LFG - Quest Of Monsters & Men

Vanya Valentine

Character Biography

"So then, shall we begin?"

And here i am, finally with a finished character. Only thing to do now is get the ball rolling so today i am going to revitalize an older idea i had from a while ago. The idea for this specific RP is not entirely complicated due to it not being fully fleshed out but i do have the basic template for the quest as well as some backup plans given how players tend to take things off the rails every so often since this IS A ROLEPLAY.

This whole quest and the way the story functions is inspired by D&D Campaigns, and what i mean by that is the structure in which the narrative is set up. Something leads a bunch of individuals to a single place, some mysterious force, event, or common interest pushes them together into a 'party' and the 'quest' begins from there.

The premise of this 'quest' with a storm that draws our adventures towards a secluded tavern on the open road not to far from a town. Reasons for these characters being at this tavern is unknown but everyone is more or less heading in the same direction. Haven't decided were on the map this takes place but i suppose anywhere will do, so if anyone has a character that can be RPed just about anywhere feel free to post below and express interest.

The thread will begin in a tavern when adventure is suddenly thrust upon us and the quest can begin.
  • Yay
Reactions: Lionel Armon
You are free to post your intros now. You can either be walking up on the inn like V was, or you could of been there for a while. I only ask that you avoid trying to do anything with the pirates i have placed into the scene, i intend to use them later.