Letters Regarding That Favor You Owe Me

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.
Character Biography
A letter had been sent to the Krixus Estate. How long it had remained there wasn't known. The Academy's seal held the parchment together until it would be opened when the final sequence of the runes was completed. It would be easy for any dreadlord to figure out that this sequence circle is one of the first they learned. However, if it weren't remembered or put in incorrectly, the letter would burn itself to ash, unhindered in this process, even if water was poured on it.

Alistair Krixus ,

I hope you enjoyed that dance with Pirian. Regarding that favor you owe me, it's time for me to cash it in The rune drawn below might not be familiar to you other than the fact that there are multiple binding runes on top of three interlocking sequence circles. Whoever made this knew what they were doing, so much so that I don't risk trying to undo it as the consequences seem dire-- it's somehow connected to a soul, and I'm sure you remember how the Academy taught us that those exist.

I'm sure you'll figure this out,
Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh Ebersol,

It is good to hear from you, Evie. The runes you have drawn me are indeed advanced even more so coupled with their connection to your soul. Give me some time to do some research and experiments, but I am confident I will come back with some possibilities. If possible, do you have any knowledge on who created these runes or at least what culture he was from?

I shall keep you informed,
Alistair Krixus
Alistair Krixus ,

I appreciate your help. Thank you. There is only one correction I need to make, as I was too vague in my last letter. It is not for me but for someone else and their soul—I'm still unsure if I have one. They're Nordenfiir, and their Svalen is locked behind these runes. He calls it his soul, not bear form or whatnot. When I've gone over texts about the culture, it's hard to take it at face value. Maybe a language barrier?

I have no idea who created these runes. I imagine it was a Dreadlord or maybe a scholar from Elbion. Whoever it was, they were hired by the Guard to do so, years before the Revolution. It's very possible they're dead.

But I know you can do it. You can and will.

-Everleigh Ebersol
Everleigh Ebersol,

That makes things more complicated but also provides an end destination. The Nordenfir's magics likely interact in a unique way with these runes, but I am confident I can not succeed. However, is there any way that you manage to get this individual to Vel Anir. The solution may be more apparent if I could view these runes in person.

After initial research, I have cracked the first binding rune with the others soon to follow. Please note, that this will need to be done by hand, otherwise, I fear any loss in translation from my letters.
