Bernard dropped off his pack, yawning and streeetching out his limbs. He shook out his hands and glanced over at Thren, looking him over once before turning back to himself.
The members around them made quick work of setting up camp, the caravan well-worn travelers and efficient in their tasks. Bernard stood off to the side, watching without really understanding. Everyone looked like swarming ants to him, carrying parts of this or that, that when finally put all together made the place look like a real camp.
A few firepits were built up and brought to roaring life. What fresh food they had was cracked open, ready for when the coals were properly stoked.
Bernard tighten the last strap on his breast plate and walked over to Thren, jerking his chin in greeting. "Ready, old man?" That ever-present grin shone bright.
The members around them made quick work of setting up camp, the caravan well-worn travelers and efficient in their tasks. Bernard stood off to the side, watching without really understanding. Everyone looked like swarming ants to him, carrying parts of this or that, that when finally put all together made the place look like a real camp.
A few firepits were built up and brought to roaring life. What fresh food they had was cracked open, ready for when the coals were properly stoked.
Bernard tighten the last strap on his breast plate and walked over to Thren, jerking his chin in greeting. "Ready, old man?" That ever-present grin shone bright.