Some say there is nothing as deadly as the kivren's siren call. That's because those who encounter the assassins from the Isle of Sorcha don't live to tell tells. Or warn others.
Taller than most women with lean, hardened muscles from training her entire life in the assassin's tribe. A series of tick marks span across the inside of her right arm, marking her past kills; she never forgets a job. Only her grey-blue eyes are typically visible. She wears light armor and enough weapons to make even a dragon embarrassed.

Skills and Abilities
+Intimately familiar with all body types for pressure points and to manipulate the senses from pleasure to pain
+Excellent at hand-to-hand combat, using daggers, throwing knives, whips, and rope
+Excellent survival and wilderness skills
+Sneakiest of sneaks, winner of Hide-N-Go-Seek 20 years in a row
-Can use magical talismans that other magicians/sorcerers make but not magical herself
-Lacks typical social skills with the way she was raised/grew up
+Excellent at hand-to-hand combat, using daggers, throwing knives, whips, and rope
+Excellent survival and wilderness skills
+Sneakiest of sneaks, winner of Hide-N-Go-Seek 20 years in a row
-Can use magical talismans that other magicians/sorcerers make but not magical herself
-Lacks typical social skills with the way she was raised/grew up
Artemis is like her namesake. Goddess of the hunt. She is tenacious with her contracts and make sure the job gets done. Honor is very important to her and the last thing she would want would be to bring dishonor on her tribe of fellow assassins. They follow a very strict creed.
She prefers camping in the wilderness between jobs rather than face social encounters that towns and cities require. She's a loner and likes observing from the shadows.
She prefers camping in the wilderness between jobs rather than face social encounters that towns and cities require. She's a loner and likes observing from the shadows.
Biography & Lore
Artemis was born into the assassin's tribe of the Isla of Sorcha. With a group of fellow younglings, she was raised in the art of becoming a paid killer. Even so, honor was a large part of their creed's teachings. When she passed her trials at the age of 18, she left the Isle of Sorcha and began taking contracts, traveling across the continent but sticking closely to Amol-Kalit. With much upheaval, there are plenty of jobs to be had.