Fable - Ask Nobody Ever Looks Up

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Oriane fought hard to not fall back onto the reality to combat the hopefulness in Ostára. It was just instinct with war brimming at the edges to disturb the peace they both saw in the Falwoods.

"We can plant a tree in Thyasari, to remind us and our friends of the battle we fought together." She turned to look at the Arrow, a smile growing on her face. "You truly made acquaintances here with the Aerai..."

Oriane could not truly say she made any connections within their allies. Her whole life had been spent with the Avariel, and her comfort and duty went there first. Instead of socialising and getting to know the Aerai, she had been sticking with the Thirteen and waiting for the war to begin.
  • Bless
Reactions: Ostára
Tára wrinkled her nose and laughed.

"I'm not sure these trees would grow on our cold mountains," but the smile on her lips showed just how much she appreciated the thought. "Perhaps they will let me stay here if we manage to rid them of their demon problem. I... think it would be nice. To spread my wings a little... but I feel like father would freak." She confided with wide eyes.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Oriane
Oriane cut a side glance to Ostára, watching her curiously before allowing a smile to appear on her lips. She wrapped an arm around he younger Avariel's shoulders, bringing her in close. "Forget your father. What about me? Who is going to race against me when I am bored?" Ori even pouted, putting on the show of missing the younger one without having to say the words.

"I think you are still young enough to want to explore, and now that we are free to leave our home... it isn't a bad idea for you to finally leave the nest. I'll even keep your father company so he doesn't worry about you all the time." She offered. The Hammer was someone she was comfortable with spending time with. They had known each other too long now, working side by side and fighting the same wars they have been part of. "I think after this war, he will see that you are happy exploring the rest of Arethil."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Ostára
"I hope so," the youth sighed and spread her wings. "I am glad he has you, Ori. Otherwise I would worry," she gave the older Avariel a smile and then nodded to some flickering fires in the distance.

"I think that's the next one, shall we?"

It took three more fireside visits before a sickly feeling crept over her. It started as a feeling like she was being watched. An icy cold that crept down her spine. As they drew closer it turned into a feeling that clouded the mind too. Her shoulders sagged a little as doubt, grief, fear edged in...

"This is it," she said, suddenly realising the feelings were not fully her own.
  • Peek
Reactions: Oriane