Private Tales Old World Clues

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Alteria was busy, likely making preparations for their excursion, by Azlat's belief. Dauner told of his attitude towards his stated life's events in the meantime.

"Well, that's all in the past, and we need to move on with our lives, right? We all do" Dauner remarked, causing Azlat to pause silently for a moment and give the comment brief reflection. She could not agree with the sentiment, nor could she let go of her hate with such ease. It hadn't even been two years since the tragedy that had claimed her husband and daughter, slain by those northerners they had extended invitation to.

Barbaric filth. She'd no further mercy for them, for she had been shown the error in granting them any. It had become such an unfathomable concept, and she couldn't understand how Dauner could let go. Perhaps a tall tale, spurned to generate sympathy.

Hmph. Deceit. Not that she could judge, if that were the case it was the same strategies she often used. She couldn't deny the need for it with these northerners.

"Smells good, Azlat. You and Dauner there could make a good combo for lunch, however." Valdr remarked.​

“Only the be͞st food to travel on.” She replied cheerfully to Valdr, holding the jar in her hands. Dauner had brought bread, a staple of travelling rations and a commonly kept food while Azlat had stew. Far from ideal for a trip, it was nonetheless delicious. For that quality alone, she'd selected it the day before. She'd also brought more sensible rations, cheese, jerked meat, and even bread, too. That food tended to take longer to spoil however, and consuming the more perishable stew first was sensible. Besides, she craved stew more than bread – but she did have an excess of it. She wouldn't trust it for much more than a day, and didn't care to risk having food poisoning spoil her chance at a hoard of gold.

“I've got mo͟re than I can make a me̴al of, if you're agr͟eeable to trade.” Azlat remarked, turning to Dauner as she spoke in wait for his answer to her offer.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
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Dauner had noticed Azlat's pause at his comment. Upon closer observation, he could recognize the look on her face. He'd seen it so many times before. The first time being on his own face. A rage buried beneath. The unwillingness to forgive. The desire to sate yourself with your enemies blood. Those were practically the things that made him who he was. Feelings harbored at those who caused the demise of his house when he was but a lad, 14 years of age, and slaughtered all those he could call family. A story long erased from history in order to take away the one justification he could claim to wipe away several families of the nobility of his country.

He could understand, because he had only been able to bring himself to forgive them 200 years after, when they themselves had become history. And he sure as hell was not willing to give any sobby advice. In fact, the only advice he could give, would see her at the center of an all out war of her country against whoever her enemies were, and Dauner only ever did that when he had a bone to pick with someone. Too much death usually came from this, and it wasn't his desire to cause such just for entertainment. He wasn't that screwed up yet. For now, he'd keep quiet about it.

Sitting by the tree, Dauner couldn't help but eye Azlat's stew. Though his bread had been taken fresh from the oven that morning, and been kept in their wraps since then, giving them little chance to carry any unwanted microbes in the course of moving to the shops and putting up for sale, it was still just bread. Although it could fill the stomach, not that he needed to, it was still lacking in terms of taste. Reason why he had planned to go hunting for fresh meat as soon as they arrived. It was cheaper than buying them. However, They were still only halfway there, and thus, he couldn't leave the group to go hunting on his own yet.

Dauner's ears stood alert upon hearing Valdr's comment. It could be his chance to get some of that stew. Azlat's words came as music to his ears. He immediately pulled out another wrapped loaf, still containing a bit of the oven heat in it, and a bowl, almost as though he'd prepared for this even before setting off earlier that morning, and extended them towards Azlat with a grin. "If you insist".

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Valdr watched Alteria as he circled and circled, before finally finding a spot in the shade. He watched even more curiously as the older man pulled out a tome of sorts, weathered from the road but still bearing the secrets of a traveled man. Magick was curious to Valdr. It was the source of many evils, and even fewer goods.

Perhaps it was an unfair outlook, for he spent his life seeing the evil that came with it. "Where were you trained?" He would ask Alteria. "Three of my siblings have the gift, but one was forced into the Dreadlords. His time there.. has definitely changed him."

He would glance briefly at Azlat and Dauner, smirking as the pair began to delve into his suggestion. His gaze shifted back to the wizard as he fished out some salted pork and took a bite. A few thoughtful chews later, and he would wash it down with his flask.

Alteria Eos Azlat Ushus Dauner
"I've only heard so much about the Dreadlords. Can't say I agree with their methods of recruitment, though you can't argue against the Dreadlords' effectiveness in battle."

Without taking his eyes off of the book he was reading over, Alteria answered Valdr's inquiry about his training. But it came with a note of regret. "I trained in Elbion. The Order of Trances, if you've happened to hear about it. I wouldn't be surprised or offended if you hadn't. The order's been long dead, died out before it made a name for itself in the midst of a bandit raid for some rumored artefact. We were still building up our principles, researching and experimenting, testing techniques.

"At the time, only a few of us were able to use trances in such a stressful situation. One has to maintain a focused mind, but seeing helpless colleagues getting cut down was understandably too much for most to take. Up until that point, our only targets were dummies."

Alteria shook his head as he flipped over a few pages, the one he settled on had a collection of runes and some description of what they were. "How familiar are you with rune magic? I'm curious if one of your gifted siblings ever mentioned it."

Azlat Ushus Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
Treachery was no doubt all these northerners knew, and Azlat truly wished she could teach them of Thagretan might and superiority. To see them slaughtered would absolutely elate her. Why, she might usher the chance to bring true civilization to these savages. The wicked would die, and the survivors would learn of true gods they ought give worship to. Under the guidance of His holy teachings they might become better, and they had shown the need to be guided by force. They had, after all rejected him when He had graced them with their presence – such was the ignorance and foolishness of the northerners.

Azlat had little clue Dauner was anything beyond a young, normal human. One that she believed to be younger than her, though reality was far from the case. Nor did she know of his demonic nature, though it was doubtful she’d give much care to the fact even if she did. Dauner was no demon Thagretis recognized. Perhaps those pagan priests of the northern religions might, but Azlat held no esteem for their opinion. Anything sent to spread suffering to them was surely deserved, anyhow.

“Oh, I abso͜lutely do”
She replied with a grin. He promptly pulled another loaf of bread he happened to have, still wrapped. He’d also brought a bowl as well, which would be convenient for sharing the stew. With care, Azlat began to pry the corked lid off of the jar held steady in her other hand, until it jumped off with a pop. Tucking the lid away, Azlat scooped some of the stew out and into the bowl with a wooden spoon, steam subtly wafting off it as lumps of meat and vegetables tumbling onto the bowl. Thick sauce slowly spilled from the tilted jar, filling the spaces between while more bit of stew tumbled in. Once served, Azlat tilted the jar back upright, now devoid of half its contents.

Breaking off a piece of bread, she dipped it into the stew to douse it in sauce before taking a bite, before digging into the stew itself.

Delicious. Well worth the price, and all the much better with fresh bread to enjoy along with it.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
Dauner had his own idea of the three essentials of any proper adventurer needed. A bowl, a spoon, and a fork. And he made sure he had one of those with him at all times. The dark energy compression in his jacket pocket made sure he could carry that and a few more items without inconvenience.

The stew made his lunch that much more enjoyable. But silence would only end up boring him to death, though. As Valdr and Alteria made small talk, So too will Dauner attempt to, with Azlat.

"So, Azlat. You don't look like you're from around here. What brings To these parts?"

She did indeed look like she wasn't from Around Alliria, but what intrigued him wasn't where she actually was from, but why she, as a priestess, had not yet realized, he was a demon, and if she had, then why was she acting as though she hadn't. Almost every encounter Dauner had with priests before ended in them trying to kill him, only to die in the process. This had made Dauner extra alert around them, so satisfying his curiosity felt like a must.

"Remove the humanity from anyone and they make a good weapon." He mused to Alteria's first remark. For a decade his younger brother had been amongst the others at the Academy. He hadn't lost his personality, but who knew if that was an act or not for the benefit of the New Republics claims.

As Alteria spoke of his own Order, Valdr would sigh. "Cant say that i have heard of them." He would confess. "I am sorry to hear about your kin... it seems Elbion has had a rough run for its mages for some time." Then again there could be no shock there, Elbion was always a target for the greed of the Empire and in recent years they had only gotten worse.

"Rune magic? I don't know much of it.. but.. Drastus has a fire rune on his forearm. It looks merely like another one of his tattoos, but if you pulse magick through it, it activates."

Alteria Eos | Azlat Ushus | Dauner
"Unfortunate as it is, people will want to bring others down for one reason or another. Unless someone deciphers the secret to reversing the flow of time, all we can do is follow the flow."

At the very least, Valdr has seen a rune in action, so Alteria could skip right to the basics. "With rune magic, the rune has to be etched or drawn on something, such as one's own body or a sword. Our way of casting spells is based on the runes, but rather than painstakingly crafting the rune, we'd need only a sharp imagination. Draw the runes in your mind and project them into reality. That was Kirin's vision. But to do so with any degree of reliability or effectiveness, your mind must be in meditative tranquility, which is where the trance come in."

Alteria was no longer so fervent with guarding the secrets of his order. The prohibitive nature of it alone would discourage the average person. As for those who might misuse it, well, that was not much of a concern for him. Every magic school has their share of people who would abuse the power they had.

"Falling asleep is the biggest obstacle when you first practice putting yourself in a trance. You have to get real close to it. On the bright side, you will no longer have nights where you have trouble falling asleep."

Azlat Ushus Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
"So, Azlat. You don't look like you're from around here. What brings To these parts?"

“No, Thagre͝tis is far away, on the long lost cont̀inent of Malakath, to the so͘uth and east. A bit less than a year ago, our long do̷rmant portal stone activated. For re̵asons we do not kno̶w.” Azlat replied. The invaders had not used the stones, having made their incursion by sea a year prior. Which had meant that Thagretis could make no pursuit of them, much to Azlat’s dismay. Initial grief transformed into fiery hatred, and never was there a moment she didn't wish to return the violence they'd inflicted upon her city. The portal stone's activation removed one such barrier, but she remained beholden to her surviving children. Initially.

“Th͟ou͜gh we enc͜ounter͟ed a del̸eg̷̨ati͞o҉n a year pr͟ior to th͠at. It di͡d no̵t go well.” She added, leaving matters at that. Azlat didn't care to expand any further. The hateful glare she wore likely told plenty.

“Thus, I am on a mis͞sion of... diplo̶macy and discovery.” Azlat concluded. The given mission was solution to the concern over her surviving children, and desire to face those responsible for the deaths of her daughter and husband. Now, she could spread His holy name, slay those she despised, and to provide for those she dearly loved. Azlat had jumped at the opportunity.

"Remove the humanity from anyone and they make a good weapon." Valdr mused aloud in his conversation with Alteria.​

Azlat couldn't help but pause again at the words, even though they hadn't been pointed at her. Dear Valdr would never make such an insinuation. He was talking about the dreadlords, cruel and heartless killers fielded by his homeland. Her own recent violent musings weren't lost upon her, but that was different. She wanted to kill for proper reasons. With that notion, she averted the discomfort of giving the comprison any further consideration.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
Dauner remembered having read about Malakath, being one of the three major landmasses on Arethil, from the library in Alliria. He was new to this world, so Alliria, a few parts of the Allir Reach, were all he'd ever been to. He did have plans to expand his horizons, though. For starters, Elbion seemed like a nice place to begin his exploration adventure with. He could use the opportunity to check out these dreadlords he'd heard so much about.

The glare that crossed Azlat's face would not go unnoticed to Dauner. The hatred in her eyes was like a raging fire, just waiting to devour. Dauner wouldn't bring it up, though. All he could do was assume this 'delegation' did much more than just diplomacy. And not in a good way.

“Thus, I am on a mis͞sion of... diplo̶macy and discovery.”
"Right..." Dauner said, a sly grin escaping his face. For all he had observed of Azlat, he doubted very much that the diplomacy she was talking about was one which ended with just talking. But then again, diplomacy was something which tended to have many different forms, each requiring its own skill. Speechcraft wasn't the only part of it. Assassination, subterfuge, threats. These were just a few of the tools of diplomacy Dauner knew of.

"Remove the humanity from anyone and they make a good weapon."
Dauner couldn't agree more. There was no better weapon than a sentient one with no humanity and absolute loyalty. Dauner remembered having faced many such people before. This had lead to the rare occasion where Dauner was blamed for destroying a city he didn't actually destroy. But it was much easier to believe the Great Demon Monarch had destroyed the city, than to believe that it was assassins sent after him that had done the deed. He began to hope he didn't get into any trouble with these dreadlords. Breaking someone's best weapon would no doubt arouse his wrath, and Dauner was confident in not being able to stop himself from outright trying to destroy the entire institution if they push him far enough. He was a carefree demon with anger issues, and it was still too early for yet another world to declare an inquisition against him. Though that would come in time, eventually

Valdr would nod along with what Alteria was saying. Some of it he understood, some of it he didn't, but the pieces were falling in place and the new knowledge was being absorbed. It also wasn't lost on him how impressive what Alteria was talking about was.

"So you're able to just imagine runes into existence?" He would ask. "There is no more impressive a feat. From what I understand of it, it takes great control and focus to even call upon it." He would grace Alteria with a laugh at the light-heartedness of what he said.

"So then.. I have a question. If the Rune is drawn on someone.. is their a way to trace the magick back to its source? As in, who did it?"

Alteria Eos | Azlat Ushus | Dauner
Although Alteria never saw himself as the teaching or mentoring type, talking to someone who was interested about his type of magic was gratifying in a way. Though perhaps just having anyone to talk to at length would have the same effect, who could say.

"It's more... imagining the runes and making their effects appear in our plane. Creating runes out of thin air is a possibility, with the right understanding of the arcane, but we had steered away from it at our master's urging, as that would reveal our spells to anyone who understood the runic language."

Kirin was a secretive soul, though he justified it by saying that the element of surprise was a mage's strongest trick. With the right combination of runes, a tiny fireball could mask a larger explosion, or deceive the eyes by making it take an appearance of something else. He spoke of many possibilities, which was how Alteria ended up joining the order.

Valdr asked if a rune's originator could be traced, and Alteria had to think about it for a moment. "If its drawn in blood, then most likely, yes. There are multiple possibilities, but it would depend on how the rune was drawn. With a special ink, the composition could be traced much like how you would find the blacksmith that created a weapon or tool, provided they have a process that is somewhat unique to them. Although I have heard that some people can tell apart a person's aura or arcane presence, in which case they'd be able to tell who matches a rune's originator, that is if they also applied their own magic on it. I'm not particularly familiar with the kind of magic, but I believe that would fall under scrying magic. That is, if you approached a true practitioner, and not some sideshow attraction using vague 'readings' that lets you fill in the gaps."

Alteria would then ask his own question. As a lad, he was on a path towards swordsmanship, until the world of magic grasped his attention. "When you fight with the undead, do you apply certain techniques against them other than the choice of metal of your sword?"

Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Azlat Ushus Dauner
It took a moment to quell that fury burning within her, lest it inspire off-putting words before the companions she required for the adventure. By the look on his face, it seemed Dauner had noticed.


His brevity was fortuitous, given that she was teetering ever close to a hateful tirade. Besides, they’d no doubt consider her delusional, consider their gods had been largely forgotten by the northerners. Dauner’s wisdom on the subject would be surprising to her, yet commonplace to any who had recently studied geography as he had. Perhaps he knew, but given the odd aura he clearly had allegiances to something other entity. At least he looked neither Annunaki nor Celestialist; what the northerners considered holy disgusted her.

“And yo͜u? I’m curious if you’ve a͝nỳthing to share. Wh̷ere do you hail from?” Azlat inquired back, after swallowing a mouthful of food. Best to be vague. As curious as she was about him and what she sensed, she didn’t want to be seen as nosy. He might be guarded about that, for all she knew. Her encounters with those pledging faith to the norther gods had been foul, and the experience cemented her belief that they would purge all that did not give their gods worship.

She'd be pleased to purge them. The righteous ought not suffer the wicked.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
Dauner might have been guarded about his identity as a demon. He was in no way willing to have some righteous bastards trying to purge him in the name of some random god this early on. But he wasn't, about his origin. At the very least, the thing he was proudest about in his life, was his origins. The fact that he was an other-worlder wasn't something they'd try to kill him for... right? At least, he hoped it wasn't. As such, he had little reservation in answering Azlat.

"Oh. I doubt you've ever heard of it. It is, after all very, very far away. I come from a... different world, from this one" he said with a sigh from nostalgia. He kinda missed messing with the gods, immortals, and humans from his world. Dauner had no prejudice against gods, only against the more hypocritical ones. Like those who tried to outlaw his existence. Since it was very costly for gods to descend upon the mortal realm, he had little fear when he toyed around with, and corrupted several of their believers. It was a fun, good old days. Which was why he really regretted falling for their trap, and getting banished to the void, where he spent the last few millennia, imprisoned. That was his life's greatest shame. A tale of friendship, trust, and betrayal.

"I was born in an illustrious city, to a wealthy merchant. I had a few dozen brothers and sisters, from my dad's other concubines". Dauner cared not to mention any names, since they'd all be foreign to pretty much everyone in the group. But he didn't mind saying them if asked.

Dauner smiled at his words, as he reminisced on those days. The bitter melancholy that was his life.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Azlat Ushus
Valdr listend to Alteria speak, first of the Runes then in response to his own question. For years, he had known the truth of the manor fire, but he knew there was more. And now, he knew that there was a possibility it could be tracked? He would discover who it was and kill them. Alteria himself, would possibly be able to note the joy in Valdr's eyes that such tracking could be possible. It was a longshot.. but it was possible.

"Thank you for your knowledge on the subject.. I will lock this knowledge away for use once we are done here. You've no idea the hope, that you have just inspired." His tone reverently, as he bowed his head respectfully to the old mage.

Then it was his turn to ask a question. "Target the head of lesser re-animated. Silver is the most effective means to kill undead bar anything enchanted with holy magicks. But for weaker undead, removing the head will work. Fire is also effective. Undead without limbs still have a lethal bite. If it is a wight or ghoul, only fire, radiant, or silver. Anything above that, and we fall back. Even then, this could all change if there is a high caliber Necromancer present. They can make them faster, stronger, more resistant." He would say, glancing past Alteria to their party. To him, none of their lives were a worthy trade for a single magick artifact. They may have chosen the risk, but his goal was to see everyone return home.

Alteria Eos | Azlat Ushus | Dauner

One had to wonder why that would be the case, but he would accept the thanks nonetheless. He won't dig too deep into it, though if one were to ask, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious.

He then listened as Valdr explained how to deal with certain types of undead, and the issue that could be caused should a necromancer be present. He still hoped that they wouldn't find such things, but ruins weren't known for their tranquil atmosphere.

"I shall make sure this will not go unapplied, should we run into these creatures. Fire is simple enough to conjure. Its deciding which rune to use alongside it that's difficult. Have to make it just strong enough to do a proper amount of damage, but not too strong that everyone else looses their eyebrows." He'd let out a chuckle as he closed his book.

"I suppose its time we got moving along. There'd be plenty of time to talk while we head for the hunters' post." He turned towards the other two and asked, "Everyone ready to take to the road again?"

Azlat Ushus Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
She'd kept cursory attention on the conversation between Alteria and Valdr as she ate and talked with Dauner. She knew the subject well enough. A priestess of Thagretis, she carried divine magic that could ward off such threats. Fire and holy magic were both at her disposal and would be ideal to dispense with any encountered.

"Oh. I doubt you've ever heard of it. It is, after all very, very far away. I come from a... different world, from this one" He replied, and Azlat took him for his word on that. He was probably right. Unless he hailed from a major city, she was unlikely to know of it. But he mentioned he was from somewhere even farther than that. Another world. She could say the same about the north – to her, all of it was an entirely new world. But Dauner specifically described it as different from this. She'd heard of places beyond even Epressa and Liadain, but she couldn't recollect them. Even if she could, they seemed an unlikely answer.

"I was born in an illustrious city, to a wealthy merchant. I had a few dozen brothers and sisters, from my dad's other concubines". Dauner continued. A few dozen! He had quite the family, and evidently quite the busy father. One who must have been wealthy to afford it. Having had an affluent upbringing herself, she needn't imagine the luxury he must have been raised in. Probably akin to her own – aside from the concubines. Her childhood had been absent that, thankfully. Outsiders were so different.

“Afflu͞ence does bri͟ng comforta͜ble living.” Azlat remarked as Dauner reminisced.

"Everyone ready to take to the road again?" Alteria question gained Azlat's attention. She'd long finished her stew and bread, and responded with an affirmative nod.

“I'm re͜ady.”

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
Dauner didn't necessarily expect an overblown reaction, but at least he expected something. He'd literally just said he was from another world, far through the void of primordial chaos. She could've at least acted surprised. But he guessed she'd somehow misunderstood the meaning of his words. He wouldn't bother correcting the misunderstanding, though. It made little difference to him who knew, and who didn't know, of his origin.

By the time he'd finished speaking, his lunch was all eaten. He'd pick up the bowl and spoon, covering them both with a tiny pitch black mist of energy. The mist would quickly fade, leaving behind a cleaned set of utensils, which Dauner would proceed to returning them to his pocket. His jacket wouldn't bulge, though, as though he hadn't put anything in it.

"Ready as you'll ever be" Dauner said, getting to his feet. He'd stretch a little, then take a deep breath, and exhaling, before once again turning to his companions.

Valdr would laugh along with Alteria's joke. "So true, but if you end up catching me on fire, it won't be the first time an ally has done that in the heat of battle. Gave friendly fire a more literal meaning." He replied with a smirk.

"Indeed it is."
He mused as he got up to his feet. He would even offer the old mage a hand to help him up as a sign of respect.

"Azlat." He glanced at his friend. "This is no time for speed dating." He teased. Once Alteria was on his feet, he moved to her and offered a gauntlet. Once she was on her feet, he would help her mount her courser.

Into the saddle, boots tucked into the stirrups, and then and skirts smoothed out. He moved as if it was hardwired into his brain, a common practice he was taught to repeat.

He then grabbed the barding for his horse and strapped it all back on. "Alteria." He would start. "Come ride Toron for a bit."

Alteria Eos | Azlat Ushus | Dauner
((ooc: Sorry, things got too busy at work. I should be more responsive now, hopefully))

Alteria took Valdr's hand for assistance, as he's not one to refuse help when offered, though it was wholly unneeded as would be inferred from his grip and the ease of which he got up. When everyone was up and ready to go, he turned to take the lead once more, but Valdr called to him, telling him to ride the horse for a bit.

He was a bit apprehensive.

"I appreciate the offer, but I haven't ridden a horse in decades. But don't worry, so long as you don't go ahead and gallop away, my legs and I will be able to keep pace."

Azlat Ushus Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar
No worries, life always takes priority :)

Another world. Azlat truly had no clue, for the northern continents were but a fabled mystery long ago. Not quite a world, but she had to wonder how many more were there? A newcomer to the mainland, their limits were an unknown. Further, she loathed the barbaric pagans and wasn't inclined to meet any of them. She'd simply no base of reference to reveal to her that such a journey was indeed an odd thing. Dauner recounted his history as if it was, and Azlat reacted likewise, completely unaware.

Despite her efforts for a polite response, Dauner seemed put off from it. Not irked, just surprised. Azlat had no idea how what she'd said could elicit such a response, pausing in perceived embarrassment from the unknown social blunder she assumed she must have made. Dauner had little to speak of either, but he didn't seem too fussed. So, she simply finished her meal awkwardly, and tossed the clay bowl away after completing her meal. The stew was all she needed the bowl for, anyhow, it'd just take up space in her belongings. Plus, it spared her the effort of cleaning it. Without the bowl, she managed to make her pack a little bit smaller to continue the journey.

"Azlat, this is no time for speed dating." Valdr remarked, eliciting a smirk from the priestess.​

“Oh th̸ere's no cause for jealo͜usy, my dear dashing Va͡ldr.” She teased back in response as she slung her pack onto her back. Once she rose to her feet, she graciously accepted a hand from Valdr to mount her courser. Hardly needing the assistance either, she greatly appreciated it. She couldn't deny his helping hand, Valdr's kind gestures never failed to endear her.

“I’ll bet yo͜u do a fair bit of trav͟elling.” Azlat remarked, a touch amazed at the man’s fitness, though she assumed he was much older than he truly was. Unlike her, he seemed much more familiar with the land. After all, this very quest had been his idea. She merely leapt at a present opportunity.

“How far ha͞ve you roamed?” She asked.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos
As the group readied itself and set off, once again, on their journey to the ruins, Dauner pondered once more on a very serious issue. One that had occasionally hit him every so often since, returning to civilization, from the void. He had no mount. Of course, to many, this was a problem easily remedied with one purchase, but to Dauner, there wasn't so easy a solution.

Dauner was used to riding the best of steeds, and not all of them were horses. For a beast to be worth considering, it needed a number of qualities. Courage and bravery were the first requirement. He wanted his steed to be able to fearlessly charge into what most would consider certain death.

The next requirement, was intelligence. One on par with the average human, or even greater. Then came strength, speed, and life expectancy. It would suck if he had to change mounts every so often. The most ideal mounts needed to last at least 200 years.

In the end, such qualities could only be found in mythical beasts, or beasts he personally trained, though the latter one took quite a bit of time. Ideally a decade, but sometimes, more. The thought of a mount would keep him in a distracted as they journeyed on.

He just smirked at Azlat. "Never a fear from me, dear Priestess. Gods above know you're too much for me to handle." She probably was, but that didn't mean she would ever lose his protection, nor his friendship.

As she was situated in her saddle, he noticed her satisfaction at the treatment, and rolled his eyes. His offer to Alteria was denied and as he turned to make the offer to Dauner, Toron snorted, nosing him, his ears pressed back. "Very well, but should you change your mind, do not hesitate to ask. Toron is patient with those relearning the art."

An odd reaction, but one that caught his attention. He had missed the conversation between Dauner and Azlat, as he was so focused on what Alteria had said and the hope it inspired.

He would continue to walk with Toron, holding the reins, should Alteria change his mind before long.

Alteria Eos | Azlat Ushus | Dauner
Alteria took a moment to reflect on his journey thus far before replying to Azlat's inquiry. "After my order stopped being one, I had nothing to fall back onto, and I didn't feel like lingering in my home town. Paranoia may have had a hand in that as well, so for a time I thought to just wander for a spell, but I ended up enjoying the life on the road too much and before I knew it, my hair had already grown white. I've travelled along the trade routes from Elbion reaching Vel Anir, FalAddas, and eventually reaching Alliria and Thiria. Though I've yet to set foot in the lands of Malakath."

And yet not one place put his mind at ease enough to have him settle down. It just seemed easier to be on the road than repeating the same strokes every day in city life.

Then he'd turn his attention back to Valdr, who stated that the offer to ride the horse was still open should he change his mind. He'd smile and say, "Perhaps on the trip back as something to look forward to. That is if we don't overload Toron with what we find in the ruins."

They had already walked nearly three-quarters towards their first stop, and Alteria showed no signs of slowing down even with the pack he was carrying.

Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Azlat Ushus Dauner
"Never a fear from me, dear Priestess. Gods above know you're too much for me to handle." Valdr replied, returning a smirk to her grin, and a soft laugh to the teasing eye roll that followed.

Alteria spoke of a wandering lifestyle, Like her, he too had wandered far. Unlike her, it was because his home was no more. His order had fallen, and in the absence of community he began to travel. Azlat did wonder how, but decided the question would be too rude to directly ask. A tragedy to lose one's order. She'd know not what to do without hers, though the notion of Thagretis ever falling seemed far fetched. They may have been caught off guard, but never again would they leave themselves so vulnerable. They knew how northerners ought to be dealt with now.

“My con͟dolences for your loss.” Azlat replied, rather genuinely at that. Though she'd been necessarily amicable throughout the journey, it was the first actual empathy Azlat had beyond that she had for Valdr. The chaotic lawlessness of the outside must make the living rough for those who must contend as Alteria did. Yet he seemed to take it in stride, and had taken another path. He must have done well to travel so far, Azlat had merely heard of these places but geographic knowledge remained spotty. She had a map to tell her where they happened to be if she got that curious, anyhow.

“A fair ways to trav͜el, it must have been a while. Malak̡ath is...different. Bears are tiny co̶mpared to th͠e wildlife we have.” She said, she was pretty sure bears were the regional large predator where they were. Skycres alone were three times their size, and that wasn't even considered large on the continent.

Valdr left the offer to ride open, but Alteria passed it up. He'd certainly kept up. Dauner continued to travel silently beside them by foot all the while, while the group made steady progress towards their destination.

Dauner Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar Alteria Eos