Private Tales Out of Place

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Occult Investigator
Character Biography


A Crow cried out, but Baise barely spared it a glance. Fabrice was just complaining because he wasn't used to the cold.

"Are they going to be alright?" Jude asked. The young boy was wrapped up in plenty of layers, looking out through a small window in the furs.

"They've been in worse. They are just complaining," Baise said. They had been, too. Jude had never been through winds as bitter as these. They picked up fine drifts of snow and carried them over the ground like a mist.

Jude wasn't quite a typical child. It would take more than this to dampen his spirits.

"Why do you say you don't fit in here?" Jude asked.

They were approaching the outskirts of the coastal town.

"The Nordenfiir have never been trusting of outsiders," Baise explained. As they marched through the town, that was made quite clear. Tall and broad nords walked the streets, watching the pair from behind thick beards. Baise could not have looked more out of place in his fine and colourful winter travelling cloak across his narrow shoulders.

"That..." Baise explained, pointed to the largest building, fron which songs and shouts emerged, "...will be the mead hall. We will see if we can find a willing guide there."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Sannoru
No matter how little or gloomy a town, one could always count on having that single place to fill yourself with alcohol and brawls.

Raising heat and warmth, warmth and the stench of musk. Yeah, this was a typical mead hall up here in the frigid east. An otherwise pleasant place if you could get used to the smell.
While the typical local patrons towered over both their Norden and human kin, the most apparent outlier was the little nocturnal elf reclining on a chair. Next to them, a soot-smirched Nordenfiir woman seemed almost five times larger, not only in height but girth too.
»So? « She crossed her arms in anticipation.
»So? Ma'am, I am no canary,« Sannoru spoke, leaning so far back she might as well be facing the wall behind.
»You won't even try? Thought you elves liked the mines.«

»Never been in a cave since the day I was born.«

The woman grumbled but after an uncomfortable exchange of silence, she left, uttering: »You won't find a finer job in this town.«
The four feet of the chair met the floor again, and Sannoru watched the miner leave into the cold world outside.