LFG - Quest Potions and People - The Search For Rykari Roses.

Razputin Demetrius Teak

“A bit busy at the moment, Ant.”
Elbion College
Character Biography
“Somewhere out in the vast wilderness are roses that happen to multiply the efficacy of potion of healing, and due to a rather odd bout of coincidence, there happened to be a test that involved finding a resource the school happened to be slightly lacking. Their teacher was relatively well known outside of the teaching sphere as well as inside it, so she helped by putting out a quest on the board for non-scholars to participate in the expedition, one for each group under a different name. The day after and a short introduction later, she paired up groups in threes and arranged for a caravan to bring them to a town rumored to be nearby their prize. Thus, Razputin sets off with his teammates and braces himself for the difficulties ahead.”

- Summary of the events leading up to the quest.

Alright, Gerblin here to explain the more specific details. First off, there is a risk of death (Obv up to you so risk might be the wrong word) by a Night Hag, as the monsters also like to look for the ingredient to increase the potency of their brews. Expect traps and distractions and such. A full adventure that may take multiple days in IC time.

Also, on an equally serious note, this story will have an undertone of bullying as far as Raz is concerned due to his partners being best friends who are both jealous of his early successes within the college and totally eager to bring him down a peg by any means necessary. If this subject triggers you in any way, please do not join. Though, If you have an Elbion College character and want to be a part of his group to replace one of the NPCs, I might skip that idea altogether in favor of building connections within the school.

Overall, the point of this for Raz and therefore me is meeting people possibly inside but mostly outside the college. This is my first time doing something group related like this, so pardon if parts of or the whole thing is formatted wrong.

If you’re interested, I’m happy to have ya along, there’s no requirements.
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Razputin Demetrius Teak Hello! Razputin seems like an interesting character and I think Lilette would find him interesting too!

If you don't mind her Shakespearian speech and if a Vampire's presence wouldn't upset the balance of your story than I'd like to bring her into this if possible. She's a budding alchemist and doctor whose trying two of her own diseases, one of which saps her magic and makes her quite jealous of mages. If things become dire however, she is an experienced warrior even if unrefined.

Idk that she would be a member of the college exactly, but I could see her briefly visiting to learn about things or just in the area looking for the Rykari Roses for her own healing mixtures if you'd like to meet her. Ik she'd be very interested in meeting some of your ghosts, if she knew
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Die, I'm open to that. The school will not directly hire mercs for this mission, but the petals are valuable and perhaps that would be enough of a lure? As for Lilette, if she was really interested he would probably be gullible enough to believe she was a mercenary or adventurer as well with a bit of persuasion. I can replace my bullying plot with interactions with you two, because perhaps a budding friendship with Lilette might lead to him wanting to visit the Empire, and maybe a tale or two of Alliria could lead to a trip there as well in Vandor's case. If you two are still up for it, that's a whole team!

Die Shize Lilette Blackbriar