New here: Hi!



I just recently stumbled across this website after searching for roleplay forums. In the past, I have roleplayed in close knit groups, in roleplay that drowned my irl life because I spent too much time doing it.

I am searching for an outlet to better my writing and have some recreational roleplay fun, while also not drowning myself in that same stress bubble that some roleplays place you in. I hope that forum roleplay is different and more geared towards writing. Please, let me know what I should do, any basics to learn, and feedback!

Thank you!
Hello there! Glad to see you!

You'll find this is a very laid back format, no time pressure or expectations to perform. I recommend reading a bit of the basic lore, getting some idea of the world before you decide on a character, and once you do make one, don't feel shy about asking for partners!

Hope to see you around!
Welcome to chronicles! Don't be afraid to shout out on discord if there's anything you need help with to get started.
Nairth San'Seya those apply to everyone but you. Now get back to posting quality work or else! You got 2 minutes!

LordNano welcome! As everyone else said. If you haven't done forum RP before it is much slower pace and more writing focused. Don't need to worry about dice or stats or mechanics of any kind unless you personally like using them.
Welcome! It has been very laid back here and there are many wonderful story tellers here and lots of fun adventures to be had!