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I'm probably like most people: if I pop in to read someone else's thread—even if I like it—I generally don't leave reactions.
But then I thought about it. Why? Why is this the case for myself and, I suspect, many others who dutifully react to posts from their fellow writers within threads they are actively participating in? Obvious answer number one is if said person doesn't use reacts very often in either case, whether they're in a thread or not—fair enough there, right?
Mostly, I'm curious as to whether or not people have this impression that leaving a reaction in a thread you're not a part of is, in some way, bad etiquette or bad form, and therefore don't do it even if they make comments about the thread on Discord or elsewhere. That would explain a lot, right? For myself, I have in the past had goofy thoughts along the lines of: "Oh noooo~, but if I leave a reaction, they'll know I'm snoooooooo~ping!" And yet, with even the most perfunctory moments of reflection, this is silly. Are there people who might think I'm snooping if I were to—from their perspective—leave a random assortment of reactions to one of their Private Tales threads? Maybe. But I feel that it's more the case that we writers like when, you know, someone is reading what we have written and, even better yet, talking about it. Hey you, reading this now, doesn't it make your day when someone, anyone, either through a reaction or direct commentary, says they read what you wrote and liked it? What force could possibly be more encouraging to a writer's creative fire?
So here I am, VigiloConfido, asking the Chronicles Board a question that perhaps you, too, may have in some fleeting moment wondered about. I'm just curious if that aforementioned impression is somehow pervasive, or if this all really comes down to something as simple as never really thinking to make a habit of "liking" something you like, even though you aren't participating in the thread.
But then I thought about it. Why? Why is this the case for myself and, I suspect, many others who dutifully react to posts from their fellow writers within threads they are actively participating in? Obvious answer number one is if said person doesn't use reacts very often in either case, whether they're in a thread or not—fair enough there, right?
Mostly, I'm curious as to whether or not people have this impression that leaving a reaction in a thread you're not a part of is, in some way, bad etiquette or bad form, and therefore don't do it even if they make comments about the thread on Discord or elsewhere. That would explain a lot, right? For myself, I have in the past had goofy thoughts along the lines of: "Oh noooo~, but if I leave a reaction, they'll know I'm snoooooooo~ping!" And yet, with even the most perfunctory moments of reflection, this is silly. Are there people who might think I'm snooping if I were to—from their perspective—leave a random assortment of reactions to one of their Private Tales threads? Maybe. But I feel that it's more the case that we writers like when, you know, someone is reading what we have written and, even better yet, talking about it. Hey you, reading this now, doesn't it make your day when someone, anyone, either through a reaction or direct commentary, says they read what you wrote and liked it? What force could possibly be more encouraging to a writer's creative fire?
So here I am, VigiloConfido, asking the Chronicles Board a question that perhaps you, too, may have in some fleeting moment wondered about. I'm just curious if that aforementioned impression is somehow pervasive, or if this all really comes down to something as simple as never really thinking to make a habit of "liking" something you like, even though you aren't participating in the thread.