Private Tales No Place to Call Home

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Elbion College
Character Biography
Merchant District
Some Cafe

Scrape. Scrape. Crack!

"Mm-mmph!" Gelert smacked his lips as he plunged his spoon back into the dainty ramekin and helped himself to another bite of creamy custard.

Ferenc sat back in his chair and dispassionately watched the man across from him indulge in his sweets.

"Oh, mate, you sure you won't try some? I'm tellin' you, best. In. The. City."

"I'm alright," Ferenc responds, his voice like scraping the edge of a broken glass against stone. He was content with his small cup of hot chai.

"Suit yourself. But what was it I was-"

"The cult."

"Right. Lass is on the run, just fuckin' stumbles into Artem's place one day." Gelert sets his spoon in his half-eaten dish and makes a blowing-up gesture with his hands, "All hell breaks loose. Right behind her are those same guys who've been giving us problems since last autumn. Fuckin' mayhem, Kaul. I mean, bunch of fuckin' rats, that lot. They just swarm the place, and somehow Artem gives 'em the slip with the girl." He takes another bite and continues as he smacks on his treat, "He's got nowhere to go with the girl, you know, so he comes to me. And you're the guy. You know. The guy, eh? Need you to take her off me hands for a little while. Lie low for a bit while we get this mess sorted."

Gelert leans forward to pass a small velvety pouch into Ferenc's hand, who does the same action to receive it.

"How's 'bout a fortnight you hold onto her, and we'll take her back off your hands. After the job's done, you'll get a bonus."

Ferenc nods to accept, "When will I take her?"

"This evening. Port District." Gelert smiles his trademark cheshire cat grin.

Ferenc hated this way of doing things. Exchanges in the dead of night only spelled trouble. What kind of honest folk were roaming in the late hours anyways? Thank goodness for the shattering otherwise the city guard would have sniffed out the exchange in no time.

A pair of cloaked figures, both similar in height to each other but one much thicker than the other, approached from down the road. Ferenc waited until they passed in front of him. The wider one, a man, stopped and turned to face the other. He jerks his head at Ferenc with a grunt. Ferenc catches a glimpse of a vine-like scar on the man's cheek.

Without a word, the thick, scarred man stomps off from where he came.

"Okay," Ferenc finally says as the scarred man rounds a corner and exits his sight. "Follow me."

He begins to walk the opposite way, upslope towards the Merchant District.
  • Devil
Reactions: Cyra
She never meant to cause trouble, though it seemed to follow her like her own shadow.

Until the sun’s warm rays embraced the fiery girl, there had been no documented accounts of anyone escaping the Kingdom of Nid. The new world would bring safety, she thought. The Flamebound could not hurt her here. They would not find her. They could not corrupt her with their cursed ideals and tainted souls.

Cyra couldn’t have been more wrong.

The new world, a place the local ‘people’ called ‘Elbion’ had been Cyra’s base of operations for only two months. Maybe more. Maybe less. She wasn’t sure how the calendars worked. It wasn’t ideal- eating from bins and sleeping in alleyways- but she could lie low and sustain herself long enough for those wretched creatures to forget about the young pyromancer.

She was still not entirely sure how, but they found her. Not the Flamebound per se, but rather humans. Humans tainted by that same cursed flame Eyphah’s soul was composed of.

It didn’t make sense. The records stated clearly, on paper, that no one had ever escaped. Then how…or, rather, why were there humans with those same glowing eyes of madness she thought she’d escaped? How could the cult have spread without some sort of link? Time for questioning would have to wait. In the foreign city, Cyra had either made a very poor decision or the one that would save her life.

It was never her intention to cause the owner harm, flooding his establishment with a bunch of mad men and women who wanted her life, her soul.

He was kind, or perhaps curious enough to help her however. Said he could hide her just for a short time. Said he knew someone else who could help more. Yes. Help was good. Cyra needed help. So Cyra would remain by the older gentleman’s side like a lost pup looking for guidance until she would be passed off to the next soul unfortunate enough to inherit the responsibility.

  • Yay
Reactions: Ferenc