LFG Rumble in the Sands - Battle in Amol Kalit


The Emperor
Character Biography
Gerra newly crowned as Sultan of Annuakat marches on the city of Ragash, but Ragash will not yield. Led by their Shah, Bardya, the Ragashan army has encamped by the banks of Baal-Duru River near a plain known as the Hamal Flats.

Bardya has with him dozens of great elephants from the Savannah, along with thousands upon thousands of infantry, hundreds of cataphractii, and more.

Meanwhile, Gerra’s host contains many Abtati tribes of fast moving horse archers and lizard riders, charioteers from Annuakat, mercenaries, and he has constructed a number of siege weapons.

It is the day before battle, the thread will be up soon.

Join to help Gerra on his conquest, or join to stop the tyrant before his domain grows even further!