LFG - Quest Rogue's Hollow

Character Biography
Along the northeastern fringes of Falwood as night falls on the land, a riverside town of diminished grandeur offers the only refuge as a storm creeps in from the east. As you approach the town with seemingly no name it may seem quiet, but arriving at the gates proves there is indeed life behind it’s walls. Should the guards let you pass and fail to give you direction, perhaps one of the sparsely seen and clearly troubled townsfolk who are hurriedly making their way home would point you to the town square. Located there is the town’s inn and the shelter you may seek, but that is not all you find. There in the square a strange gathering has taken place, which no one present seems too inclined to speak of in detail. Perhaps the local innkeeper knows more…

Hanging out over the entrance the sign reads The Rogue’s Hollow

Hello chroniclers, and welcome to Rogue’s Hollow. I’m excited to kick off a little story I’ve been working on and hope to find some fellow writers to help me along the rest of the way! I tend to be a little more long winded and sometimes heavily descriptive, but not every post of mine is a novel and nor do I expect one. I have a set idea but I’m open to criticism and of course melding my story with yours. I look forward to writing with you! So with that said…

Here in this solemn little town our story begins, and as the storm moves in another more malevolent darkness has taken shape. Join Erën’Thiel - an elf from the Falwoods - as he happens across a strange ailment befallen this once prosperous place. The events here take a startling turn, which leads him on a journey back into the forest and into the past of he and his people to understand and face the reality of a great and terrible treachery. The vaunted lands of Mal'Esia Aeraesar house a great secret, one it has no intention of revealing.

Looking for the sake of Erën: Preferably the benevolent sort. He has issues with dark magic types and undead, and a bit of xenophobia particularly with orcs. He'd be particularly interested with some kind seer or the like. But the ensuing events will incline him to accept almost any help offered.

Looking for the sake of Me: I would absolutely love any and all to join, if you want to show up and throw in your own malevolent undead horde or something feel free, I'll make it fit! xD Just leave a message here if you'd like to join, or jump in on the main thread that I will have posted here as soon as it's up. Also, My schedule IRL is a little hectic, but I check in often and can guarantee at the very least, weekly activity unless otherwise stated.
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"If the world were to be unseated by darkness, then it is up to us to bring the light."
You have my blade.
  • Yay
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