The Syzygy Sick Day

For Syzygy event threads


Owns a Cat, If It Wasn't Obvious.
Character Biography
Nacht woke up with a fever and generally felt like shit. He looked around before realizing that the entire room was unnaturally dark. Barely mustering the strength to hold up his hand, he attempted to absorb in the darkness and quickly lost focus, becoming queasy and gagging. However bad his physical state, though, his mental state was still sharp if getting slightly worse every passing second. Something has to be wrong, but what? I felt fine when I went to sleep yesterday. The boy walked outside and looked around, the darkness following and making his effort fruitless, the only thing visible a strange sun. He could tell it was dark even through the darkness around him by virtue of his powers, and that sent his mind, fighting back shocks of tiredness and pain, into a curiosity-fueled frenzy.

I need to get to the infirmary. Is this the Syzygy thing everyone was worried about a few good months ago? He'd think, having adopted a pace similar to that of a snail. He walked by doors he could barely see and cringed, realizing that if he couldn't absorb the darkness and the sun was somehow blocked, it would not disappear. There were two squires ahead of him also up early, talking together. The image made him grin at what a peaceful community the knights had fostered, a gesture more scary than sappy to the duo, who stared at he who had the general aura of a pale zombie shrouded in darkness before running away. Well, that felt a bit depressing. Where had he experienced such expressions before? Ah, yes, for the past decade he had dealt with such.

He was not too disheartened for his state might be temporary, but the reaction still made him a tad upset. Finally, he managed to stagger his way to the infirmary and climb on to a bed, just lying there staring at his hands for a few seconds before getting bored. Turning his head, he would look around at the beds beside him and think he saw the form of...someone. "Uh...Hi...Erm, what brings you here?" A stupid question, but whatever.

(Idk, this isn't really that epic but it could be fun. Also, you don't have to also be sick to join this thread. Nacht is kind of hallucinating. I dunno if the tag is right because this is so small, so someone tell me if it is not.)
  • Cthuloo
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In her ears was the crashing of waves, a storm subsiding as she heard someone speak, strained to listen. Dark eyes fell upon the questioner, a dull glow in their midst like two pinpricks of pale light shining through glass.

“ What brings me— “ She started, absently adjusting on the stool she’d been apparently sat at, knitting. A square of vibrant red and blue, patterns shifting, was on her lap and she brushed a palm over it. A little smile came upon her and she exhaled, fondness in it.

This is an infirmary, is it not? Through salt and seaweed she could smell it.

“ Why don’t I ask you that instead. “ She continued and scooted closer to the sickbed. The beads about her wrist gave a soft click as she reached a hand upon the young lad’s forehead. There was no recognizing him for her, but it mattered naught.

“ Why are you here? “

"Those're Ronja, no? I've heard stories of you from others. I'm...uh...Nacht." he'd say, attempting a friendly smile and ultimately failing and producing a pained smile-frown thing he couldn't name. As for how he knew the witch who now sat over him, he had always been told she had a particular style to her, which was expressed in the literal mountain of beads she wore that clinked this way and that. It was a rather soothing sound to the bedridden boy, the soft click of their numerous collisions calming him some.

"Something is messing with my magic. I have covered half of the dorm hallways in pitch black darkness simply on my way here, which I think you can discern wasn't my intention." He chuckled a bit at this, the effects from his fever still visible, for nothing he said he said with humor. Glancing down to the needles in her hands, he saw a strange square of red and blue. Curious, but cool. He'd think, raising a hand to point at it. "What-" He took a moment to stop and compose himself, and maybe force any indigestion down.

"What are you working on?" he'd ask finally.

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Ronja. Nacht.

Names, of which only one hummed, resonated within her like the strike of a gong. Her face a gentle mask, she withdrew her hand in a nod and watched him speak on despite the questions that plagued her in turn. There was an unsettling comfort in this space, she felt, so radically different from where she usually was.

Had been? Was still, in some way? Absently, she hassled with the hem of her dress to smooth away a wrinkle, eyes happening on grains of sand embedded in the embroidery. The inquiry called her attention back, to the weary eyes of the fever-ridden. She smiled wide, flashing teeth.

“ I don’t know. Yet. “ All honesty, she brought her knitting up. The colours were a jarring zigzag of diverging non-patterns, but suppose the weave was smooth enough. Practiced.

“ But it is for my mother. She taught me many a craft, so what better to honour her with.“ As if remembering a cunning plan, her look gained a subdued, self-assured fire. The vial affixed to her necklace clicked against the inky black of a bearclaw next to it, both reflecting distant candlelight.

“ If not great things — " She turned the square around thoughtfully. " Interesting ones aplenty can come from lack of planning, wouldn’t you agree? Nacht. “

"Well, you don't have to, I guess. It's pretty either way." He said, grinning in response, managing to force a nice expression to appear. Holding out his hand, a very small amount of darkness gathered into his hands and elongated, separating into two identically black sewing needles. "For what it's worth, I think your desire to honor your mother is very nice." He said, yawning. To the witch's next statement, Nacht grinned and held out his new needles, wondering how his new acquaintance would respond.

"Oh, I agree, Miss Ronja. In fact, I think I'd like to try sewing myself. I am, to put it lightly, impossibly bored. I could use an interesting thing or two today." He'd laugh at this genuinely now, his pain less evident on his features. "Is that unplanned enough for you?" He'd state. "Oh, and do you have any extra of that, please?" He'd say, pointing to her project and naturally also the material it was made of.
