Dreadlords Running the Asylum

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Perrine was not completely sure if the time called for it, but she tore away the bandage on Lothar's arm. She was a skilled fighter, but she had told herself years ago she would only heal from now on.

The others could fight, defend, while she supported Griggs and moved to stand by the stretch of the wall to hold up their patient while she kept an eye on the situation. Tilley had embedded a knife straight into their guide, an action that still did not answer a lot of the questions she had concerning what exactly was going on in this establishment.

"They are blocking the way out." She noted, but was sure she could slowly advance if the Dreadlords and Initiate were to clear a path.

Lothar Henk Alistair Krixus