"Whats wrong my wolf, Don't you hear the hunt calling?"
The Black Wolf seems to only have a single passion...a single desire~
She has dedicated her life to the hunting and slaying of demons, fiends, malevolent spirits, and supernatural creatures. Her work often forces her to travel the world and while she had long since abandoned her birth name the 'Black Wolf' will sometimes simply go by 'V'. After The Valentine Massacre, a tragic genocide of an entire noble family to the east that was famous for their hunting creatures of the night. Their fame however led to their ultimate downfall. Years after the massacre, The Black Wolf appeared and continued the work that the Valentine Family fearlessly did up until their eventual demise.
While her reasoning for why she hunts varies, one thing is for certain. There will be blood~

Vanya V. Valentine
Character Overview
V. Valentine, sometimes referred to by her allies as 'The Huntress' and to her enemies as 'Bloodhound' is a elusive and mysterious woman who appears to possess an unhealthy obsession with something known only as 'The Great Hunt'. One of the very last of a species that was thought to be wiped off the face of the world. While her origins are shrouded in mystery and the details about her her as a person tend to be layered in various rumors depending on who is spinning the tale there is a certainty that comes when the woman appears.
Blood is sure to be spilled.
This Gothic mistress is highly emotional and overwhelmingly passionate. She is an expressive woman that does not shy away from clinging to every emotion that can be felt or displayed openly. Vanya is cheerful, polite, and eerily whimsical which tends to throw people off to see a woman dressed in black. Contrasting against the way she carries herself and her line of work as a blood hunter. Her hobbies are vast and plentiful, having a particular passion for art in all its various forms should it be painting, literature, spoken word, music, and even dance. She oozes charisma and drips with such energetic gusto that she tends to rub people the wrong way. Having a blatant disregard for personal boundaries and social norms Vanya is a free spirit that operates with no oversight.
Vanya' personality can very easily be condensed down and defined by five key characteristics which she openly displays without even a hint of shame: Her hedonism, her blatant narcissism, her ruthlessness, her need to be validated in the eyes of the Allfathers, and her obsessive nature when it comes to 'The Great Hunt', the ritualistic hunting of powerful and dangerous prey within the world. As a hedonist, she displays a certain passion for all things grandiose in nature. Enjoying opulence, extravagant displays of might, talent, entertainment, and pleasures of all kinds. She believes her happiness is the only thing she should pursue and as a result refuses to involve herself in silly political squabbles or great struggles as she sees them as beneath her.
As a narcissist, she clearly favors herself 'The Allfathers chosen', believing herself to be a champion of the old gods in which she desires to become one of. She thinks herself a deity, godlike in a sense as she cannot die unless she gods will it, and if she becomes a goddess herself she can will herself to live forever. Because of this Vanya is incapable of accepting any point of view other than her own and immerses herself in the belief that all other beings exist purely for her own entertainment. When roused or denied, she is fully willing to use force to achieve her goals and is not beyond feats of cruelty when she feels offended. Fundamentally, however, Vanya wants to love and be loved by those she favors. She is supportive of the dreams of others so long as they are not completely against her way of life, she motivates the victims of her hunts to fight passionately and never falter, and she even donates her wealth to various organizations purely because the happiness is causes.
In short, simplified terms. Vanya is a figure of contradictions. She is an empress in her own right yet is insistent on supporting populism; she is capable of genuine altruism, very often acting out of selfishness should the mood strike her; She is self-centered but dotes on those around her lovingly rather they be enemy or ally; and she loves to spur on others to achieve their dreams no matter how good hearted and positive or grievous and gut wrenching.
Her willingness to fully embrace her hedonism comes from the fact she genuinely believes ones own happiness is more important than anything or anyone else. She wishes to revel in each small delight that crosses her path. She will even refuse to kill her prey or an enemy because she's enamored with a warrior who won't yield in the face of such overwhelming despair. It inspires her, it reminds her that people are strong and deserved to be cherished.
Being a Royalblood Vycan and one of the last of her kind, she seems less interested in killing her prey and more interested in indoctrinating them into her bloodline and religion. While she still hunts for the thrill and challenge of it, she seeks to rebuild what was lost and pleasing the Allfathers so she may be granted the status of a deity like she truly deserves.
Skills and Abilities

Vanya Valentine | The Huntress
Bloodline Overview

Thrill of the Hunt

The Black Wolf
When shifted into her Lycan form Vanya takes the shape of a malevolent, feral beast. Being so young and often resisting the monster within her she has yet to master herself and tame her curse and as a result when she does shift she becomes completely crazed and turns into a feral monstrosity. Her instinct to hunt, kill, and stalk overruns her logical mind and makes her a prisoner as the wolf takes over. This makes her both a danger to not only her friends or whatever allies may be around her but also to innocent civilians who may end up prey to the beast. While in this form Vanya gains increased strength, stamina, and speed. Not to mention the size of her wolf form rivals that of a fully grown man, making her an effective killing machine. However, while in this form she is particularly vulnerable to pure silver weapons and wolfs bane, a plant that can infect her with a horrible sickness that kills her slowly overtime and prevents her from shifting back to either form.

Born by Blood

Command & Obey
Upon direct eye contact Vanya can compel a humanoid upon direct eye contact. Those she attempts to compel however can easily resist this and it works ideally on those who are distressed, unfocused, or emotional. It is much harder to compel someone who is in a clear state of mind and completely calm and thus it becomes less effective in certain settings. Additionally, those with strong minds and powerful wills cannot be compelled at all unless forced into situations where their will is broken. Once compelled the target follows the order and intent of Vanya to the very best of their ability, regardless of the order. But should said order be something so completely against their nature such as commanding a honest, kind woman to murder an innocent child the compulsion can be resisted and potentially broken should they fight hard enough. On top of that, overuse of this ability can result in severe migraines and crippling internal pain. Certain herbs can break a target out of this trance as well, such as garlic and holywater. Additionally after being compelled the victim shows signs of them being drained mentally and physically. Speech becomes slurred, they begin to appear sickly and sluggish and eventually the compulsion will break after the body gives out and they victim loses connection with the Vampire who compelled them. However, the victim can be sustained with regular contact with the vampire who compelled them. Also, the side effects can be negated should Vanya release her grip on the victim early.

The Sight
The First Curse

The First Curse
As explained in the history breakdown Vanya comes from a line of Witches & Warlocks who made a pact with demons in order to attain power, this pact not only demanded a heavy toll on the Coven, it also granted them the ability to practice extremely potent and powerful black magic which they used to infect themselves with an enhanced variation of Lycanthropy and Vampirism which cursed their bloodline beyond all repair. As a result of this blood curse the Valentine Family grew very powerful in some fields but also became extremely vulnerable in other regards. The primary example of this is the fact they can no longer practice any other form of magic aside from Blood Magic and Black Magic, the two arts in which they were famous for preforming. Never can they attempt elemental magic or any other form of arcane without it severely backfiring and killing them. Additionally, Vanya and anyone with her bloodline suffer a crippling weakness to divine and holy magic which serves as not only a direct counter but possibly their greatest weakness beyond all else. With their blood cursed and their affiliation for the devils arcane when faced with Light Magic they are put at a great disadvantage.

The Daywalker

Lust for Blood
As mentioned above when failing to feed for longer than two days upon the blood of a sentient creature Vanya gains an unquenchable thirst and is forced into a frenzied state and is naturally forced into her wolfskin as a primal instinct. She then prowls in search for blood and will only turn back when consuming the life of another. Additionally, there is a balance to this. While a lack of feeding forces her into a feral state, over indulgence will also do the same and consuming more than a gallon of blood at once will force her into a frenzied bloodlust.

Silver Heart
A weakness inherited by her Lycan blood, Vanya gains an increased vulnerability to weapons made of Silver which cause extreme pain when piercing her skin and entering her bloodstream, causing her to become crippled and poisoned. The pain caused by silver is agonizing and incapacitating, it can be negated by antidotes prepared via alchemy but the ingredients for a cure are extremely expensive and hard to come back. Vanya only has two vials of antidote for silver should she ever get injured by it.

Bright Eyes
Similar to Daywalker, while her body takes physical disadvantage when in direct sunlight Vanya' eyes are *extremely* sensitive to all forms of light. When her glasses are removed and her eyes are exposed if a bright light is shined into her eyes she is completely blinded and suffers excruciating pain, additionally, constant exposure to light will force her into a semi-state of blindness, making everything blurry and out of focus which can impair her ability to function as a normal person.

Beast Suppression

Corrupt Senses
Blood Maledict
Perhaps one of Vanyas most potent forms of magic, her prowess with Blood Magic is something to be feared among her enemies. She displays the power to contort and manipulate others by controlling the blood within others almost as if they are a puppet being twisted from the inside, additionally, she can either wound herself or others to gain access to their blood and summon them as constructs around herself and even coating her weapons in it to amplify attacks. For example she may slash at an opponent with her sword and should they dodge or back away she can send the blood on her black slicing outward with enough pressure to cut through solid form just as a blade would. Blood Magic can also be used in ritualistic spell casting, allowing her to summon spirits, look into the lives of others and a number of other versatile abilities relating to the arcane art. However, the cost of blood magic is always sacrifice, and it can only be used if Vanya consistently reaps the lives of others. The more she kills, the more her familiar feeds on the souls and with every soul consumed he grants her power to be used in her spells. And for her standard magic she needs either her own blood or the blood of others to use as constructs, forcing her to constantly take from others so she can preform. 
Blood Maledict

Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Biography & Lore

"To survive her own darkness she strangled the stars for their light~"
Diary Entry I: My Bloody Valentine~
When people ask me about what i remember about that day i often tell them i remember nothing...that couldn't be further from the truth. I remember everything, everything about the day i was born...and the day i died. I was born, a fleeting glimpse of happiness, and of untold, bitter sorry left unquenchable to my father's pure and noble heart. My mother perished beneath the stars that night, a beautiful nova in her own right, I am always told. She was a virtuous maiden, a heavy heart and mind resting upon her judged both a gift and a curse, a flaw and perfection in the same breath. Our father raised us, little ones that had kept him connected with the former Huntress he had loved so endearingly, so tenderly that she was unsure of how such a thing was possible. Despite my birthing, I was raised a normal child, running, racing the wind and challenging the open fields outside of our immaculate home.
Deep within the outlands in which we dwelled, we carved ourselves anew in destiny. Blithe, untarnished faerie tale met an abrupt, horrifying ending. The smoggy trails of acrid smoke stroked the skies, the scent of burning, of death crept within my nostrils, burning my lungs until I spat it out in fervid acrimony and disgruntled dismissal. My family was fierce, warriors in their own right but on that dark day i can't quite comprehend how it all happened. In memoirs past, perhaps it truly was our own hubris, our own wretched fault for having commited so much sin. Mayhaps our deal with the devil had forsaken us to the ruination we now face. Our elders they stole from us, the women they reaped from us, and the children they buried within the hovel, shadows of their deepest nightmares. Their piercing screams rend me from the insides out, twisting gluttonous innards into a squirming mess of putrid snakes that claw their ways out with malignant torment.
In the blink of an eye, the flutter of sultry lashes, we were dying.
The Hunters had become The Hunted~
The trees are alight, and my people are dying. All around me, I hear them, screams, malignant remnants of past occurrences that refuse to leave my mind unhindered. The memories burn, and yet I cannot stop them from running my mind in unstoppable trek over and over again. I can still almost taste the smoke of the fires, I can feel the heat, the warmth of my blood as it drips across my flesh.
My back burns, but my whimpers, my cries of pain, have long since been silenced by the numbing slash of realization, of anguished knowing. Without even the slightest of news, the sorrowed looks of those who came to retrieve me spelled to my already grieving heart all that I need know. 'How- how many? How many are gone?' My voice caught within my throat, trapped bird wings helplessly beating against the cage of my ribs to escape past my lips in fluttering, fluctuating volume. Eventually, i found the bodies of my family, heads split from their bodies and mounted, stuffed...corpses disfigured as humans laid claim to their trophies... Among them, I recognize their frames, the broken, mangled corpses seared by fire and the glistening raze of tempestuous titania steel. Blood and burns. Pain and fear. They warped them, they perverted them. They were destroyed.
And I was alone.
They would never come back to me.
I was the only one left...i could feel it in my bones, but a wee child exposed to the horrors of the world firsthand.
To this day it is unclear to me how i managed to escape. Perhaps with aid from the outside or an opportune moment, but what i did know is that I was left to isolation. To wandering the crumbling kingdom that was self-destructing all around me. I was combed, groomed as the newest in generation of our cursed bloodline when I had had none of the tedious lessons of my eldest sister. She was supposed to be in my shoes, a proud, strong Huntress of composure and grace. She followed in the steps of our father, a benevolent man with an iron grip and a heart of fire.
He was impassioned, compassionate, driven - as was she. She deserved to be here, and I deserved to be with them, deep within the gaping maw of the starving earth. I can feel it even now, eager to consume me, to bury me within its embrace until I smother in a whole as I was with this now almost But instead...i was cut away from my family...from my pack.
I now live, a kind-hearted woman to those who know their place, but a foe to be reckoned with in my own right. No longer am I the naive child whom believed in the cherished stories of faerie tales woven and spun by my father to keep the wool placed fresh and tender over my innocent eyes. No. I am very well aware of the vicious world that lay before me, under me with merciless, gnashing maw, oh so eager to have me torn and strewn in bloody ruin upon the earth. A once soft femme had been warped, portrayed by the huntress moon as little more than nameless Artemis wrapped in the mirth of phantom shadows. A nameless, faceless fiend who prays upon those solitaire watch. No one stays safe from the blade of rapture and vengeance, a cruel fate that I have been condemned to. Within the shadows my blades of fury sing, a hymn of purest redemption, a sinister aria of tasted sanguine wine followed by the peaceful strum of delicate, damaged vocal chords.
They thought the hunt was over...but i can promise you this, oh audience mine. This is the beginning of the end...and i cant wait, to watch you burn.
The Valentine Timeline
Chapter I | The Crimson Coven: A faction of witches specializing in Blood Magic and Dark Rituals form as a direct result of other covens casting out their unwanted witches and warlocks. After the outsiders gathered they founded their own coven created for the sole purpose of using their dark magic to destroy those who cast them out, this Coven, in order to fit in with the rest of society disguised themselves as a noble family and inserted themselves into civilization as well mannered, high class nobility. This is when the Valentine Family was founded and their legacy truly began.
Chapter II | Red Moon Ritual: After many years of inserting themselves into society The Valentine Family began to plant the seeds that would secure their future, securing alliances, developing powerful weapons and armor to help aid them in the annihilation of the dark forces around them. After building the foundation for what they where the Elder Witches of the Valentine Family prepared for a ritual during the Blood Moon that appeared once every hundred years. During the ritual the Valentines made a pact with demons from another realm, bonding themselves to a contract and in the process altering their own blood which corrupted the Valentines with bloodline and cursed them with both great power and great burden. This pact granted them increased performance in their magic, allowing them to use their familiars to amplify the potency of their black magic.
Chapter III | Bloodborn: After completing the ritual the Valentine Family began to study different methods of magic in attempts to find a way to create the perfect hunters. The Valentine Family were famed beast hunters, slayers of witches, demons, spirits, undead, cryptids, and other supernatural or malevolent creatures of the night. Eventually they managed to get a hold of blood a potent strain of Vampire blood as well as Lycan blood and dedicated time to combining the curses within a single host via blood magic. After many failures and botched attempts they managed to successfully infect their already cursed bloodline with the strain, creating a hybrid between the two illnesses which mutated and evolved into something much more powerful. Gaining both the perks and flaws of both sicknesses along with added abilities unique to their specific strain which became embedded into the family bloodline which became passed down from generation to generation, making the original 'illness' that infected innocents around the world into a valuable asset that allowed the Valentine Family used to their advantage in their hunting of the creatures of the night, including their own kind.
Chapter IV | The Blood Hunters: After the success of the blood ritual the Valentine Family created a new order of hunters that were originally known as 'Prowlers' by the family itself. Learning control over their newfound gifts and utilizing everything they had previous learned and mixing their blood magic, arcane knowledge, and the traits of their enhanced bloodline to fully dedicate their lives to what they came to call 'The Great Hunt'. For centuries the Valentine Family become infamous for their work, gaining skepticism and fear from the general populace who suspected them of Black Magic and dealing with the devil, but due to their contributions to society most turned a blind eye to the Blood Hunters and their work. But as time went on and people began to understand just what their accursed blood was capable of Prowlers then gained a number of nicknames from humans. Blackbloods, Nightstalkers, Darkspawn, and a collection of titles that humans used to dehumanize the Valentine Family and discriminate against them. Despite their work they do eventually humans began to despise and fear them just as much as they did the beast they dedicated themselves to hunting. Most nations ex communicated the Valentine Family and were sentenced to exile and while they happily shouldered the hate it is this sense of fear and mistrust that lead to the downfall of the Valentine Family.
Chapter V | The Valentine Massacre: It is still unclear to this day what led to the Valentine Family Genocide, some suspect that the supernatural creatures they had preyed on for centuries returned to reap vengeance of the family. Others think that The Templar Order had something to do with it, others think the Valentines simply destroyed themselves. Whatever the case my be what followed that tragic day was an act of murder so foul that it left the land scarred and the rivers poisoned red. The Valentines slaughtered like cattle, women crucified, children decapitated, and entire families blood hunter or not dismembered and their heads put on spikes around the countryside they occupied. It was believed that after that day the Prowlers were no more, and seeing as those who did escape were hunted and killed as well left most believing that was the end of the Valentine Family. And they were right...until recently a mysterious young huntress appeared dawning the mark of the Blood Hunter, the last Valentine~
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