Private Tales Monsters Hunting Monsters

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The White Flame Of House Armon
Character Biography
Jormodo stalked through the forest and valley in the foothills near the spine.
He brushed through the trees with ease, keeping his head down below the tree line and being careful to not knock too many trees over with his passing.
All in all if any were watching he was painting a comical picture of a destructively large white dragon trying to tiptoe through the forest, though he was doing a deceptively good job, in spite of his size and the obvious trail his prints left, he was moving absolutely quietly through the forest, not scraping against a single tree.

He was making his way quietly to a cave where he learned was the lair of a giant serpent that was rumored to be skilled in magic.
He wanted to see this snake for himself and discern whether she were a threat to humans now or could be in the future.

He kept his wings folded close to his body and his tale was low and sliding against the ground to keep it from causing destruction haphazardly.
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Jair was not so subtle, he was a giant, giants are not subtle, he more or less plodded through the forest letting his meteor hammer dangle off his shoulder by his side. He wasn't intentionally pushing down trees, and rolling boulders down the valley's , but there was a definite reason why giants stayed in the plains, and coastal areas. Never the less he kept to the game trails, noting the dire elk sprinting off here and there. He was by no means a competent tracker, but dire elk were quite big, and easily noticed just like him.

He was looking for magical lore in the form of runes, and had heard something of some ruins near the spine. People didn't like to go that direction for the simple fact that there was a a serpent near by. What amounted to be the serpent remained to be seen, but he's fought similar things in his life. So it was, Jair made his way towards said ruins, for runes musing on the word play with the chain on his hammer making metallic squeaks from time to time.
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Jormodo heard the movements of the giant from a long ways off, his reptilian ears picking up both the sound and the considerable vibrations in the ground that were conducted through his tail.
He judged their trajectory and calculated that the giant was moving directly towards his position. Looking back he knew he left clear signs of his passage, he was definitely no forest dragon.
Since the name of the game was stealth for him, he didn't want to risk a giant coming up on him from behind at an inappropriate moment.
He made a quick judgement and decided to wait and confront the giant now rather than later.

Jormodo laid down where he was and turned himself on his side in a completely relaxed pose, but one that allowed him full use of all four sets of claws at once.
He inadvertently uprooted several trees in the process as he lounged on his side, causing a crash of noise he would have preferred to do without.

Then he waited, tracking the giant easily by sound and smell as he made his way noisily through the forest.
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The Giant heard the trees crash, even from beyond his own plodding, and moving stuff out of the way. Something as big, or bigger than he was, was also in the forest. He raised his eyebrow at this, and cinched up a few yards of his meteor hammer just in case he needed it. The he saw it, a dragon, a bright white dragon, a huge bright white dragon, lounging against a pile of trees, and dead falls. Jair smirked at the creature, relaxed his grip on the chain.

"You know," he said slowly in the common tongue " as serpents go, you're definitely unexpected. You match the general description, scaly, and elongated. But I don't think you're it." He mused to the dragon, giving a two fingered salute above the eyebrow. "I'm Jair" He introduced himself letting the ships anchor drop into the ground with a heavy thud.
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Well, that was unexpected. He raised his head in surprise, while before it was lowered and waiting for attack. In the past he had met giants and assumed they were stupid lumbering brutes, but apparently that was not so in this new land, he took a mental note of this.
But the last thing he expected was a giant willing to talk, and this piqued his curiosity and his own insatiable desire for conversation even though he was currently on a mission, but he reasoned that he had time to talk if he were to talk of business and sharing information.
He spoke in the common tongue as well, his normally thundering draconic accent toned down greatly so as not to alarm the serpent.

"You speak well, I must say that this is the first time in nearly a century that I have been surprised. A giant with a head for conversation. I suppose it is only fitting that I follow suit with introductions."

He righted himself, laying on his belly in a still relaxed posture and his head raised with his nose slightly in the air, this is how he always began with introducing himself.

"My name is Jormodo, The White Flame of House Armon. It's a pleasure to finally be able to converse with a giant, I must say I had dreamed that this day would come."

After introducing himself he bowed his head close to the ground.
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Jair grinned when the dragon righted himself, he had seen dire wolves do the same thing after rolling in a dirt pile. It was a fun image, when all the introductions were done Jair asked "So are you taking over a territory, or is it something else that brings you to the spine this fine day?" The giant raised his eyebrow inquisitively keeping a mild smile on his face.

He didn't have to act like a dink, or overly serious warrior type he was there making conversation, with the wheels in his mind turning. Dragons were powerful conduits of magic, and while he wasn't any sort of archmage he did study magic. It would be an interesting proposition, and a potent boon if he could get the dragon to spill about magic, either lore or spells was good. Jair nodded "Well either way, if you need help, I'd like to offer my services, it's not an altruistic offer mind you, but it is genuine."

The thought almost immediately crossed our Giants mind that he was about to make a deal with a very likely devil. It was a calculated risk. He mentally shrugged, and awaited the acceptance, refusal, or counter offer.
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Jormodo let out a low thrum in his throat and regarded the giant, making the effort of focusing his eyes to properly see the giant besides by hearing and smell, it took him a moment but the appearance of the giant finally came into focus.

"It seems that the serpent is known among the humanoid locals of this part of the spine, but you are very perceptive. I am seeking out the serpent to discern how dangerous she is as a threat to the world. I wish to learn as much as I can about such creatures and their place in the monsterous higherarchy."
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The Giant nodded, and rubbed the scruff on his face mentally noting that he would need to shave soon. He listened to the dragons explanation. "Well, that's not a no." Jair shrugged, and hoisted the hundred pound anchor that acted as his meteor hammer letting it dangle about his waist, eventually he would have to get some sort of carrier for it, but for the moment he let it hang evenly off his shoulder.

Looking up in the direction the dragon was heading Jair pointed with his chin, "would you prefer I press ahead, or would you like to take the lead?" He asked being polite.
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Jormodo was slightly disappointed that his indulgence in conversation was being cut off, but he took it as a sign that he was talking too much and getting distracted.

"I am currently following the spoor of the serpent in question, so perhaps it would be wise for me to have the lead and guide us to her lair."

He gracefully stood up, his scales glistening in the filtering sunlight of the forest, He shook out some clinging debris that stuck between the spines on his shoulder.
He thought for a moment.

"I should warn you that I am somewhat handicapped on the ground, my eyes can see the hairs on a squirrels tale from over a league off, but here in the forest it is difficult for me to use my eyes.
Just so you are aware."

He began walking to follow the trail of the serpent, not looking back to see if the giant would follow, as that would be too difficult for him to ascertain with his eyes alone, but kept track of the giant by sound, smell, and taste.
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Trust me on this, play along >.> <.<

"The witching hour, the time between sun set, and complete dark, the twilight messes with your eyes." The giant commented in agreement, pointing at his own eyes, "Be careful during that time" he added looking around the forest.

Contrary to the Dragon's disappointment the conversation continued. "So monsters have a hierarchy? As in little fish eat algae, big fish eat little fish, sharks eat big fish an so on?" Jair asked curiously looking up at the creatures face. Oh he had heard lore on the great serpents of the world, the size of dragons, but more savage, fearsome, like wolves are to dogs, some had venom, access to magic, and many were worshiped as gods, or beast kings. Some were even thought to be able to paralyze their victims by looking at them.

The giant relayed as much to Jormodo, as the forest began to parse out, with the occasional white brick popping up here and there. The long lost remnants of a road picked clean, it was the indication of the long lost ruin that Jair had heard about, and a good bet as to where the serpent resided.

It was not much further after seeing the first brick, that there was a flash in Jairs mind, it was the sensation of fangs! Not a picture per-say, not even hearing the word, but an assault on all five senses. Something smacked the Giants brain good, and hard enough to make the runes on his arm, and face glow as if they were activated. Jair winced, and looked for a suitable spot to take a rest. "Feel like taking a break, and teaching me some draconic?" Jair asked taking his mind off the subject.
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Jormodo Kept an even pace following the scent, but was glad to talk some more.

"Yes, Especially among the intelligent monsters there is a hierarchy of sorts, or a food-chain as you described.
When an intelligent beast like this serpent makes its lair it attempts to assert its dominance over the other creatures in the area, once its dominance is established the other monsters fall in line or risk being eaten.
It is a rule of fear and dominance.
I don't believe our serpent has the ability to paralyze, though snakes do often have the ability to hypnotize their prey if they make eye contact."

Jormodo noticed the presence of the ruined road and took note of it. There was definitely some history and ancient civilizations to be explored in this new land which should also be reported to his Lord.
Suddenly Jormodo felt the same mental attack, or rather, his psychic barrier took the hit, but now Jormodo was on the alert.
He expected to see the giant collapse from a mental attack, but it seems again he underestimated the giants mental fortitude.
But now the giant was seeking to sit down and now was a very bad time to do so.

Jormodo froze and sniffed the air, listening for any disturbances nearby, but also mentally tracking the attack to its source.

"Stand up Jair, we are under attack."
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Oh yeah, the first law of magic was really in effect right now, especially for his forearm rune; it had a bifurcated price, the first cost came from his personal supply of eldritch energy, then the energy was multiplied by the kinetic energy from a ground pound. But when there is no ground pound the spell tries to compensate the deficit with eldritch.

He got up, with a little less spring in his step, "Oh yeah we are under attack" Jair said cracking his neck, and looking about.

The psychic attack was still some way off, but that didn't mean danger was also some way off. Trees were shuffling from one side it was enough to show that a large group of bipedal somethings, large not as big as the jolly giant, but still pretty big the size of very large orcs, or small ogres. The rustling on the other end was indicative of somethings much, much bigger. Glimpses of a pair of sixty foot long cobra's could be seen through the foliage, circling, and closing the circle.

Archers, about ten feet tall stepped out, they were not ogers, nor were they naga they were something more draconoid, they had rough thick scales, all over their bodies, their yew recurved bows were thick, and powerful. Back in time inmemorium there was a legend of a grim faced man, that live on a lake, who felled a dragon with a single arrow. It was a cautionary tale told to wyrmlings.

The entity controlling the area chose it's pawns well. The snakes were too small of a threat for a dragon of Jormodo's size, but could unhinge their jaws, and swallow Jair whole if he was not careful. The archers, while they could give no end of grief to our Giant hero, their precision, and accuracy where far, far deadlier to the physical, and eldritch powerhouse. of a dragon. It underestimated the pair.

Jair picked up his hammer, and began to swing it over his head gaining speed. He waited for his chance as the snakes closed in on him. "I am going to have to eat, when we're done with these." He mentioned to his companion.
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Jormodo gave confident snort when he sensed their opponents around them, "Pity these creatures wouldn't make a decent meal for either of us, but we cannot allow them to escape and warn the serpent of our presence."

He lowered his head cunningly, "Let me handle the archers."

He didn't need line of sight to cast his spell on them, he knew where each of them stood and could direct his magic to those even behind him.
His voice rumbled low as he spoke the casting words in draconic, upon completing the spell the archers were suddenly yanked to the earth as their arrows suddenly became too heavy to hold and the straps pulled the creatures down.
This spell didn't last long, but long enough for him to bound forward and end them two at a time with each step.
The two snakes closed in, circling, circling, until they pushed out of the trees, by then Jair's hammer had picked up speed, a lot of speed, controlled, powerful speed. As the snakes closed, the giant positioned one snake between him, and the other to discourage both to attack in unison. The first snake drew back, coiled, and made for a strike, and the same time Jair released the hammer, and smiled. The anchor, Jairs meteor hammer was on target, and there was no way for the first titano-cobra to dodge and it met the hammer with a loud crack, like thunder.

The first titano-cobra recoiled violently into the second one, and Jair pressed his advantage, recovering the rope connected to the anchor in midair building its momentum up once again, landing three consecutive swinging blows into the side of its head; the first hitting it's jaw, the next hitting its cheek, and the last more close to the back of it's head. The first cobra's face was tore up, and it slinked away, while the second rushed Jair.

Animals were rather predictable in their attacks, even ones urged by a greater force. Anticipating a frontal attack the Giant nearly danced on the balls of his feet, dipping the second snakes strikes. Jair slipped to the side, and fired off a series of rapid fire jabs into the snakes face with the rope wrapped around his knuckles.

The second cobra reared back, and its hood flashed open in a threatening manner, while the first attempted to circle around Jair, and put him in a mighty fine predicament. The second cobra was merely posturing for the moment, and so the Jiant decided to finish off the first cobra. Pivoting on his toe he performed a storm from above, driving the first cobra's head into the earth. The snakes body started to convulse as it was no longer receiving signals from its brain.

That left just the second snake, every time it tried to attack, Jair punished it with his meteor hammer. The titan sized cobra was too big, and bulky to flank Jair, and with every subsequent attack it got slower, leaving more, openings to be punished until it too finally succumbed to tremendous blunt force trauma. There in lie's the difference from a brute, and a skilled fighter. At no point in that brief fight was Jair out of control of the situation even though his two opponents dwarfed him by many times.

The giant looked pleased with himself as he reached into his back pack pulling a slab of cured meat, and began to chew on it. "So where do you come from?" He asked clearly realizing that they were in danger but he did need to refuel too.
Jormodo used his senses to track the psionic attacker, triangulating between the psionic trace with his hearing and smell to pinpoint the monster.

"Where did I come from? Well, I am not from this continent, Arethil is it? I came from a land far to the south across the sea."

He looked down at what was left of the dead creatures underfoot, he examined one of the bows that was still intact, it looked as if it was a weapon designed to combat dragons, though not as advanced as the one's he's seen in the past, probably capable of bringing down a younger dragon then he.
Although this kind of weapon in the hands of creatures like these was still nothing to scoff at.

"The country I came from is quite different than Arethil, and since this place is an unknown it would be foolish to carve out a piece without first making the unknown known.
Thus my hunt for the serpent."

He wiped the gore off his claws on a clear patch of grass.
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Jair coiled his rope after he finished his snack, listening to the dragon. He turned his ear towards him attempting to catch various bits of inflection. "What sort of magic is practiced there?" the giant asked in genuine interest. He worked in two separate head spaces, one in the common tongue that was in the present, and one in Jotun which he was working on the future.

The immediate future was going to be tough, the entity that was controlling the area knew that the pair was coming; that was bad, it knew that the pair were not slouches; that was worse, finally it knew that the pair were coming towards it. The next enemies the pair would face would be the thinking type, the kind that could at least work strategically. He would mention this to the dragon when the subject could be changed politely.

At the moment it looked like they had some time to recover what ever magic was spent. Jair took his time to draw out a small defensive rune to prevent psychic attacks he wondered if the entity thought of that as he activated the temporary tune with a bit of blood rubbed on the parchment... He found that the more ancient the medium, or the more alive it was, the more powerful the spell could potentially become.​
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Jormodo sent a slight mental pulse back at the attacking psionic creature, he could tell he scored a hit against the creature when he detected pain flashing through its mind.

"All sorts of magic is practiced there, though the laws are different in this land, it took a little time but I was able to relearn how to use magic here. The flow is different, so it was somewhat confusing at first to try and tap into it.
But it seems the basics are pretty much the same."

He sat down while the giant prepared himself, he had used a powerful spell, but that only accounted for barely a scratch in his magical reserve, the psionic attack or defense didn't use any magic for him, to achieve psionic abilities one only needed an immense level of intellect and brain capacity in order to allow your mind to expand its effects into the real world and even other minds.

Jormodo didn't often use his own psionics, but he was covered if an occasion such as this arose.
The creature wasn't dead, but he now mentally had it within his claws and he could learn a thing or two from its mind now that its own defenses were crushed.

"I have noticed, however, that enchantments and curses and such or not as efficient here. I am curious to know if that's because of a more primitive method or if it's simply a fact of the laws in this land?"
Jair scratched his jaw, about a half days growth. "I wouldn't know. I have not really studied much college magic, so I wouldn't know about enchantments. I practice rune magic, which while it does have similarities with enchantment, the ends are quite dissimilar. Where as an enchanted item carries a magical effect, a rune carved item, is an item that carries spells on that item, and are cast. I can see how it could be thought of as splitting hairs but as I have grown deeper in my knowledge of rune lore, and magical lore in general. I have found that the gulf increases as enchantment, and rune magic becomes more complex. As for how premitive magic is rune magic is the most primitive of the sort. But quite handy." He explained as best he could counting on the dragons much more vast knowledge on the subject.
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