

Biographical information
The Kingdom of Nid Unknown, appears early twenties None
Physical description
Kobaloi Female 5'3" Petite Orange Orangey-Brown Pale
Political information
Pyromancer, Teacher, Wanderer
Out-of-character information
Eilerias 7/10/2023 AI, I think

Flame, Dear Flame.


A petite girl with fiery orange hair and a permanent slouch as thought she were trying to hide from the world. She tends to be caught in dark robes that cover most, if not all, of her body. At the very least, the strange scars on her back will always be concealed.

Skills and Abilities

All things pyromancy.


A timid girl who always seems like she's lost, Cyra tends to shy away from conversation. Especially with strangers. Though, everyone is a stranger to her since leaving The Kingdom of Nid.

Biography & Lore

Cyra was born in the Kingdom of Nid, likely within Ur. As a child, she was taken from her family and brought into a pyromancy cult. It went by many names, the Emberweave Coven, Ignited Priestesses, the Flamebound, it depends on who is asked and what they know. Her prowess as a pyromancer did not go ignored by the leader, and she was brought into the inner circle- a small group of women who had...experimented with the ember's in their very souls, tainting them with a cursed darkness that corrupted them.
She resisted. She refused. She was not evil.
She would never be like them.
And so she left. Cyra ran, and ran, and ran until one day she escaped the subterranean kingdom and became the first Kobaloi to feel the sun's warm embrace.

The sisterhood hunts the little ember.


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