Private Tales Pass the Knife

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Perrine inspected the healed nose, smiling at her work.

Vittoria's hand had reached to gingerly handle her nose, perhaps still feeling the effects of a broken nose before her body registered that she had been healed.
"We all had been trained out of being responsive to words before we even reached twelve years of age. She is a liability when left unchecked."

The Proctor wandered to her desk, taking a seat and lounging in it. "You are correct, Larrainth. Words should not bother you as Initiates ready for graduating, but it was not just the words that triggers Marcia. The rivalry you create Vittoria can affect how your peers view you. I told you to create challenges by encouraging your classmates to be better, to use your ability to read them and steer them down a path that will challenge you."

Vittoria straightened her spine, lifting a brow.

"How do you challenge someone when you are not lifting them up? The effect of your taunts do not help her." Perrine nodded to the other Initiate that sat on the other side of Perri's classroom.