisters stared one another down, Narumi's eyes green with envy in more ways than one. "We'll be swift, I don't anticipate we'll find anything off-color," but Ichika and her two attendants couldn't be too swift. Nepotism was frowned upon everywhere, particularly in Dornoch.

She broke eye contact with her sibling, moved towards the bow of the ship and stared up at the masts and riggings. Jotting down notes and checking boxes off on the parchment she held. Pointing underdeck for one of her attendants, directing them to have a look at the wares onboard. Narumi was smart, a natural leader, and Ichika had no concerns that the woman's ship wasn't in tip-top shape.

But, the reality wouldn't do. Several vessels had infractions, some miniscule, some large. If the Doromura passed with flying colors there would be questions. Accusations.

Her assistant, Yoo-ra, whispered into her ear a simple murmur, "some of the rigging looks slightly untidy, not technically an infraction, but close enough that you could issue a warning."

Ichika nodded, solemnly, and then gulped down the nervousness in her throat. She knew Narumi well enough to know that this part would be painful for her. The confident smile she wore made it even more difficult. "Well," she began to tell her sister with a mild look of concern, "no contraband. Nothing too out-of-the-ordinary. No major infractions. But..."

In a daze her voice trailed off as her neck turned to glance up at the slightly out-of-place rope. She jerked her head back towards her sister, locking into her green eyes and sputtering her short black hair in the process.

"The rigging looks atrocious. A minor infraction, no monetary fine, but you will need it corrected. As soon as possible and," she looked at her notes, feigning confidence, "if it looks this way next inspection we may have to look at a harsher penalty."
  • Yay
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Lazily leaning her head to side as the words "all to swift" spoken out from someone as bureaucratic as her Sister meant hours and sacks of paperwork to dot her I's and cross her T's to make herself look good while annoying her current target.

As Ichika and her two rats scurried about the Doromura; Narumi looked towards her crew still standing by sharing an equally dead stare. Quickly swapping out her look of despair with a light smile as she mosied over to her crew while joking whispering "do we have anymore rat poison to deal with are current infestation Vice-Captain"? Letting out a loud crackle before quickly silencing his amusement at his Captain's remarks, the large lightly armored Minotaur leaned towards his Captain, lowering his voice matching the jingling of the gold piercings that accentuate his features masking his next words. "No, but I'd recommend steel instead, as snakes are often more resistant to poisons". As the crew of the Doromura entertained themselves at the expense of their unwelcome guests the slight increase in the volume of the hollow steps designated the return of the aforementioned "guests".

Turning around the grin from her face soured as she spotted the snake in question whispering into her sister's ear souring her mood. While on paper Yoo-ra's record was stunning, Narumi has dealt with enough scum to know scum when in faces her. Though it did not stop her Sister from using him as the snake thinks that he has coiled around the Administer.

Taking a breath to ready herself as the pause from her Sister meant that they found something. As Ichika spoke, the Captain found it odd that someone like her Sister danced around the subject. "Really now the next Matriarch is too fearful of one of her captains'? If this is what counts for leadership today I don't want such a title". Releasing a teasing grin as her words put a fire under Ichika as the Administrator held nothing back in her explanation.

Reeling slightly back from the verbal battering, the Captain sucked in the salted air as she looked over to the rigging that was fairly messy. Such a simple mistake stung and tarnished not only her pride, but the ship and it's crew. Placing her hand over her mouth swerling her thumb along the right side of her cheek pondering on who was responsible for the sloppy sail rigging.

"Your right is atrocious, and as the captain I should have noticed something so simple.... Myojo". "Yes Captain"! A young sailor rushed over to Narumi and she made her way over to the messy rigging. " You were in charge of the port side sails yes". Falling to his knees almost cracking his head on the decking, "I'm sorry captain I should off.." Before he could finish Narumi pulled him up. "It was my fault for not checking as it was your first time you took full responsibility though this can cause an injury or damage". Not giving Myojo any time for him to feel sorry for himself, Narumi tossed the untied rope in his direction "Here let's fix it together".

"Their see much better and see how the figure eight knot is easier to untie to release the sails quicker"? With an appreciative look Myojo nodded as they finished cleaning up the rigging.

Turning back to Ichika and company, Narumi threw her hand behind her head while looking at the group. "There all fix to make sure your books are all nice and clean, unfortunately next time you're going to be heartbroken come next inspection".
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ichika
There were elements to what Narumi had said that were true. Ichika needed to be more confident when addressing her younger sister. But the worry of upsetting her sibling mixed with the unreasonable criticism to avoid even the appearance of nepotism made her situation feel... tense.

"Very good," she said with renewed confidence while marking her checklist. The administrator looked back at her two attendants with a quizzical face. "Anything else to report?"

They both shook their heads. Her sister had always been talented and a natural leader so there was no surprise that the Doromura was in such pristine condition. Ignoring the snickering of her Vice-Captain minotaur and the little quip from Narumi and this would've been a perfect inspection for her.

She closed her journal and wrapped the leather-bound strap around it before placing the tome in a sack hanging from her shoulder. Adjusting her straw fishing hat she announced, "alright, everything else appears in order. We will take our leave. Thank you for having us captain." With a tap of chin she lowered her voice and stepped slightly closer to her sister.

"And, Narumi? Be safe out there," her lips formed a half-smile as her face danced between genuine worry and playful jest.

As she turned though screams from the vessel they had boarded from could be heard. Without warning a new ship blasted through the ship she had disembarked only a few moments ago and charged forward passed the Doromura. Ichika's jaw dropped as she could tell from the fleeing caravel's banner that it was a piracy vessel.

Chunks of wood from the ship it had just impaled sputtered across the deck of the Doromura as Ichika turned to gape at her sister in shock.
Ichika's two paper pushers shook their heads in response to their leader's question, Narumi's grin returned as her ship was now as perfect as she said it had been.

With nothing left for them to continue to waste her and her crews' time, the inspectors began to pack up with Ichika going through the motions of announcing their leave. Giving an almost reactionary eye roll at the by the book response, she stopped herself as she noticed her Elder Sister moving towards her. Halting her body's wishes to jump into a defensive stance as their Mother had pitted them against each other of all lives. However, Ichika's movements were not for offensive reasoning leaving Narumi defenseless with only a confused stare as Ichika broke into her personal space. Narumi's confusion at her Sister's actions were alleviated as Ichika whisper out her well wishes while retaliating for all of the teasing done by her younger sibling.

"..." Breaking eye contact with her elder sibling for a moment only to stare back for a moment as her words left speechless. Shifting side to side as she knew that her inaction would be noticed the more she did not respond. I'm always careful... no. Now is not the time for this, a showing like this could be seen as weakness. Continuing to rack her mind for a response a heartfelt "You to" slipped out.

"You, you should travel along the east today"! Breaking away from the conversation while attempting to cover up her sappy moment with her sister, Narumi would look to her crew and motion them to finish up with their duties before going on shore leave.

"That was sweet"

"I think I regret saving you from the rope Bull".

A loud thunk echoed throughout the lower decks of the Doromura as the supplies for the next mission were neat stacked and tied down.

"That's everything captain I guess I'll tell the crew then can go for now, but I think Niem wanted another shot at you".

"Again!? Doesn't that Orc know when to quit, she does know that not everyone relaxes by fi...". The sounds of screaming and numerous thunking of differing volumes with one of the noise piercing into the lower deck halted the conversation. Rushing to the the deck to see what the cause of the noise was.

"What's going on"!?

"A pirate ship came out of nowhere and plowed right into the Administrator's vessel before taking off passing by".

"Clean up this mess and cut the lines, we're going to return the favor tenfold". Rallying the men to action Narumi looked over to Ichika's ship to see its owner agape in shock. Unable to enjoy the damage to her elder sibling ship as too many questions arose with how a pirate would be able to come so close to the harbour without anyone noticing. This should not be possible how could this of happened, is my Sister the target? Pushing her thoughts about the how aside as she turned to focus back on her ship and crew as they pushed out and began to row after the caravel".

"Ores in, back sails out, gliders at the ready, Niem, Vice-Captain have the men at the ready and brace, deckhands at the bow and brace when we're about to impact to ready the walkways for the boarding party"!


With the flapping of the back sails, Narumi's eyes swirled with glowing green light as the winds rushed in behind the Doromura, rocketing it forward and easily removing the distance.

"Gilder's open"!

Harmonious flaps surrounded the rushing winds as the gliders were taken away from with the current sending them towards the caravel.

"port sail closed, hard to starboard"!

With grunts the left sail was held closed causing to Doromura to appear to drift around and to the right side of the caravel. "Release and brace"! Instantly the rope was released causing it to whip around violent as the crew responsible rushed to the from bracing with the crew save for Narumi. A thunderious crash raged out throughout the harbor as the caravel hull whined and snapped. With her magic and timing the crash, Narumi jump flying forward while pulling out her kuni as she stabbed into one of the pirate using their body to cushion her fall. Shortly after the ram tearing of sails could be heard as gilder division slid down the sails with their weapons land on the opposite side of where the Doromura had rammed it joining their Captain in fighting the pirates. Clunks of wood echoed along the caravel as the battle lusted roars of orcs stormed onto the ship with Niem and the Vice-Captain at it's head charging through anyone dumb enough to try to stop them.
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  • Bless
Reactions: Ichika
Everyone aboard the Doromura sprang into action swiftly. Ichika's accomplishes, Yoo-ra and Joon, were not military minded companions. They were bureaucrats, and while both were great allies to have, this situation put them very much out of their element.

The heir to house Tsuri cursed under her breath. This entire situation had not only caught her off guard but the optics of it looked awful. Narumi had full command of her ship, there was nothing that Ichika could do or say to change that. There also wasn't very much Ichika could do to aid the crew, they all had their assigned tasks and any interference from Ichika was likely to cause more harm than good.

No, instead, she would ensure her charges were unharmed. "Get below deck," she ordered the two of them. "We're heading into combat, stay in the crew quarters and don't come out until you hear my voice call for you."

If pirates boarded the Doromura and made it all the way to the crew quarters then everyone else had already died. It was the safest place for them.

The rush of wind as the ship rocketed towards the pirate vessel caused Ichika's hat to fall and hang by the base of her neck. She placed one foot far in front of the other to brace herself on the deck as the violent waves rocked the ship back-and-forth. She focused on her sister's charge into the opposing ship as she drew her katana.

Ichika wasn't equipped to deal with a mass of bodies. She was experienced in one-on-one combat. But to stay aboard the Doromura would be viewed as cowardice, instead, she proceeded with the boarding crew onto the pirate vessel. Slicing at the first pirate who charged her way and doing her best to stay with Narumi's crew.
As the fight raged on the metallic scent of blood overpowered the sea own salted breath as Narumi and her crew stained deck of the pirate's ship with a bit of the own but more of the ship's ever dwindling crew.

Shifting to the side and taking control of one of the pirate's sword, Narumi deftly redirected the blade into it's owners neck before moving further within the sea of bodies in search of it's captain. However, the sight of her sister among her crew quickly changed her current goals, as even with the pirate's lackluster martial ability reveling why they chose a hit and run approach instead of a head on assault Ichika was still there target.

Stubborn fool

Lifting herself over the battle, she tossed the remaining kuni in her possession at the pirates around Ichika enchanted them with wind before falling down along with them. As the kuni hit their marks they drilled into their targets dousing the area with a fresh coating of blood while Narumi finished off the last remaining pirate near Ichika with an enchanted kick removing the head of the final pirate who dared to even attempt to take her sister's life!

"What are you doing here you idiot!? Are you trying to get herself killed"!? Wiping the blood off of her face as she grabbed a hold of Ichika while trying to force her back onto the Doromura. "You can sate you honor later as i'd rather not make their job of killing you anymore easier then you already are"!
Ichika's katana cut through the first pirate who approached her like butter. He let loose a scream of pain as her blade glided across in a beautiful gesture. Her kenbu technique was a cross of dance and combat, it was never more obvious than as she cut through adversaries and managed to avoid bones or plate armor that would cause her katana to stick.

A second opponent presented themselves, this one armed with a trident, one sidestep and then a graceful thrust left her incapacitated on the deck of the villainous ship. It was as a third, fourth, and fifth opponent began to circle around her that Ichika realized the trouble she had gotten herself in.

Groups of enemies weren't something she excelled at. And as she steeled herself for a tough fight a flurry of kuni impaled the enemies before her. It was then that Narumi seemed to simply appear out of the chaos, felling the final pirate.

"I couldn't let you have all of the fun," she said with a sly smirk. The glee faded from her face as her younger sister grabbed at her clothing and escorted her back to the Doromura.

She didn't resist as she begrudgingly walked with her sibling. "How are you so sure that I was the target?" A foolish question, sure, but she hated to admit when Narumi was correct. "Very well, I will stand guard aboard your ship and ensure no one sneaks through."

It was the least she could do to placate her pride.
“Fun”... Narumi’s grip tightened as her fingers curled around her sister’s clothing straining the fabric against the woman's body as her anger at her sister’s words caused her to switch to Uytani. “You speak of honor yet you act as if taking a life is merely a game. Your are a Tsuri the heir to the Matriarch and my Elder Sister not a common thug”! Releasing her sister with a look of disappointment, “I don’t have to tell you that our role as protectors is to preserve life even if it means taking life in order to preserve the safe and happiness of our charges”.

Allowing her mask to lay bare for the few moments they had before she would have to fade back into her role. Keeping her voice low as she returned to a more neutral expression; as there was no point in holding onto her disappointment when she had already passed on her displeasure at her sister's words. However, whether or not Ichika will act on and reframe from future missteps is entirely on herself.

"I do not know, however there are far too many coincidences that have led to this event. Not only did the pirates attack your ship they managed to infiltrate one of the most highly guarded ports in the world right as myself and many of our best captains are docked for inspection".

Turning to face her crew as she faded back into her role. Raising her arm in the air as she faced her crew letting out a powerful cheer proclaiming their victory. Looking back to Ichika before she moved towards her crew who were rounding up the surviving pirates. "We'll talk about this at home for now act normal and if you are going to stay with us say nothing of what you see here".

Making her way to her Vice-Captain as she smiled while looking at the Minotaur, "Good work! Though tell me the bad news first".

Scratching his chin the Vice-Captain looked over to where Myojo's body lay. "Well mostly just some minor injuries, but the kid wanted to join the fight as well to make up for his mistake. I'm sorry captain I should have told him to stay back with the others".

Gripping the Minotaur's shoulder as she looked at Myojo. " Yeah you should have, but we can't take back our mistakes or choices. However, we all place our lives on the line, I'll make the arrangements and notify the family". Taking her hand off her Vice-Captain and motioning it to the prisoners.

Shaking his head and clearing his throat, she looked over to the now skeleton crew that remained. "20 including the captain is all that survived any that were too injured to survive were put down as a mercy".

Nodding and turning away, "Good swap the captain's clothes of one of his crew that fits, and pass it onto the crew that the captain and his officers died in battle".

"...You're the boss, but do I even want to know"?


Making her way back to her ship, Narumi would learn over and scoop water out of the sea to wash off the blood as she looked at the pirate ship releasing a deep breath as she was exhausted from the fighting and use of magic.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Ichika
An eyebrow was cocked at Narumi's rebuttal. "Those pirates forfeited their lives when they rammed my ship, likely killing several honorable servants of Dornoch in the process." She relented some as she could tell that Narumi was impassioned by this. Perhaps she had felt some remorse for the lives she had just ended as well?

"But, as you say, that is unimportant and can wait for home. I agree with you that we must uncover the how and why behind this attack," she swallowed and let the gulp of saliva course down her throat before staring at her sister sincerely. "We can settle the rest later."

Ichika returned to Yoo-ra and Joon, gently knocking upon their door. Their faces were aflush with worry and Joon's voice cracked as he questioned, "ma'am, are you alright? Is it safe?"

"Yes," Ichika responded calmly, "it appears my sister's crew felled the men who wished us harm swiftly. We're still piecing the details together." Yoo-ra nearly collapsed from the relief but the other attendant was quick to brace his companion's fall.

The elder Tsuri rubbed at her upper arm as she ascneded the steps back up towards the deck. She eyed her sibling from afar as the girl she had grown up with wiped blood from her flesh. "We both grew up too fast," she said lightly as she pulled her tassled sleeve back over her arm.

Yoo-ra ascended behind her and questioned, "what would you have us do now?"

"We wait," she said patiently, "they're bringing the captain over. This is my sister's ship and I'm not sure what she's planning but," brown eyes looked at her attendant in concern, "I'm afraid I can't leave until I know what, precisely, happened. And why."

Of course, she'd ensure that her two comrades were allowed to disembark from the Doromura at the first opportunity. Investigating a pirate ship's origins and intentions wasn't something that fell within their job description.
Narumi splashed her face with water allowing the blood tinted seawater to fall from her face as she watched the droplets bob and weave. Her ears perked up as she overheard Ichika's conversation between herself and her attendants.

Slamming her hands down on the railing of her ship while leaving her Sister and her attendance on her ship alone. "All I ask, Ichika don't tell anyone about what transpired here; but of course the first thing she does is tell her little dolls. If I was far more shrewd first thing I'd do is pop off their heads and extract all the information I'd need to become the Matriarch". Continuing to mutter under her breath as she made her way back to her crew as The Captain threw herself into her work as at this moment in time she had all she could take of her Sister.

For the remainder of the removal and capture of the remaining pirate's, Narumi refused to interact with her older sibling in hopes to not further compromise what little advantage they had over the ones after Ichika's life. With the Captain of the pirate ship simply identified as a normal crew member she hoped that the ones who were at the helm of the coup would remain relaxed and complacent as by their knowledge all ties to their involvement would have been cut away along with the Pirate Captain, unfortunately for them he still breaths.

"The port guard will take the pirates into custody, and please do not mention or go directly to question the Captain balancing on the scales between life and death". Giving her Sister a sigh as she departed for her home as she needed a break from her older sibling and her two homunculi. Hopefully she remains silent, however if it were up to me I'd dispose of the two dolls as attendants are some of the most loose lipped beings around. Unfortunately it is not up to me.

Away from the backhanded deals and duels of steel and silvered tongue stood the home of the Tsuri. While unlike the Jeweled palace the Tsuri family home still holds its fort like appearance with aesthetic added on over time as Dornoch became the heart of the Dynasty. However, compared to most of their home. Narumi left her room untouched keeping it's militaristic history bare for all to see. The walls were lined with maps, boards and papers detailing anything from pirate attacks to monster and smuggling routes new and old. In the middle rested a small table with four cushions looking out to a window with an opening that led to an office where more papers and information about Dornoch lie.

Entering her room Narumi was garbed in a sea blue Iromuji Kimono bearing three for her family chests as she held to trays of food with a silver hair pin tying her hair back. "It's been awhile since I've cooked for someone else, though it has also been awhile since we've spent time together like this". Carefully placing the trays down bearing their bounty of various food ranging from sushi to sashimi with tuna sashimi at the forefront near where Ichika would likely sit. On along with the sushi and sashimi lay a small pot of buri daikon with steamed rice and taiyaki at it's side.

Seating herself, Narumi would look to her sibling in silence waiting for her guest's approval and enjoyment of her meal before they would inevitably have to go back to business that ended on a tense note.
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Ichika looked at Narumi with a sideways glance, "my attendants are trusted with every aspect of the port. If I cannot trust them there are few I can trust." Her lips pursed as she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "However, if it makes you feel better we can sequester the two of them on one of the Tsuri yachts. They'll be restricted from accessing the mainland or sending communication until this investigation is concluded."

Yoo-ra and Joon gulped, obviously not enjoying the prospect of essentially being prisoners but loyal enough to not openly question Ichika in public.

"You'll be fine," the heiress told them with a somber look. "I'll ensure you're placed on a fine vessel. Think of it as a vacation, with pay."

She knew that Narumi didn't like the bureaucracy and paperwork that went along with maintaining the ports. She saw the two attendants as untrustworthy. They were both men afterall. But to Ichika they were reliable servants who had no ill-intention. What Ichika knew, they should know. They couldn't properly advise her without full knowledge of the situation.

But, if it placated her younger sister's doubts, she'd isolate them and ensure no further information would leak.

After the two assistants of Ichika Tsuri were sequestered aboard the Meili Gem, one of the Tsuri family's yachts, the two girls found themselves back home at the palatial Tsuri estate. This was a secure place where they could gather their thoughts without worrying about future assassination attempts.

When Narumi entered with fresh sushi and sashimi she prepared Ichika's cheeks flushed. It was a natural reaction, one she couldn't help. It was obvious that Narumi had prepared her elder sister's favorite meal on purpose.

"Thank you," she finally said to her younger sister, "this is... very nice. To just take a second and enjoy ourselves." She took a nibble fo the salmon sashimi and smiled. It was ok to delay the business they needed to discuss. If for just a few seconds longer.
"Your company is thanks enough even if this nice moment is fleeting". Releasing a small smile at her sister's enjoyment of the food, however the heiress left herself wide open. "Looks like I still know your greatest weakness, blue speckled tuna. luckily others are unaware of such things as it is quite a sight seeing the Administrator forget her ps and qs". Letting out a teasing chortle as she clasped her hands together while saying a prayer before taking a piece for herself. Placing the razor thin fish in her mouth the fish melted almost immediately. Pausing for a moment to take in the fish herself before focusing back on her Sister still holding her smile.

Narumi continued with small talk as she prepared herself a plate. "Besides assassination and work how have you been keeping yourself, you seem different". Taking a few pieces of sushi while she listened to her Sister's answer and prepared herself to respond to the inevitable question as to how she is different.

Placing her chopsticks down and resting her hands on her lap. "I'm not quite sure myself; I suppose I should start off with how you seem softer than when we were children. While we were always butting heads and learning, you had more of an edge. Back aboard the ship when you hesitated about telling me about the poor rigging either out of fear or empathy. However, you should know that my actions and station receive more than enough ridicule so that would leave out your concern for my feelings... Ichika are you afraid of me..? I know that my captain persona can be a bit much and the stories do not paint me as a merciful soul, but I assume you already knew that it's all a ruse to have them underestimate me". Returning to her meal with a more solemn expression. "Perhaps this was a poor time to bring this up given that your life is in jeopardy, but while I do not mind a kinder, more gentler sibling. A kinder more forgiving Administrator or Matriarch will not be one for long". Exhaling deeply as she looked to her sister with concern as while she does want the Matriarchy for herself, wrestling it out from one who no longer cares or has become complacent greatly devalues the title.
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ichika
Brown eyes went wide at the words Narumi was speaking. After the initial shock though her face softened and she resumed chewing on the pieces of sashimi, brushing them lightly with a coating of soy and ginger. After her younger siblings deep exhale the elder sister felt as if it was the opportune time to cut in.

Ichika opened her mouth before closing it again. The look of concern on Narumi's face was troubling.

"This is a fine time. My life is always in jeopardy, that will never change. Also," her voice became gentle as she laid her chopsticks down, "I am not afraid of you. I never could be."

What Narumi spoke of though, the rigging incident and her more competitive nature as a child, those were topics that were deeply personal. And sharing such feeling wasn't something that Ichika had ever excelled at.

"When we were girls I cared for proving myself. I cared about being better, being stronger, and making the world see that I could be better than our mother. Better than you. Better than our rivals." Her arms crossed as her eyes shut. An exhale of her own followed before she pressed on, "Narumi. Administering the port is what has changed me. I see the foreigners try to eek out a living. I see the commonfolk of Dornoch just trying to feed their families. I understand that the life we had was unimaginable privileged. I don't care about being the best anymore."

She locked her treebark eyes onto her younger sibling. "I don't care for our mother's games. I don't care for the rivalries and backstabbing of some of the aristocracy. I want to do what's right by the people and what's right for the Dynast. Perhaps I am naive but this is how I feel."
  • Yay
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Ichika's expression and pauses to think on her words only strengthened Narumi's concerns as she waited on the edge of her seat for her sister's responses. Her elder sibling mentioning of how her life was always hanging on the line of life and death meant nothing to Narumi as she was already working on keeping her sister among the living. No, the following more gentle answer is what Narumi pined for as her expression perked up upon hearing her elder sister's words. "That's good to know as I don't want to lose someone so important to me over an act".

Taking up her chopstick as if to return to her food as the younger sibling had thought the worst was over, however she paused as Ichika's explanation on her current actions stunned and shook Narumi at her very core. A snap broke through Ichika's words as Narumi had unknowingly broke her chopsticks as her older sibling explained how she no longer wanted to be the best. As Ichika pressed on with her arms crossed not even meeting Narumi's eye anymore only enhanced the younger siblings emotions as she looked over to her desk as all of her networking and planning would be for not as her opponent and goal had decided to forfeit. Still speechless as her older sister locked eyes with her own widened jade eyes as she confirmed Narumi's fears as she stated right then and there that she didn't care about their rivalry.

Letting what remained of the broken chopsticks fall from her hand as she continued to stare at her older sister as she tried to sift through her thoughts and emotions. At first she did not believe her sibling as the thought of throwing away something that they worked towards all their lives was ridiculous to her. However, the more she looked at her sister the more she realized that she was not joking. Second was anger, anger at her sister's wish to cast off their rivalry as if to say that she did not care or think her sister could better her. Then as her shoulder slumped and she looked down at her food in defeat and despair as Narumi realized that all she had worked would never see the light of day as what was the point of winning if the opponent does not want to win.

Letting out a defeated laugh as she realized that she had gotten lost in her own lies and became just like her Mother on her path to bettering her sister. The lies, the deceit and the scheming or exactly what she wanted from them. Perhaps their Mother had planned it all and expected this outcome, but she was not like her Mother as she will not use this as an opportunity to capitalize on her sister's weakness to realize her dream. She has forgotten that I am greedy as I want my sister and the Matriarchy.

Taking in a deep breath as she nodded slowly as her sight returned to her sister's form. "Yes you are Naive and a fool, but how can I refuse to listen and accept what you feel when I myself take on those from all walks of life to sail with me to prove the doubters wrong". Trying her best to give her sister a smile as the pain and emptiness she felt echoed through her body. " I've almost forgotten how honesty can be more painful than a blade, however you cannot be of help to anyone if you're dead so let's help yourself before you help others".
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ichika
Ichika blinked and nodded at her sister's response. She could tell from her younger sibling's body language that she was taken aback by Ichika's declaration. They had always had a competition between the two of them but it was only recently that the elder sister had come to a conclusion of her own.

The competition meant nothing if neither sister was prepared to take on the mantle of leadership once their mother, Yuna, passed away. And, so, perhaps it was naivety and her younger sister would become head of the family. If Ichika disappointed her mother disinheritance wasn't out of the question. But she couldn't focus on that, not when the Dynast needed reliable trade in her ports and the people needed the economic prosperity to place food on their tables.

"Yes, let us focus on these ruffians who attacked me," she began as she took a cautious sip of her scalding tea. "How is your crew?"

She assumed that Narumi's team may have suffered causalities but she did not know this for fact.

"In addition, have you learned anything of the pirates who attacked us?"

Knowing who these pirates were was vital to uncover who may have hired them. Or if they had acted of their own accord.
"Why so focused on the 'ruffians';when if anything they are the least important piece of the puzzle even if they are the foundation that we build the case upon". Narumi's further explanation into how they were going to weed out and remove the threat to her sister's life were interrupted by a knocking and a timid voice of a woman.

"Lady Tsuri"?

"Yes, Miakis you may come in, and I've told you that you can call me by my name".

Quickly the door slides open revealing a auburn young haired woman wearing the outfit of Narumi's glider division. It was clear that the girl had a mix of foreign blood by the hair alone. As she was about to enter she froze upon seeing Ichika along with Narumi. "Oh, I'm sorry my lady I'll come back...".

"Nonsense I said you may enter as your helping to save her life". Waving her in it was clear to see that the young girl was terrified of being in the same room with the Administrator. Quickly handing the paper to Narumi as she focused on her Captain in hopes to ease her worry.

"This is all I could muster as they did not know a name and by the description of the one who gave them the job it appears to be a proxy". Bowing her head, "I'm sorry I could not gather more for you my lady".

Standing up and placing a hand on her shoulder to stop Miakis from bowing. "Miakis, you have nothing to apologize for. You don't have to be fearful of me as I do not ask the impossible of you like that old crone. The information you've provided gives us plenty to work with".

"Thank you Lady..". Narumi's brow furrows, "Lady Narumi".

"Hmm, close enough I'll meet you in the middle. Now is there anything else''? Miakis' hair rustles as she lowers her head, "Yes it's about Myojo's funeral.. we.. we could not find any next of kin so.." Patting the young girl on her head and softly stroking it. "I thought so, but don't worry will give him a proper send off as all of the crew of the Doromura are family. Leaning slightly into Narumi's hand before snapping back to reality as she remembered that Ichika was still in the room. Quickly backing away and bowing to the two sisters in leaving quite flustered.

Turning back to Ichika and handing her the documents. "You would not believe it, but that shy timid girl is a demon on the battlefield. Though due to her heritage she was disowned and mistreated by her lady who was none to pleased when she had to give her up to me". Letting out a pleased chuckle as she thought back to the day that the old bat's karma caught up to her.

Clapping her hands, "Anyway it's to be expected that this would not be so easy. However we did acquire the route that the pirates used to break into our domain; and with you as administrator it won't be too difficult to figure out who was assigned in that area". Resting her hand on her chin as she paced around the room. "And with that we will then find out what was used to force them to betray the Dynasty and who led to more pieces to the puzzle till we reach the head of the serpent".
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  • Yay
Reactions: Ichika
Ichika's smile never faded as the young Miakis entered the room and pled her case to Narumi. The girl was obviously nervous in front of not one, but two, of the Tsuri family. And she guessed that her position as administrator of the port likely caused a majority of the uneasiness that the girl faced.

"I believe it," she said in reference to the timid girl. More often than not looks could be deceiving. "Shame that her previous mistress did not recognize her talents or treat her appropriately. Perhaps she'd be a bit more bold if she had." Ichika blinked slowly and then added, "at least she came to serve someone who recognizes her for who she is."

Narumi's treatment for her servant had cause the elder sister to swell with pride that her younger sibling had treated her accomplice so kindly.

"Very good," she began to say as Narumi had explained the route of the pirates, "I can take a look at where they came from and who was assigned to watch over their station. We will find whoever allowed this to happen and then trace which family, or indeed, families, were behind this attack."

Ichika took a glance at the documents while her sister paced up and down the floor of the room they were in. Brown eyes widened as she looked over the exact location the ship had accelerated from.

Her lips twisted before she relayed what she had learned from skimming the documents, "the people who allowed the pirates to move through that shipping lane were the Saito family," she said in a solemn voice. Historically the Saitos had been a close ally to the Tsuri family so their involve was... troubling... to say the least.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Stopping to turn and look at her elder sibling who took the betrayal hard. "You know what they say, the bigger the smile the sharper the knife, but perhaps it is not so cut and dry". Seating herself as she leaned down to meet her sister's eye. " I'm not sure if you are aware, but the Saito's have run into a rally of bad luck. Of course both the attempt on your life and their bad luck are man made. Though this does not excuse their actions".

Falling on her back while closing her eyes, "However, currently the family is fractured due to recent events and I'd bet money that Hanako is heading the more conservative faction that would be against this betrayal". Opening her eyes lazily while shuffling to her side; "Though if that was true why did she not warn, as she was the sister you never had". The last remark on the Saitos had a hint of jealousy towards Hanako and her sister's relationship, as her blood relation to Ichika rarely allowed them to act like a family.
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ichika
"I've heard of their troubles," one cousin had gotten themselves into gambling debts, a few failed business ventures by the direct family, and then when you added a smidge of bad luck the rumor mill insisted their finances were in turmoil.

Hanako had been a close and dear friend. Whereas Ichika was just barely older than Narumi it was Hanako who was just barely older than Ichika. Hanako had looked after the eldest of the Tsuri line and been a reliable source of wisdom as Ichika aged. Whereas Narumi had always been her beloved sister by blood there wasn't a stark rivalry to muddy things with Hanako. Thus, the Saito woman had become Ichika's sister by choice.

Her lips crinkled as she contemplated what her younger sibling suggested, "perhaps Hanako was not aware." Or a worse possibility still, perhaps she was.

"We should look into this lead but it should be carefully done. No telling who within the Saito's was involved. Perhaps no one, perhaps just a lazy deckhand," it was prudent not to rush to conclusions. Especially when dealing with the other noble families of Dornoch.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Covering her face as to hold back her frustration at her sister's nativity. Returning to the table while rubbing her temples. "Stop, please". Grabbing a hold of her drink, she downed the remaining tea before pouring herself a few more in hopes it would lessen her disgust at the complete denial before her.

Placing her cup down and sliding it away as she took a deep breath before looking at Ichika. "Hanako, like yourself, is first in line to lead her clan. Your claim that she would be unaware such an action is an impossibility, steming from your personal feelings towards Hanako". Tapping her finger on the table as she continued not bothering to give any input Ichika's other comment. "You are correct that we should look into the Saitos. Though I believe that you should contact Hanako personally and ask to meet to figure out where she stands on the matter. Hopefully your close relationship still remains as it will make our investigation easier, and we may even be able to salvage our alliance with the Satios.. though we will have all the power in this new partnership".

Moving to her closet she gathered more suitable clothing for such a meeting before disappearing behind a divider as a light thump of clothing bounded out from the divider signally that Narumi was unconstrained by any bindings at all. "It looks like we'll have to rely on your two servants after all as I'd doubt Hanako would agree to any sort of meeting unless the request was passed along by those two". Flinging her kimono over the divider before peering over it to get a feel of how Ichika felt about the plan. "I know you two are or were close, but you'll have to prepare yourself for the worst. While unlikely, Hanako could have been the one to order the momentary dereliction of duty”.
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ichika
Ichika remained silent as Narumi scolded her again.

When her younger sister peered over the divider the elder did not allow herself to show the obvious. At least, not at first. Once Narumi had finished speaking the current heiress to the Tsuri line allowed silence to permeate the room.

Eventually, she broke that silence, "we are still close. I will confront Hanako. She will be honest with me and if she was aware of this assassination attempt and refused to warn me," her eyes twinkled in contemplation before she finished her thought, "or worse, if she ordered it herself... then we will have no choice but to take our findings to the Dynast."

It was no small thing, exposing such criminality and then moving through the proper legal channels. The Saito's would be dishonored and likely have their assets seized by the Dynast herself. The family would be replaced by another up-and-coming middle class Dornoch family.

The insult was so grave that few nobles resorted to such action. Settling disputes privately with money or blood. Ichika didn't want to play those games. Not if her lifelong friend had betrayed her in such a manner. If Hanako had been involved with this plot then the entire family could fade into obscurity for all she cared.
  • Yay
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
Leaning her arms on the divider to cushion her chin as she listened to Ichika's response. "Bold and upfront, nothing like the norm. I like it, harkins back to the days when honor and nobility were a core of Dornoch". Dipping her head back under the divider. "Though you have to remember that we're trying to remain inconspicuous. Directly seeking Hanako will alert the Saitos that are involved, causing them to borrow themselves and any others that were involved".

Exiting from the divider while checking and tightening the arm around her regular attire before meeting her Sister's eye. "Plus worst case scenario, Hanako was the perpetrator behind it and you're just walking into the lion's den allowing them to finish the job". Moving over to her personal armory the Captain forcefully slid the kuni into their holster as her words grew more and more irate with each syllable. "It's too dangerous, you really should pick a neutral meeting point though I'm just repeating myself as I know you're going to do it anyway"!

Turning around and smacking the sides of her pants before opening her arms to show that she is ready. "So, if you're going to do this at least let me watch over you and if this is the end let's at least cap it off as sisters not rivals".
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  • Bless
Reactions: Ichika
"We should be ready but let's not become paranoid," her words were warm. Understanding. Hanako was a trusted friend and while Ichika wasn't prepared to dismiss that this treachery was an impossibility she didn't want anyone, especially Narumi, jumping to the conclusion that her old friend had wanted her dead.

A finger danced around her chin as she thought on the warning from her younger sister.

"Very well. Let's extend an invitation. A party. On the Doromura."

Yacht parties were trendy in the upper crust of Dornoch society lately. And, sure, the Doromura wasn't a "yacht" or a luxury ship but it was large enough for a two family party. It was a crew Ichika knew she could trust. They could simply keep the ship anchored at the harbor and if anything was awry she'd have a small band of soldiers to ensure any other assassination attempts failed.

She took another sip on her green tea, though a frown graced her features as she realized the cup was long empty. "They cannot refuse, we are their senior house. If they come up with an excuse that is telling. If they agree to meet with us and bring an excessive amount of body guards, that is also telling. Do you agree, sister?"

Her smile was booming as she shared the sentiment. For this small venture they could just be siblings. Rivalries and heritance feuds could be resumed after external forces weren't threatening her life.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Narumi Tsuri
"Pardon"? Narumi's arms dropped as her sister mentioned the use of her ship for her plans. On one hand she appreciated that Ichika listened to reason, on the other she would prefer the suicide mission over letting the Doromura be used as a pleasure vessel.

Speaking through her teeth as she did her best to hold in her anger, "No my sister I do not fully agree. I understand half of your plan but I must ask why you wish to use my ship when there are plenty of other ships that could fill the role"? Seating herself on top of her hands as if to hold herself back. "To you the Doromura maybe just another warship, but to the people and to the crew and I, it's proof that birth and status is not everything.... Is that why you want to use my ship, you know that we cannot be bought? I suppose it could also put them at ease as it would still appear that we are at each other's throats with you using my ship as a temporary replacement".

Standing up and turning away from her elder sibling as her head filled with thoughts on politics. It would surely look good on Ichika as she could be seen as the one who finally tamed her rebellious sister.

"Fine, I will go along with your plan as I was the one to suggest at the meeting point even though you turned this around on me. I'll have myself and those within my gliding division handle overseeing the party with a few others on stand by on land just in case".