Private Tales Only For A Day

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Mikko did not fall back from his investigation after the mayor declared the sign to be a mark of evil, but grabbed a rod nearby and moved away the ash that collected on the ground.
Well hells. That can't be good.
"This mark was burned onto a mage I saw once." She had the ability to render one to his weakest, paralysing them. Herself and other bandits had this blazed upon their person, but the mage showed it to Mikko when she was sure it was his last moments to live. "Fanatics... take orders from things they see and hear during a séance ."

He was forever grateful for the Guardians and his twin for coming to his aid.
  • Scared
Reactions: Lyta
"Ancients," Lyta cursed and put a hand over her mouth as if surprised it had slipped out. Mordred had told her a little of the fiasco where Mikko had been captured during duty and of a sorceress who had managed to bind him helpless. It had been hard to imagine the man who had trained her had been helpless. Mikko gave the same air of being indestructible as Brom did. It did nothing to ease her worries that someone of such dark magic was linked to this scene.

The question was, had the mark been here before the fire or carved in after to mark it as a place not to visit?

"Why could those inside not get out?" she asked, almost afraid of the answer. The mayor frowned as if he too were realising the implications.

"Well... We thought a bar must 'ave fallen across the door and they couldn't move it but... There be no signs of such a thing. It could have burnt up in the flame but maybe..."

"Maybe they could not move..."
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko, with his face half turned to Lyta and half to the sigil, pursed his lips in thought, contemplating on whether he should share his next news.

"I had a run in with a group branded with this. After that incident, I did some investigating... They are of an Order that serves a fanatical being that feeds on magic. The particular group that I... had a run it with, were hired for other reasons to shake loyalty in Valenntenia... but one of them was a mage. She got away in the end, and it drove me mad that she had escaped." Mikko looked to Lyta, then to the mayor.

"Did anyone have an inkling for magic living here? Or perhaps dealt with anything with magical properties?" It felt as if he was starting his leads anew again.
  • Scared
Reactions: Lyta
"N-no, not that I know of anyway," he had taken a healthy few steps back away from the sigil. Lyta could practically feel the fear rolling off of him; she did not need a stone to tell her such. "People thought Agnes were a witch but like I said... we don't be throwing those kind of accusations about. An' why would she kill her own daughter?"

Lyta had to agree, it did not make sense for one of those who had suffered the most to be the person who had set the fire in the first place.

"Did Agnes have any enemies, or anyone else who lost someone here? Or anyone who might have had dealings with outsiders?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
The Mayor shook his head.

Mikko glanced at him briefly before looking to Lyta. "Let me take another look around and then we should head back to the village. Try and ease their worries..." And he gave her a quick, reassuring smile before nodding to the Mayor and went ahead to give the farmhouse one last inspection.

Upon finding nothing else, Mikko flicked more ash away before the sigil, finding nothing else of note.

"May I ask you, Ser, what it was the fanaticals wanted of you?" The Mayor asked.

Mikko lifted one brow, weighing his answer before shrugging. "They mainly asked me questions about the Absalon. Maybe something about the Stones... but what I came to learn of it all was that it was all calculated and thought out plans of attack. They had brought in that mage to deal with the muscle, wipe us out as quickly as they could..."

They had all began to walk back to the village, Mikko placing a hand at the small of Lyta's back to guide her beside him. It was important to him now not to let her drift too far from him, to keep her within reach if anything dangerous came to be.

"While the Dream Guardian works on helping ease and soothe the people, I am going to need to speak with anyone that knew or saw Agnes recently. Is there somewhere with lodgings for the both of us? Ideally rooms next to one another?" Close enough to keep an eye on her, keep her safe.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Lyta
The fanatics would get no such information of the Absalon from ordinary folk such as this. Did one of them have a deeper connection to the capital that even the mayor was unaware of? It seemed doubtful. From what she had seen of the village so far the folk here looked to him for guidance, much like the Guardians looked to Solomon. An uncomfortable feeling itched at the back of Lyta's neck.

"Ah, not really," The mayor rubbed at the back of his neck. "Most people don't stop over 'ere, they prefer to carry on to the Town - more choice. But I do 'ave a spare room at the Tavern. Ye would 'ave to share - sorry M'lady. Or your knight could bunk with my young grandson, not like any of us really be using 'em with these dreams...."

"No, it is fine Ser. You have done enough for us and your grandson should try to sleep," she took a deep breath and resisted the urge to glance at Mikko lest she blush. It had never bothered her when Brom had shared her quarters before, why should it bother her if Mikko does? "I promise, you shall all get some sleep tonight. The stone would not have it any other way," she offered what she hoped was a comforting smile.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko did his best not to react to the idea of sharing a room with Lyta. They had slept in nearby to each other the previous night, they could surely share a room... he would even take the floor and leave the bed to Lyta...

Best think about it once they get there, he supposed.

"Best night of sleep I got in a long time, last night with the Dream Guardian keeping me safe." He smiled, trying to lighten up the mood as they headed back. "Should do a great number of villagers some relief getting some proper sleep."

Of course, he would stand by Lyta as she worked. The moment she would exhaust herself, he would be there to keep her present and alert. It was probably best they organise something to eat, give her the energy to work. He had no concept of how the Stones worked, but he knew not much could be done on an empty stomach.
  • Bless
Reactions: Lyta
The Mayor cast a dubious look to the crescent moon rune that sat against her forehead but he did not offer a word of complaint. He was a man without options and he would take whatever he could. Silently he led them back to the village where more villagers had emerged. It appeared the Mayors grandchild had gone about in their absence claiming a Guardian had come to help them and vanquish their nightmares. As they passed people called out and some even fell to their knees to beg or say thanks for their coming. Others wept openly in their families arms.

Lyta tried not to look too closely, giving the odd nod and smile to those who stepped forward to try and brush their hands against her as though that might somehow bless them. She took a subtle step closer to Mikko as they progressed and only relaxed once they were inside.

"I'm sorry about tha'," the Mayor ran a hand down his face. "We didn't think anyone would be able to help... not tha' would come anyway," he offered what appeared to be an apologetic look. "Come on, let me show ye to your room then."

Up the crooked stairs he took them, his bulky frame making more than a few steps squeal with alarm. Lyta followed behind with Mikko drawing up the rear. There were four doors on the second level.

"There's da washroom if you need it, and my rooms 'ere should yer need me in the night," he motioned to the first and last doors. He walked straight past the second which Lyta took to mean that belonged to his grandson, and stopped at the third one. Inside the room was small but tidy. A single sinking bed sat in the middle but there was little room for much else furniture. A threadbare rug sat in front of the fire and there was a small chest in the corner for belongings.

"I'll ah, ask me wife if there's any supper left we could share."

And with that he left them to it.
  • Bless
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
"Well... this is cosy."

He supposed he could sleep on that rug if he brought his camping gear up. He was used to sleeping on uneven terrain, and so a rug before the fire sounded like a treat to him.

"You want to freshen up before supper? I can go fetch our things and bring them up. Give you time to rest before seeing to the village."

The way they bowed before her, called out to her as they were coming back through... it reminded him of the way people in Valenntenia reacted to Kaira. The Guardians that give out relief and blessings were always respected, especially when the people prayed to their Guardians. Mikko was used to crowd control. He was glad it came in handy today and he could help keep Lyta moving and away from prying eyes.