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"Well. My wolf form is just way too big for that ol' sleeping bag, so I have no use for it. You, on the other hand, might need it. Besides, sleeping on the ground is kind of a bother, at least for humanoid bodies, not anthropormorphic. I can take it. Besides, my fur make it up. So, I don't see any probllem on sleeping on the ground. Besides, some leaves won't cut it." he laughed.“Are you sure? I don’t mind sleep on the floor, just some leaves and I will be fine, furthermore, I don’t want to trouble you…”
The werewolf smiled at her and nodded. Unpacking his sleeping bag and giving it to her. It was big, black and wide, maybe two people could fit in, so it would be enough for the elf.“Ok I take you offer, thank you very much”
The werewolf sighed. "It's ok, it's ok. You told me your backstory, and after all we've been through, I think it's fair that I return you the favor." he sighed even deeper, then sitting besides Kiara "Let me tell you a story." he breathed deeply "Once upon a time, there was a 16 year old boy that lived happily with his family: his mother, father and two older sisters. The kid was an average student, he had great grades, far more better than the rest of the class, he was almost top of his class. He had friends, a life plan, everyhting a dumb 16 year old boy would think at that time. One day, the family of the boy decided to hike a mountain to celebrate the father's birthday. The day turned into dusk, so the family decided to set camp and sleep there, they would go back the next day at dawn. However, when everyone was asleep and vulnerable, some werewolves were lurking the place, planning on an attack to kill and eat the family. They did. They went for the head of the family: the parents. They were torn apart in front of the childrens' eyes as they ran for their lives down the mountain. As they ran, they could hear the mother scream in agony and terror while the father struggled to break free from the claws and counter attack. It was no use. While the children ran down the mountain, the werewolves redirected their attention to the fleeing prey. They hunted them down. The girls were caught and eaten alive while the boy managed to escape a werewolf's grip thanks to a knife his father had given him before going to sleep. However, the boy got bit. He kept running down the mountain. Sooner than later, he felt exhausted, he was already at the bottom of the land, about to reach civilization. He passed out due to the pain of the bite and the exhaustion. He woke up few hours later in the hospital. When the doctors told him what happened, he swore revenge. Then, at the funeral of his family, the boy transformed for the first time, right in the middle of the burial. People screamed and ran, others went for weapons to kill the monster. The newblood fleed to the woods where he would spend the rest of his days as a werewolf. The boy was scared, confused, and would give anything to have his family and life back. He knew he could trust no one, for they would try to kill him if given the chance. Few months later, the boy encountered a witch while he was wandering the woods. She offered something that the boy would not have acheived on his own. Something that may expand his power as a werewolf and help him have more control over it. He accepted. The witch gave him what she called 'The Marks of Runes', a set of magical abilities that can help the werewolf to survive being a lone wolf. After months of dominating the power, the boy had an idea. A stupid one. 'I shall become a hunter.' he said. He hunted down monsters and assasins ans undesirable people, he got paid by it. The boy liked being paid for his hunts, that's what made him say: 'I shall become a bounty hunter.'"“Jaken” the elf called for him, making brief pause, now looking at him “I know I said that I would wait until you were ready to tell me about yourself, but … I’m just curious and I will try to not pry too much and you don't have to answer me if you don't feel like it” she paused trying to find the right words “You said you are a lone wolf, why don’t you have a pack? It’s because you are a bounty hunter?” once again Kiara lowered her head” Sorry for asking… it's just… I want to know you a little bit better… that’s all” she said with a small voice.
The werewolf sighed "That boy was me... that's my backstory. I don't have a pack because I swore revenge on the pack that killed my family, but since there are a lot of packs out there, I would not be able to find that ONE pack that killed my entire family. So I gave up on the revenge plot and kept on with my life."
"That's why I look after you." he stated "I can't bare to have more blood of the ones I care about in my hands. Losing you would be devastating for me, for my sanity. I don't want anything happening to you... that's why I'm alone, I don't want to see people I care for die..."
"That's why I'm a lone wolf."