New Arrival Aboard!


Hello! My name is Purbol and although I'm new to Chronicles, I'm not at all new to RP. I spent much of my younger years on a myriad of roleplay forums and then onto roleplaying in mmos (world of warcraft, ffxiv) in high school and onwards. It has been some years since I've gotten the chance to write on roleplay forums, but I was very excited when I found Chronicles and its incredibly extensive and growing world-building.

A little bit about me: I'm currently working as a zookeeper in a small reptile zoo. I really adore anything to do with reptiles or amphibians and keep a couple species of snakes and geckos as personal pets. I also have a few furbabies, that being my corgi dog and an ancient old lady cat (18 years old as of writing this), as well as a couple rats. In my free time I enjoy playing various video games, especially ffxiv, and currently have been working at replaying the NieR series. I really like D&D as well! I'm currently going through a homebrew campaign for 5e with some friends whenever we're all able to fit our schedules together. Sometimes I also draw stuff, so you might see some doodles from me at some point!

I'm really looking forward to hopefully adding to the world and meeting new people! See you all around!
Hello, and welcome! Can empathize with the excitement, the extensive lore and detail was a major factor for me when I joined. It's been great getting into it again, and I hope you have lots of fun, too!

Looking forward to your characters and posts; happy writing!
I too love reptiles, especially snakes! I play DnD, love NieR Automata, and sometimes i draw too.

I think we should be friends.
Thank you for the warm welcomes!!

Welcome Purbol! I certainly would enjoy talking reptiles with you and I look forward to seeing the stories you spin!

Yes!!! That's awesome. We should definitely talk Reptiles sometime!!!

I too love reptiles, especially snakes! I play DnD, love NieR Automata, and sometimes i draw too.

I think we should be friends.

Hell yeah, we should definitely talk sometime! Seems like we'd have quite a bit to chat about ^^