Jaken Larsten

Jaken Larsten

Biographical information
Vel Anir-Liadain 23 years *Anywhere*
Physical description
Werewolf Male Human Form: 1.83 m.
Werewolf Form: 2.03 m.
Human Form: 88 kg.
Werewolf Form: 108 kg.
Both Human and Werewolf Form: Black Human: Brown
Werewolf: Blue
Political information
*None* Bounty hunter
Out-of-character information
Adriwolf Jun-29-2019 https://orig09.deviantart.net/3f3a/f/2012/155/7/6/the_ancient_werewolf_by_riptorstormwolf-d5285vm.jpg


Jaken has two forms: Human, and Werewolf
Human form: Short black, a bit messy hair. Skinny, white skin, brown eyes. In his right shoulder, he has the scars of his werewolf bite (view biography). Wears clothes that allows him to move with speed and agility. Wears a hoody to remain stealthy and merge with darkness, agile pants with several pockets that serve to hold his weapons: small, lethal, stealthy (combat and throwing knives, mini-crossbow, arrows). Wears boots that makes his grip when running stronger.

Werewolf form: Anthropormorphic, black fur, big fluffy tail, digitigrade legs, muscular, big claws (both in hands and paws) and fangs. With magical green marks on his back (they glow when Jaken uses magic), eyes changes to blue (for better references, view image). When transformed, he is naked (however, the genitals disappear).

Skills and Abilities

Jaken's human form abilities do not require of magic, only stamina, which is why I don't include Jaken's human form abilities, however, his werewolf form does have magic on them, which are the following:
Wind Boost: In situation of danger, Jaken can summon a slight boost with the wind that puts him out of the enemy's range of attack.
Effects: Tireness for a bit while
Blue Light: Jaken can use this ability to see better in the darkness. He sees the environment with a slight blue brightness.
Effects: Slight headache that does not allow him to react fast enough or make the most effective combat calls
Feral Mind: Jaken summons the wolf spirit in it's supreme savageness. Jaken blacks out and lets the wolf take control over his mind and body.
Effects: May become hostile towards party members. Only way to stop him is by immovilizing him, calming him down until a docile attitude (HARD TO ACHIEVE) or putting him to sleep
Wolf Strenght: As a last resort, Jaken can only use this ability when exhausted to summon extra energy. Energy that makes him powerful, stronger, faster and more lethal than ever. Almost an unstoppable killling machine.Jaken maintains consciousness.
Effects: After the ability's energy drains, Jaken will become very tire and faint, leaving him vulnerable


Jaken's personality never changes, wether he is in human form or werewolf form.
Jaken, as a bounty hunter, learned to only care for himself in situation of danger. He only cares for the money he will receive once the job is done. However, when Jaken feels a connection with someone else (it can be friendship or love), he will do whatever he can to protect the, even if it leaves him at the edge of death. Jaken likes to be a lone wolf (more money for him)

Biography & Lore

Born in a medium class family, Jaken never had any compalin about his life. He lived happily with his friends and family: his mother, father, and his 2 older sisters. One day, at age 16, the family decided to hike a big mountain in order to celebrate the father's birthday. Night came and the family camped in a high place. While they were sleeping, a pack of werewolves saw the vulnerable family sleeping in their tents. The family realized late that the pack of wolves were attacking them. The wolves had no mercy on them, ripping the parent's apart while the children escaped through the forest. However, the wolves were faster than them Catching up to them, the wolves assasinated both sisters. Jaken got bit but he saved himself thanks to a knife that his father had given to him before the attack. He managed to escape the wolves but fainted due to the bite minutes earlier. Jaken woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later, body ached and thoughts all over his mind. When he received the terrible news that his family died, Jaken swore revenge on the pack of wolves that killed his loved ones and bit him. A few days later, Jaken experienced his first transformation in the middle of his family's funeral, everyone tried to kill the werewolf, but were not succesfull. Jaken was forced to escape and adapt to his new life as a werewolf and a ghost to humans. Lost in the woods, he encountered a witch that gave him advices and resources to be stronger. That is how he got his magical powers, The Marks of Runes: a set of magical abilities linked to his werewolf form. The only way he knows of survival is to claim bounties in the low world with high pays. He has mastered and is fully aware of his magic and effects they have, making him use them as sparingly as possible.


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