Private Tales Silence Sings Inside These Doors

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Lux Quillon

To Devour
Character Biography
Storms graced the early beginnings of summer in Vel Anir, drowning the streets for hours until a reprieve came, but the damage was done. Some parts of the road leading to the Academy were too soft for the wheels of the carriage, and the order went out that they would be staying in the capital for another day. The sun momentarily came out form the dark clouds, baking the city enough to produce steam from the puddles, and Lux could not help but wish for the storm again. There were still angry clouds looming in the distance, and he sure as hells did not want to be caught in it when it arrived.

They were given the rest of the afternoon free to explore the city before having to meet back at the Gilded Grand Suites, where lodgings for the two proctors and three Initiates were secured before their departure at dawn.

Not even an hour could pass by before summons for his presence were relayed to him, but Lux was grateful that he would not be outside in the elements for long when he made the short, yet blistering with heat, walk to the home Amell Quillon kept. If he had to be honest, he was glad his older brother lived in a home away from their step mother, and even gladder still that when Amell wrote him a letter after acquiring it, he told Lux he had his own room there. The temptation to sleep in that room tonight and away from the Proctors and classmates seemed too tantalising.

He had been led to the receiving room and left there with a cup of tea and some biscuits. He could have taken a moment to look around, but it had been so ingrained into him at the Academy to not engage, to not care for anything else. All Lux needed to do was graduate and perhaps he would feel better about...

Well, now... that was just wishful thinking.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Amell Quillon
The home that Amell kept was not commonplace for the men of their notoriety and upbringing. Despite having a sizable allowance from his father and the pay he was entitled to as a Captain. He had spent almost twelve years serving in the Guard. His mouth twitched in distaste. It could have been thirteen years, if only his knee saw improvement. Some days it felt normal, other days Amell was tempted to reach for the cane at his bedside. He had yet to use it, his pride swallowing his pain. But pain was a relentless thing and pride had to be built it up over time. He could feel those walls of his slowly being chipped at.

"Your brother has arrived, Captain," Marie knocked at the dark wooden door that led to his study. Inside it, Amell sat at his desk, going through letters and other documented matters brought to him thanks to Felix Urahil. He still had no clue why the two initiates, Everleigh Ebersol and Liliana Lorel, had come to the Border Detention Camp at the cusp of Vel Anir and the Falwood. Felix said he had handled it, but Amell couldn't piece together why Leander marrying Liliana would keep her mouth shut. Amell had always struggled understanding Felix and it often came down to how he liked handling things-- usually by putting the problem on someone else.

"Did you make him tea?" Amell asked, pushing out his chair and beginning to stand up. He used his hands, palms flat on the wooden desk, to help support his weight and allow him to rise. He stood up straight, adjusting his attire, checking the small looking glass on the wall to see if there was any blonde hair out of place.

"I did."

"The lemon-honey?" Amell made his way around the desk, opening the door to his study. When he stepped outside, he turned to lock it, placing the brass key in the inside coat pocket close to his chest. "It's late so the Dornoch Black will keep him up late. He's sensitive to caffeine." Marie gave Amell a smile.

"Your brother is growing up, Captain, why not let him decide?" Her smile faltered when Amell stared a moment too long without smiling. When the smile did come, she realized she could breathe once again. How peculiar that a look could still her heart.

"And I suppose you gave him some cookies right before dinner?" His smile was warm, his eyes remained frigid. "You spoil him, Miss Marie." The maid bowed her head, those words alone making her face bright red with shame. Everyone who was employed by Amell Quillon knew he was a prudent man, that he reveled in his austere lifestyle. It was why his home was small but comfortable, filled with furniture required for necessity. His only indulges were the many books throughout every room of the house and his private armory. The barest of all the rooms was Amell's own bedroom. He only had two pillows and would have only had one if it weren't for the fact that he needed a pillow between his knees.

Down the hallway to the reception room Amell went, opening the door himself and stepping inside the room. He hid his limp, made sure to stand up straighter and have his broad shoulders barely fit through the door.

"You've grown." It had been years since the brothers had seen each other. He eyed the tea, noting its color before looking at his little brother's face. Amell's glacial gaze softened alongside the rest of his face, like the first rays of spring sunlight gently melting the cold snow. "It's good to see you."

Lux Quillon
  • Aww
Reactions: Lux Quillon
He almost forgot what his brother sounded like.

Turning his head, so quickly that he thought his neck would crack, Lux laid his eyes upon Amell. The tea served to him was half gone in it's dainty cup, now resting on a table before him and growing cold. "I guess I have." He agreed, small smile twitching at his lips for a few seconds of life before falling into that blank and neutral stare. The Proctors at the Academy thought him to be disinterested in his lessons and training, but Lux had no heart to explain it to them.

All but Perrine. Their Urahil cousin picked up on it straightaway, but never called upon Lux to make sure he was participating in lessons. No, he proved himself when it came to the tests and demonstrations.

"Nice to see you too." That smile tried again, a little longer this time. It fell once he stood from his seat, standing there awkwardly as he tried to figure out what next to say. "I meant to reply to your last letter... it only just... we have tests and combat matches. I know we are to have the summer off, but they are offering to host Initiates if they wish to stay."

And the Academy was leagues better than returning home.

Perhaps he was glad for his brother to invite him to his home after so long, for no one understood his experience than Amell.

Amell Quillon