Private Tales Missing Shipment

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
Teodron knew he should’ve left way earlier, but it wasn’t every day a senior mage entrusted one of the students with a task and he wanted to make sure everything went smoothly. Granted, said mage hadn’t recognized Teodron specifically, and granted, it seemed more like foisting off grunt work on someone else, but orders were orders. Besides, even if the mage hadn’t recognized him, that would surely change—and not in a good way—if the operation went awry.

So that meant Teodron checked, double-checked, and then finally triple-checked his supplies. It never hurt to be prepared, especially since he rarely went outside the city of Elbion and went into wilderness areas even less frequently. After careful consideration, he’d decided on a drab, but sturdy, set of brown trousers and a brown shirt, as well as sturdy boots. His bag contained parchment and charcoal, a small chisel, a full waterskin, a flint and steel, a short rope, and some rations, just in case. Beyond that, he had a belt pouch with some carved runes (nothing too fancy, just some basic protection runes) as well as some small blank rocks, and a wooden staff with similar runes carved on it, to make it sturdier and lighter. He sincerely hoped he wouldn’t have to use any of this, but better to have and not need than need and not have. Besides, he could always use the staff as a walking stick.

Only once he finally was satisfied—and couldn’t think of a single other thing to bring—did he finally check the time. He was horrified to realize he was late, and took off at a run, no doubt looking incredibly undignified as he pelted through the halls of the college, bag thumping into his back with every other step. Between that and the staff he almost tripped a few times, but somehow managed to make it to the agreed upon meeting place only a little bit after he was supposed to. It required ignoring the shouts of surprise and dismay behind him: he would deal with that later if he had to. It also meant he was sweaty, flustered, and desperately trying to catch his breath when he finally did arrive.

As always, the flow of people into and out of the city was shocking, but having grown up here Teodron was used to it. He strained his neck to see if there was someone who matched the description he’d been given; as always, there were benefits to his dwarven half, but also severe disadvantages, like the height needed to see over the crowd. Still, he wouldn't have traded away his heritage for the ability to see over the taller members of this group.

Eventually he spotted a relatively tall and muscular human with short black hair who fit the bill. Teodron was momentarily shocked to discover how young looking the man was—couldn’t be much older than Teodron himself, though the half-dwarf aged slightly slower than a full human—but recovered quickly and trotted over to the bounty hunter. “Hello, Jaken? Jaken Larsten? I’m Teodron Stonecutter, from the College. I’m so sorry I’m late, it took longer to get here than I expected.” Teodron knew he was simultaneously babbling and panting (his breath still hadn’t fully returned) but he was suddenly nervous, the sweat on his palms not entirely from the running he’d been doing.

Taking a deep, steadying, breath—Metisa guide him, this was the easy part—he regained his bearing. “Apparently, someone intercepted a shipment bound for the college. We’re not exactly sure what’s in it, which is why they sent me along. As you know, if it’s magic that became damaged it might become unstable which is...dangerous.” Falling silent as he realized Jaken probably knew all this, Teodron shrugged. “Our best guess is that they fled into the forests on the mountains.” The mountains towering above the city couldn’t be missed, nor could the green woods dotting their slopes. At this point, Teodron gestured that Jaken should probably take the lead. The gods knew that the half-dwarf wouldn’t be much use in tracking, not unless he was willing to use magic. But mundane means were always better than magical ones, if they were available.

For the first time, Teodron wondered who would be dumb enough to steal from the College of Magic. He did his best to ignored the shiver this sent down his spine.

Jaken had been waiting at the College of Elbion for someone, he didn't know who he was suppose to wait for, but it sure took his time. He had been contacted by the college for a job. Something about a ost shipment or something like that. They had offered a good rewards for the job, so, whatever was the cargo, it had some value and it would be heavily guarded by whoever took it. This wasn't your average: 'Oh my cookie was stolen by that bad man. Please, help me take it back.' Nah. This was something more serious. Jaken also thought that if a college had contacted him, it meant they were desperate. College like this would most likely ask help for authorities, so, if the school asked HIM for help, maybe it was something that the authorities were not able to take on. Was the college aware that they had hired a werewolf? Were they REALLY that desperate?

“Hello, Jaken? Jaken Larsten? I’m Teodron Stonecutter, from the College. I’m so sorry I’m late, it took longer to get here than I expected.”

He heard from behind. Jaken turned around and met a half dwarf. He introduced himself: "Yes I am Jaken Larsten. Are you the one who is coming along with me?"
Teodron proceeded to explain the situation, though Jaken was aware of it "Yeah. I know the job. Old classic: retrieve the stolen magical object, or else, all hell will break lose. Been there, done that. But, gotta say, for what they offered me, it seems that this object may be more powerfull, or will be heavily guarded." Jaken looked up and down at his compannion "<<Hope you survive. Or else, the college would most probably out the blame on me.>>" he thought.

"The mountains?" Jaken asked "Yeah... I can get an advatage out of it. After all, forests are my home." he chuckled, but also letting out a wolf grunt that attracted the attention of some students nearby. He turned around to look at Teo, his bags seemed loaded with objects "Is that what took you so long? Packing a picnic? I don't think you should worry about food. I may bring us some juicy.... bloody food." he laughed once again "One question. Are you good at fighting? I may need to know if I'll have to watch your tail for the rest of the journey."
At Jaken’s words, Teodron tilted his head; he would’ve assumed the College would’ve told the other man who he’d be meeting, but apparently not, so he replied with a simple, “Yes.” As predicted, the student’s explanation was unwarranted. “Well, it might be an old classic to you, but it’s new to me!” Teodron winced as soon as the words left his mouth, since he’d just admitted his incompetence to someone who seemed very sure of himself.

Still, it wasn’t as if Teodron had to be good at finding and retrieving an object, nor should he be expected to. That's why the college had hired someone, after all. No, his expertise was to make sure the object in question didn’t do something magically crazy, which this sell-sword might not be prepared for. At least, that’s what the half-dwarf would try to tell himself; the truth was, Teodron was feeling a bit intimidated by the human’s demeanor, especially as the man examined the half-dwarf. As the discussion shifted to the task at hand, Teodron shrugged. “Honestly, who’s to say? Mages are odd, myself included, and scholars are the worst. It could be that they simply didn’t want their research scooped by a rival. Or that they were worried it would be taken by the authorities if they went through the proper channels.” At least, that’s all Teodron hoped this was.

The unease wormed its way further into his gut. All that talk of powerful objects being under heavy guard unsettled him: he’d been so excited at the opportunity to prove himself that he hadn’t considered how odd this situation was. Still, he wasn’t going to back out now. Luckily, Jaken’s next comments were distracting enough—albeit disturbing in their own way—that it broke through the worrying circles the half-dwarf’s thoughts had been chasing themselves in. The grunt from the other man certainly triggered a response that forced Teodron to focus on the present. Honestly, the student didn’t know what to make of the human. “Oh?” The forests and mountains being home seemed odd, so Teodron zeroed in on that. “Doesn’t that make it hard for you to find work?”

As always when Teodron felt unsure about a situation, he feel back on asking questions and gathering as much information as possible. Maybe that wasn’t appropriate here, but he needed something familiar to cling to. At the other man’s laughing manner, however, Teodron felt a spark of anger. He fed that, rather than succumb to the nagging feeling that something about Jaken and this whole situation. “No. It’s got some basic supplies in case of an emergency, as well as some implements for my magic.” The tone was sharper than Teodron had intended, but better that then try to parse the meat comment. Still, it might prevent another one of those laughs.

At Jaken’s inquiry into Teodron’s abilities, the half-dwarf bit his lip. He was tempted to brush it off, but even he wasn’t so foolish as to let his anger and foolish pride get in the way of protecting himself. Honesty was probably the best policy here. “I’ve got some basic training, but I’ve never been in an actual fight.” It was somehow shameful to admit that—though really, it shouldn’t have been—to someone who looked like Jaken, who looked like he’d been in his fair share of battles. Still, Teodron wasn’t completely useless. “But I can take care of myself. I’m decent at protective magic, so worst case I’ll hunker down behind my wards and let you take care of a threat.” And then, because Teodron really wanted to contribute something to this, he added, perhaps foolishly, “And maybe I can enhance your own capabilities.” The student would prefer not to do so on the fly, but it was something, at least.

"Yeah. I agree." he said "Magic can be quite tricky, there are so many variations about it: dark magic, pure magic. It is always confusing, that's fun. You never know what you will encounter."

"Forest are not LITERALLY my home. I mean it as an emotional home. The breeze and sounds of the forest make me calm down, tends to happen when you are a werewolf, believe me. However, I visit towns only to look for a contract I can take on, occasionally to eat or get some rest in a comfy motel room."

Jaken kept looking at Teo, he would scan anyhting that might be usefull when working with him, as well as some disadvantages. Due to his height, he could slip by any hostile or hide when they are surrounded, making an excellent stealthy compannion. The disadvantage was that Teo may not have as much experience in fights as he does. However, Teo DID mentioned that he can use magic. Maybe non-lethal. "I think I must warn you." he said "That if you are coming along with me, you may see some disturbing shit. I am not afraid of killing. I have killed many others throughout my life. And, no offense, but you don't see like the killing type. For I can see at plain site, you are a rookie. The worst thing you could do to a hostile may be a knock out. You can slip by any of them. Sure, you are not a full dwarf, but the difference between being discovered and not may be 30 centimeters.Who knows? Maybe you can use this little adventure to your advantage. You may learn new spells or enhance the once you already have. And I don't care about taking the threat on my own, as a matter a fact, that is more fun. More blood to satisfy my bloodlust." he chuckled. Afterwards, he raised an eyebrow when Teo commented about 'enhancing his capabilities'. What capabilities? How? Was he aware about the Marks of Runes that came out ONLY when he transformed into a werewolf?

Looking away from Teo, he perceived that some students were looking at them. Why? Was it because he let out some grunts? Or the unusual site of a bounty hunter in a school? He
didn't know about teenagers due to his past, so he really couldn't relate to them. What was college like? Is it as hard as they say? "Why would they send you? Don't get me wrong, but why? Volunteer? Homework? Obligation?"
"I see you are ready." a woman said, seemed like an employee from the college "Hello Teo. This is the person you will work with."
"Yeah, we already introduced ourselves." Jaken said, maintaining a formal, educated form. "Where are we heading?"
Jaken moved past the comment about Teodron’s inexperience, for which the half-dwarf was grateful. Of course, that gratitude was quickly replaced by shock, followed by fear. Talking about dark magic, all but forbidden at the College of Magic would do that to a current student there. “Dark magic isn’t something I’d consider fun. Nor would I consider unstable or unidentified magic fun.” Teodron couldn’t suppress the shiver that came at the thought of either possibility. Magic was a lot of things: something to be studied, sure; a tool to improve lives, definitely; a wonderful place for exploration and experimentation, true. But only within set and safe boundaries. The carefree way the mercenary viewed magic made Teodron lower his estimation of the other man. Magic was not to be trifled with.

Of course, the surprises from Jaken kept coming. When the human revealed that he was not, in fact, a human, or at least entirely human, Teodron blinked. Twice. “W-werewolf?" he stammered, although more in surprise than fear. They weren’t common—the student had never met one—but they were relatively well-known, and besides, as a member of Elbion’s College of Magic the half-dwarf had met far stranger and more fantastic beings than a werewolf. Still, it took him a moment to wrap his mind around it. When he spoke again, all traces of uncertainty had vanished, replaced by a matter-of-fact tone that surprise even the half-dwarf. “I see. I guess it makes sense that you prefer the forests then.” There were a million questions lurking at the tip of his tongue, so Teodron bit it. He didn’t get the sense that Jaken was someone open to questioning about how lycanthropy worked and what it felt like.

Of course, the curiosity fell away as Jaken began speaking first about killing, and then disturbing shit, then next about Teodron being a rookie who might learn something from this adventure, and then finally about bloodlust, Teodron felt his anger stirring once more. The skeptical eyebrow at Teodron’s magic helping pushed the half-dwarf over the edge. Maybe all of those things were true; it certainly seemed that Jaken was a hard man, far harder than Teodron. Or, well, hard werewolf. But werewolf or not, the bounty hunter was being rude and cruel, seemingly for no reason. Teodron wasn’t going to apologize for his background and skills, especially since he hadn’t done anything wrong. Instead, he grit his teeth, raised his chin, and stared at the taller man directly in the eyes. “Nice speech. Did you practice it?” The student’s tone indicated clearly that he wasn’t impressed, and practically dripped with sarcasm.

Maintaining eye contact, Teodron continued, his voice taking on a gravelly tone that hinted at his stout dwarven ancestors stubbornness. “I regret to inform you that if you think I’ll be stealthy, especially in the woods, you are sorely mistaken.” Honestly was still the best policy, but if Jaken wouldn’t do Teodron the courtesy of being polite, Teodron wouldn’t either. “Thankfully, my magic is sufficient to the task at hand. As for ‘disturbing shit,’ as you call it,” and here Teodron felt just the barest hint of disdain and haughtiness enter his voice again, “I am a student at the College of Magic in Elbion, the greatest magical academy in the world. I have seen things that would drive lesser men mad.” Not dead bodies, per se, but the sentiment stood.

Well aware that he was letting his annoyance get the better of him, Teodron nevertheless couldn’t help himself from responding condescendingly. “Even if I’m only a student, I am still a mage, and we are still paying you for this task. Why me instead of someone else doesn’t really matter to you, now, does it?” Granted, Teodron didn’t have a good answer to that, but Jake didn’t need to know that. “So maybe you should ask fewer questions and start, you know, working. I'd worry less about me and more about successfully getting paid.” Teodron wondered why, if this conversation was strictly necessary, they couldn't have had it on the road.

Of course, at that exact moment, a woman walked up, with the bearing and authority of the staff or faculty of the college. Immediately, Teodron felt his anger drain away, instead nervous that she might have seen his shameful behavior. He didn’t recognize her, but unfortunately she seemed all too aware of who he was. “Hello ma’am. I’m afraid you have the advantage of me.” As Jaken suddenly turned formal and polite, Teodron barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Instead, he just tried to keep his tone as even as possible. “I already informed him of our best guess for the missing shipment. Do you have any more information than that?” Maybe if she did, Teodron could ditch this brute and get the package on his own; danger or not, it might be more dangerous for the two men to remain in each other’s company. And then they wouldn't have to pay the arrogant prick, so it would be a win-win in Teodron's book.

Jaken noticed Teo's sttuterness when confirming if Jaken was a werewolf. He seemed... terrified? Surprised? Whatever it was, Jaken could push it a bit harder "Why yes. I am a werewolf. Why the stuterness? You scared?" he teased. Many people have been afraid of him due to his so-called 'curse', always looking back at him once Jaken had turned around and walked away from him. He was used to such treatment, still, he couldn't stand that some still think that werewolves are slaves and lab rats (or dogs?) to humans. He always gets angry at those kind of people. Though people claimed he was cursed, throughout the years, Jaken stopped seeing it that way. Sure, the first months after being bitten at age 16 were hell for him, he even wished the werewolves killed him that day. But now, he knew all the advantages the wolf could give, especially with the Marks of Runes. He had learned to use it for good, unlike the others, were they would just use it to conquer fields or to slay the innocents just for the hell of it. He knew deep inside he was way better than the other werewolves... right?

Teo didn't seem to be that type that would succumb easily to fear, he would give a fight. A small one (wonder why), but a fight nontheless, an easy one, to add. After his 'speech' of what he could do, Teo seemed challenging towards him, stepping up to him and meeting him with both eyes.
“Nice speech. Did you practice it?”
"Nope." he answered, fully aware of Teo's tone of voice "I just tell you what I've done." he inclined towards Teo, putting them face to face "As I said, I was warning you." he said in a sadistic tone "People that I have left to live don't come back the say before my attack." he growled "Sometimes they go insane, at the point of suicide. I. Am. Dangerous, little friend." his growl grew bigger, attracting more attention to them. Some students stayed to see how the scene between the werewolf and the half-dwarf ended, others freaked out and walked away "And this is no speech." he concluded "Just a warning." he stood up again.

Why me instead of someone else doesn’t really matter to you, now, does it?
So maybe you should ask fewer questions and start, you know, working. I'd worry less about me and more about successfully getting paid.
Teo was getting angry, Jaken could tell. He had experience when telling if someone is angry just by the looks of their eyes: dark, challenging. Those were Teo's right now. And the speech: also challenging, telling him what HE SHOULD DO. Jaken was used to receive orders, but only for the target he would hunt down, not how to behave. If he wanted someone to tell him how to behave, he would have joined a werewolf pack years ago. But no, he was a lone, free wolf.
Maybe Teo could put up a fight... a basic one.

I already informed him of our best guess for the missing shipment. Do you have any more information than that?
"I'm afraid not, dear student. The scouting group returned few minutes ago from the docks and informed us that no one saw any signs of the cargo. For now, our best option is the forest. If the thieves hijacked the cargo, they probably won't be too far. It's been a few hours since the robbery. Be carefull Teodron. Be very carefull." he looked up to Jaken "Please take care of my student. He would be a great loss."
Jaken looked at Teo.
"I will ma'am." he said, meeting the teacher's eyes "Don't worry." the teacher nodded and walked away, apparently starting to cry out of fear. Jaken looked back down at Teo.
"Are you ready to head out?"
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Teodron shook his head, slightly ashamed that shaken had caught the stutter—and that he’d stammered to begin with. A slight embarrassed flush came to his cheeks as he looked away. “No, not afraid. Just needed to process it, that’s all. We're good.” At least when it came to Jaken's nature as a werewolf. The teasing tone went over the half-dwarf’s head; he was more focused on making sure he didn’t do or say anything else that would come across as odd to Jaken. Already, the other man thought Teodron was weak and useless.

As evidenced by the bounty hunter’s words as he replied to the half-dwarf’s mocking question. Apparently, Jaken took the student’s taunt totally seriously, but that didn’t exactly soothe the growing fire inside him. “Great. I’ve been warned,” he drawled, not allowing the werewolf to rattle the student further. In all honesty, he wasn’t all that impressed with the mercenary’s bluster, and wouldn’t be until the student had seen the other man in action. Still, Teodron let out an annoyed huff as Jaken kept speaking. “You might be dangerous, but that doesn’t mean you’ve earned the right to call me friend. And you definitely haven't earned the right to call me little.” The little comment rankled a lot; even if it was factually true, it was incredibly insulting. It was the equivalent of the half-dwarf calling the werewolf a furry friend, something Teodron would never do.

Thankfully, Jaken didn’t respond to Teodron’s orders, as that might've ended in an actual fight, which the student knew he would lose. That wouldn't have been great for his self- or public image. Between the other man's restraint and the arrival of the woman, Teodron got at least a slight grip on his temper, enough to regain some semblance of civility. However, Metisa only knew how long that would last. He forced himself to take deep breaths as the woman reinforced Jaken’s no doubt low opinion of Teodron as a burden in need of protection. Even though he didn’t know her—though as a member of the college, he really should—her opinion mattered. Maybe because she was a member of the college. The tears were just a touch too much; Teodron did roll his eyes at them, as this woman couldn’t possibly be so afraid for a student she didn’t know. In his experience, the mages weren’t quite so collegial as all that.

At Jaken’s question, Teodron just spun and started stomping his way to the road that would lead them out of the city and into the mountains and woods. “I’m ready. Let’s go,” he growled, which might impress even a werewolf. Even if he had to let Jaken take the lead outside the city, Teodron knew Elbion like the back of his hand, and Metisa as his witness, he wouldn't let the werewolf take charge until the absolute last minute. Not after the arrogance and posturing, which had bothered Teodron more than the skepticism about the half-dwarf's abilities.

"Hmmm." Jaken whispered with a small grin as the half dwarf stomped to the road and into the adventure, taking the lead by himself. Jaken had travelled through many fields, and knew points where he could use as an advatge when it came to strategy making. However, if someone had lived in a place for their whole lives, maybe it was a better call to give the lead to the person. Maybe they could help him discover new points he could use later on. Not saying anything else, he followed the half-dwarf.

"That's it. I'm going out." he told the guard on the front door "Can I have my weapons back?" the guard silently gave Jaken the bag he had placed his weapons on: his scoped crossbow, throwing knives, a combat and a hunting knife . Not the biggest weapons, but that is how Jaken liked it. Light, small, that allowed him to move stealthily and fast. A sword wouldn't be his weapon of preference: too big, and sometimes heavy. And don't get started with mazes. "Thanks." he said quietly. As soon as he turned around, he felt a strong hand grabbing his arm, he turned around, and saw the front guard holding his arm.
"If something happens out there..." the guard said.
Jaken shook off his hand.
"I know. Don't push me" he growled.

Both had already gone far from the school, on a plaza nearby. They were walking toe to toe, looking for any signs of a suspicious action, though the most probable place where they had the cargo was the forest, noone knows if the target could be right in front of your nose. "So what does the package look like?" he asked Teo "Small? Big? What about the color? Gold? Black?"
Thankfully, Jaken let Teodron get ahead a few paces. That distance, combined with the pace the half-dwarf set for himself soon burned off the remaining excess energy from the anger. It left in its place a mild degree of chagrin. Normally, he would never act that way, especially in front of a stranger. But this situation was so weird that it was throwing him off balance, and he wasn’t reacting well to that. Plus, the werewolf had been kind of a dick to Teodron, so there was that.

He was far enough ahead that he didn’t see or hear the exchange between Jaken and the guard. In fact, the mage ignored the werewolf until the other man asked the half-dwarf a direct question. And it was a good one, actually; Teodron didn’t really have an answer, since he realized no one had described the package to him in detail. Still, he knew about the general deliveries to the college. “It’s likely in a locked wooden chest, with some sort of magical containment on it.” At least that’s what most of them were. Rather than think too hard about just how ill-prepared he was for this task, Teodron instead focused on the crowds before him. As they often were in Elbion, they were thick and would prove quite difficult to navigate. Luckily, Teodron had a solution for that particular issue.

“Follow me,” he called over his shoulder; he was pretty proud of himself for not muttering ‘if you can under his breath.’ Maybe they wouldn’t strangle each other during this mission after all. Small blessings. Then, he cut across the plaza they were currently in, making his way towards an alley. He cut through it until he emerged into a back street. Without even looking to see if Jaken was behind him, Teodron increased his pace, intending to make his way through the maze of streets until they reached the outer gate.

"So it looks like every other treasure chest. Oh well, guess its better than nothing." they continued walking through the plaza, heading towards the forest that could be far away. Out of nowhere, Teo increased his speed, like if he wished to run away fromnhim. But Jaken wouldn't allow that. He had to ensure that the little student was safe, or else, who knows what the school would do to him. He wasn't afraid, but he rather avoid the problems he could get. Teo stopped at the outer gates of the town. In front of them, stood a big, deep forest. It was dark even though it was the afternoon, not even close to the sunset. "Thought you could run away from me? I can reach you without even trying." he looked beyond the gates "That's the forest were the chest is?"
Sparing a glance for Jaken, Teodron shrugged. "I guess so. Is that another one classics?" He couldn't help the annoyance from creeping back into his voice, but he just channeled that into his strides. They were moving at a pretty steady clip through Elbion.

As fast as he was going, though, the werewolf had no trouble keeping up, even when Teodron tried to make sudden turns and weave through streets as only someone who grow up here could. Must be one of the perks of being more than a regular human. Or maybe the height Jaken had on the half-dwarf made that much of a difference. It didn't really matter which it was, since soon enough they arrived at the city gates. The bounty hunter, predictably, questioned Teodron's actions, and this time the mage just sighed. "You can stop boasting, you know. I don't need you to impress me or some shit like that, or whatever it is you're doing with the tough guy act. Just need you to find the shipment." And honestly, it had to be an act, since no one who was actually that tough needed to show it like Jaken was. "Wasn't trying to run away. Just trying to get this over with." Then Teodron would get as far away from the other man as possible, and back to the mage's regular life.

Shading his eyes, the half-dwarf peered at the trees in the distance. "Supposedly. Which means you're up. Lead the way." The student wouldn't let his anger and dislike of the other man totally override his common sense. That would be reckless, and even at his most stubborn, Teodron wasn't dumb.

"What classic? The ancient magical object inside a forest? Yeah, still a classic." he teased. Jaken loved to tease others, he enjoyed what he could get out of them, he really didn't cared to get friends, that was not his principal objecctive. It was getting the job done and get paid by it. That was it. No more for this werewolf "And by the way, I don't need to impress anyone, you see, I'm not the type that would like to impress others. Impressing others may mean that they would want to be with you. And as you can see, I'm not the one of friends. I'm a lone wolf."

Teo had given the 'order' to Jaken to take the lead. "Alright then. Follow me. The forest looks deep." Jaken took the front place, guiding the 'group' to the dark-green forest. Things seemed calm. There were no dangers, during the day at least. He wasn't dure about night. Most predators were night creatures. He wasn't afraid, he could take on those animals easily. Teo however...

Many hours had passed, the two of them walking through the forest, with short, insignificant conversations. Jaken wasn't a talker (being a lone wolf and such), but to break the awkward ice he had to say something. Pure silence with another person was... cringey. It was almost sunset. The sunlight became a peacefull orange-like color and the shadows of trees were huge due to the sun's position. They had discovered nothing. At all. Just trees, dead leaves, maybe a deer, but that was the most exciting part of the day. No signs of magic, or a chest, or thieves.
"Let's camp here." he suggested on a clear space "We need rest and food."

Jaken had prepared a little campfire where both could be warm and cook their food. He would go on a hunt in a few minutes, once he decides to transform into a werewolf. While both were sitting around the fire, Jaken tried to make some friendly, non-teased contact with Teo. "So you are studying magic." he said while moving some logs "What type? Dark? Illusional? Healing? What is your field of interest?"
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This time Teodron noticed the teasing—which was no doubt malicious—but he chose to ignore it. Fighting was tiring him out, mentally and physically, and he needed to conserve his energy for the hike he had ahead of him. This would be challenging, in more ways than he cared to admit. The half-dwarf was in good shape: his body’s limits were as important as his mind’s, after all, which wasn’t always a popular opinion among mages. But being in shape didn’t mean he’d find this trip easy. So, not willing to waste any more time and effort verbally sparring with the other man, the mage responded simply, “If you say so.”

However, as the bounty hunter continued boasting or intimidating or whatever, Teodron felt one last spike of ire. “Hope that works out for you.” And then, because something about Jaken just kept running him the wrong way, the mage couldn’t help but adding, “Because lone wolves are much easier to kill than those with a pack.” His voice came out firmly, without inflection, but he did mean to imply that he thought Jaken’s loner tendencies were a liability, not a strength. Maybe that statement wasn’t true, but it felt true, and that’s all the half-dwarf cared about.

They walked through the woods in mostly blessed quiet; Teodron sent up a silent prayer to Metisa that it remain that way. The sounds of the two of them making their way through the forest was much preferable to anything that might pass either of their lips at this point. The brief exchanges they had didn’t count. Teodron lost track of the time, focusing instead on putting one foot ahead of the other, trusting the werewolf to guide them true. However, when Jaken called a halt, and suggested they camp, the mage stumbled to a halt. The thought of spending the night in the woods—something he hadn’t prepared for—was frankly terrifying. However, he wouldn’t give the bounty hunter the satisfaction of hearing the half-dwarf complain.

Instead, he set down his pack and walking stick and helped Jaken gather wood for the fire. Once it was lit, the student rummaged through his pack to grab some jerky. Loathe as he was to do it, he offered some to the other man, on the off chance that the bounty hunter might accept. Either way, the half-dwarf was starving, and he’d at least nibble on it for a bit. However, then the werewolf chose to spoke civilly, even if some of the content was ill-advised. The mage paused with the food almost past his lips, giving Jaken what Teodron hoped was an inscrutable look. That was the second time the werewolf brought up dark magic; best to nip that particular interest in the bud. Lowering his hand, the mate gave the bounty hunter the firmest look the half-dwarf could muster. “Word of advice? Stop talking about dark magic, at least around Elbion. Unless you want the full night of the College of Magic to come for you. It’s forbidden magic, best forgotten. And you can bet they won’t let you roam free if they think you have something to do with it.” His words came out kindly, but firmly. Teodron didn’t really know why he was warming the other man. For all the half-dwarf cared, Jaken could rot.

But even as he thought that, Teodron knew he wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone. As for his own studies, he stayed far away from anything that could get him in trouble. “They teach us a little bit of everything we show an aptitude for. So I mainly have that foundation, and my specialty for now is rune magic. As I mentioned earlier, I practice mainly defensive spells with it, though it’s a versatile craft.” Falling silent, the mage finally took a bite of his jerky, chewing and swallowing without really tasting. Not wanting to ruin this tentative peace—and wanting to learn more about his traveling companion—the half-dwarf figured he was owed a question of his own.

“So, a werewolf, huh? That’s…” and he trailed off here, not really sure if there was a polite, or at least not totally rude way to ask how someone they’d become a werewolf. “Unusual,” he finished lamely.
Before entering the forest, Jaken DID noticed that Teo was getting tired of his shitty attitude, Jaken couldn't blame him (however, he wouldn't give Teo the satisfaction that he was aware of it), he knew he was a dickhead, but being a dickhead may be the best way to protect sombody... it made them stay away from Jaken....

"Oh, is that so?" Jaken replied to Teo's comments about lone wolves "You may be right... a werewolf could be taken out if overcomed by numbers and weapons. However, I don't think I'll run with that luck." he looked at Teo "The difference between wolf packs and me is that I plan before attacking. Wolf packs rely and the quantity of members, and attack mindlessly. That is not my style. Believe me, I've ran into many problems for not planning."

Once the camp in the forest was set. Jaken tried to reach out to Teo by asking his interest, but apparently, he mentioned dark magic. This made Teo stop whatever he was doing.
Word of advice? Stop talking about dark magic, at least around Elbion. Unless you want the full night of the College of Magic to come for you. It’s forbidden magic, best forgotten. And you can bet they won’t let you roam free if they think you have something to do with it.
"Well, it's ironic. Don't you think? I'll tell you why. As far as I know, lycanthropy is considered dark magic. Think about it: a man that changes into a savage, murderous beast. I don't know about you, but that is not pure magic, if you ask me. Now think. If your college is so obssesed to keep dark magic away from its students. Then why hire me? Why hire a werewolf? Or did they not know about my lycanthropy? My name is known in places because I'm a werewolf. Besides, I think that a college should evaluate anyone before letting them in the school, which means that they should have known that I'm a werewolf. Then again: why hire me? THink about that." he deduced, looking at Teo's eyes. What could he answer to that? Or have the teachers not told him anything while THEY knew all about it?

Teodron mentioned that his speciality was rune magic. "<<Rune magic? I wonder if...>> Are you familiar with the Marks of Runes?" Not waiting for Teo's response, he stood up "Excuse me for a moment." he said, hiding behind a tree. Jaken started to undress He knew Teo could see him, but as explicit as he wanted "Don't judge me!" he said from behind the tree "I don't want to tear this apart! I like those clothes!" he stepped from the tree and let it begin.

Fur started to grow in his skin as his muscles and bones started to deform and grow in size. His nails and teeth expanded to reach the size of those of an intimidating and uncontrollable beast. His legs broke outwards and started growing, and growing. His feet deformed and reached the shape of a wolf's. The lower part of his spine stretched out to become a fluffy and big black tail. His mouth expanded to imitate the shape of the snout of a dog's. His eyes became blue slowly, replacing those pure brown eyes into the deep blue ones he possessed. And finally The Marks of Runes started to weakly glow on his back as the transformation was complete. Jaken was now the werewolf.

He then approached Teo slowly, not caring if the half-dwarf was scared, but he may have something for Teo "Are you familiar with these?" he said, bowing down, pointing at the green marks he had on his back. The Marks of Rune glowed as he mentioned them. They could glow at Jaken's will, so he did it to catch Teo's attention "The Marks of Rune. Ever heard pf them?"
Now, Teodron might not know much about the forests, or wild animals. But even he would be willing to guess that wolf packs didn’t rely solely upon numbers and rushing in to get the job done. They wouldn’t last long if they did. “What makes you think packs can’t plan? Just because they have numbers doesn’t mean they can’t prepare. In fact, I’d argue that working together as a team requires more planning than going solo.” Jaken might not want to acknowledge that fact, but it was true. “Don’t they isolate weaker prey and work together to drive it into the pack?” The mage was less certain of that fact, but he thought it sounded familiar.

As the bounty hunter went on and on about the College making a mistake in hiring him, Teodron just gave Jaken a confused look. Granted, the half-dwarf was a student at the College of Magic, so he knew more about magic than most. However, to state that lycanthropy was dark magic showed an ignorance that was downright staggering. It had to be corrected. Especially since it seemed to be causing the other man no small amount of distress.

Before Teodron knew what he was doing, the half-dwarf has straightened up and put on his most authoritative tone; apparently, a lecture was in order. He wasn’t a full mage, but he did enjoy discussing magical theory. “Well, there’s not much to think about, since lycanthropy actually isn’t considered dark magic. At least not in Elbion. So there’s no real problem with hiring you. In fact, I’m not sure who ever gave you the impression that it was, but they were sorely mistaken.” Leaning forward, Teodron continued, his words picking up in pace as he grew more excited. “As for magic—well, magic theory, at least, there’s still so much we don’t know—there’s really no such thing as pure magic, as you state. In comes in many forms, more of which appear every day and many of which are long forgotten.” He was really hitting his stride now, the words tumbling from his lips in a rush, but still clearly understandable.

A visual aid would help, but seeing as they were in the middle of the forest, there wasn’t much. Still, he picked one of the sticks from the kindling pile, and started writing out the various disciplines as he explained them. “There’s divine magic, which is drawn directly from the gods, and drawn from sacrifices to them, piety, and devotion. There’s elemental magic, manipulating the forces of nature itself. That is separate from—though likely related to, if we’re being honest—nature or wild magic, as practiced by shamans and druids. In fact, I’d posit that lycanthropy is a variant on wild or nature magic. After all, the most skilled shamans and druids can take the forms of animals or see through their eyes, so it’s likely that werewolves are descended from…” Teodron trailed off and coughed. “Sorry. I digress.” It was a bad habit of his, but he rarely got to speak at length about magic. “Regardless, all magic has some commonalities. It requires effort and an investment of power from the caster, in some form, either through preparation or through channeling the energy through one's mind and body.” At least that’s how the student had always interpreted it. There was more to it than that, but he was trying to explain it in a way the werewolf might understand.

Dark magic, though was something else entirely. Shivering in fear and revulsion, Teodron glanced fearfully around the woods, as if even here someone might overhear this conversation. He made sure to lower his voice as well. “Dark magic though...dark magic is different. It involves drawing power not from the self, or the world, or a divine source, or willing self-sacrifice, but from...other sources.” Wrapping his arms around himself, Teodron continued, his voice barely above a whisper. “Either through sacrificing others, unwilling, stealing their life source somehow, or through making pacts with evil beings, demons and their ilk...well, supposedly, we’re not sure demons are real...but anyway, to try and avoid the cost altogether.” He took a deep shuddering breath. “But they pay. They always pay.” And the results were not pretty, according to the snippets of tales he’d overheard or encountered in the halls of the college.

In regards to rune magic, however, Teodron was on much firmer ground. He’d happily talk about it all day, although some of the terms Jaken used were confusing, Again, it did not seem that the bounty hunter had the greatest depth or breadth of knowledge when it came to magic. However, before the half-dwarf could ask for some clarification, Jaken was already darting off to hide around a tree. Teodron could clearly hear the man undressing, which certainly caught the mage off guard. “Oh..okay…” He wasn’t really sure how else to answer the bounty hunter’s explanation. Or lack thereof, really.

Then, a different set of sounds began emerging from behind the tree, and understanding dawned: Jaken was transforming. Apparently, clothes didn’t morph with him, which Teodron supposed made sense. At the sight of the dark-furred werewolf that emerged, the half-dwarf’s breath caught, but not from fear, exactly; no, instead, Teodron was simply taking in the sight, which was hard to process. Still, his attention was immediately captured by the glowing runes on other man’s back. The mage began speaking without really thinking, caught up in the puzzle. “Well, all runes are marks, so that’s sort of a confusing name, but no, I’m not familiar with this particular set.” And wasn’t that just interesting. It certainly would require further study. Breathing out, Teodron’s hands shot up but stopped just short of touching Jaken. “Um...well...this is awkward, but may I examine them?” The half-dwarf was suddenly acutely aware of just how bizarre this situation was, and he blushed, worried about how the bounty hunter might react to being studied like this.
After Teodron's explanation about packs also planning and not fully relaying on numbers of wolves, he couldn't help but to feel like an idiot. He really didn't know about packs. He's never been in one. "Well I gues you are right. Who knows?" he sighed "Never been in a pack myself. Though, I have encountered some over the years as a bounty hunter. I remember the first pack I saw." he lifted the shoulder of his shirt to show Teo his bite scar near his neck "If that pack had planned better. I wouldn't be here I guess. I don't know." for some reason, Jaken became confused "Let's just move and get this over with." he said, taking the lead to the forest.

As Teo explained all the concepts of magic, Jaken couldn't help but to crouch at the side of Teo, he wanted to know all about the magic-theory. To prove him wrong or to agree with him, maybe have a conversation that was out of his 'tough-guy' character. He wasn't sure about what was he doing. Something felt off.for him. "So lycanthropy doesn't necessarily means it is dark magic huh?" he reflected "I dunno. I stil think it's dark magic. I don't know, that's my opinion. After all, I never finished high school, had to drop out due to me being a werewolf. Everyone would have tried to kill me, maybe that's why the terms I use are confusing to you, maybe I don't know the exact terms. So maybe you know better of this than I do. I don't know. Huh. When you reflect on it, it makes you think. The nature of werewolves... interresting.... and no need to apologise about digressing, I do it too." he confessed. He was getting it. A somewhat normal conversation with his co-worker, No teasing, no challenging looks or speech, no nothing. Just two men talking about magic. Jaken felt.... weird. For once he didn't felt tense, nor angry. He was calmed. In... peace? He hadn't felt that since he was bitten. 7 years without feeling this. It was weird.

After Jaken had transformed and exposed himself to Teodron, the half-dwarf explained his confusion to the werewolf's way of explaining his magical marks on his back.. "Well." he said in his deep voice "You can tell that to the witch that gave me these. That's how she called them: The Marks of Runes, so I just roll with it."

Teo asked to examine the Marks of Runes. "Yeah sure. I guess." he sat down and let Teo examine his back. His back started to glow with the peacfull green light. "So you don't know about this eh? Well, maybe you can deduce something out of them. Maybe this information can help you to get a better analysis. This give me certain abilities, however they do have some effects on me after I use them. One of them is Wind Boost, that's how I call it. Actually all of the abilities have names that I made for them. Wind Boost, as the name suggests, gives me a slight boost from the wind to avoid range attacks with a big area of impact. After i use it, I become tired for a few minutes. Another would be Blue Lights, it basically enhance my vision. In dark areas, I can use this to see better and maybe track my prey. After the ability wears off, I get a slight headache that doesn't allow me to think fast or make the right calls. The third would be Feral Mind: that one is the most dangerous of the four abilities. I summon the wolf spirit inside of me and I let it take control. I am no longer in control of my body nor mind. The Wolf is while I go unconscious. It would tear apart anything and anyone on its way. So the best thing to do is to hide and wait for morning where i would go back to human form or find a way to neutralize me. I don't know, immobilize me through a spell, or putting me to sleep. The last one would be Wolf Strenght: this one is the ability I would use as a last resort. In extreme situations were i would be exhausted but there are more hostiles, these ability grants me extra power, speed, agility. I'm almost an unstoppable machine. However, when my energy drains, I would faint for the rest of the night." he concluded "Hope that helps you to get more information. The Marks of Runes just grants me abilities. Maybe related to the werewolf I have inside. That would make sense."
As the bounty hunter spoke more about packs, Teodron listened quietly. The truth was, the half-dwarf didn’t know much about them either. He was just guessing based off of hearsay. Besides, he got the sense they weren’t really talking about packs anymore; instead, he had a sneaking suspicion that they were talking about belonging, not something Teodron was especially good at. That suspicion was confirmed when the other man showed off a nasty scar from a bite and spoke of not being here. The mage’s breath caught. “You mean...sorry. I’m sorry, it’s none of my business.” Still, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Thankfully, it seemed Jaken just wanted to move on, which the half-dwarf was more than willing to do. Better that than consider the implications of the other man’s words.

After dumping all that information on the bounty hunter, Teodron fell mostly silent. He knew from his own experience of magic theory—as a student at the college, he was exposed to lots of new concepts he was expected to master quickly—that it often took a while to digest. Especially when it went against preconceived notions, which Jaken certainly seemed to have. Still, the more the other man spoke of his past (and his experiences as a werewolf), the worse Teodron felt about his earlier behavior. Perhaps the bounty hunter did have good reason to act as he did. “I’m sorry you went through all that. Truly.” All traces of animosity were gone, replaced by sympathy that wasn’t tinged with a hint of pity. Teodron had always hated it when people had pitied him after his mother’s disappearance. “But I don’t think it has anything to do with terminology, or education.” The half-dwarf bit his lip, trying to find the right way to explain that Jaken wasn’t tainted by dark magic. “When you...change. When you transform, that is, where does that come from? Does it come from within you, or do you need to feed it with something dark?” It was perhaps an overly simplistic way of viewing the situation, but those were the best.

Jaken’s voice was deeper as a werewolf, Teodron noted idly. As to the names, the mage didn’t care too strongly (though he did find it foolish not to classify them properly) what they were called, he cared what they did. Granted, if it was a witch who did this, then they likely weren’t a trained practitioner, which would explain why he didn’t recognize the runes and the name. When the bounty hunter gave him permission, he traced the symbols with his fingertips, trying to commit them to memory. Jaken’s fur was surprisingly pleasant to the touch, though Teodron was focused too closely on the runes to pay much attention to that. However, when the werewolf began speaking, he withdrew, diving for his pack. “Hang on, hang on, hang on.” He pulled out the parchment and charcoal and began taking shorthand notes on everything, scribbling furiously to make sure he got it all. Once that was done—and Jaken finished speaking—Teodron traced copies of the symbols, making sure to get every curve and line perfect.

Once that was done, the half-dwarf spoke up. “Fascinating. Are you able to access these abilities in your human form?” Form felt like the wrong word as soon as he said it. “I mean, as a human?” It seemed not, but it was important to know. “And is there a limit to how long you can remain as a werewolf? Besides the stated limitations, do you find it harder to maintain the transformation after extensive use of the runes? Are you weaker? Do you need to rest more often? Have you noticed times where the runes feel weakened? Do you ever need to renew them?” Realizing he was showering the other man with questions, Teodron put a hand over his mouth. “Sorry, again. It’s just, I mean, it’s so rare to find new runes, and I got a little carried away I suppose.” Still, that was no excuse.
After Jaken explained his academic situation, Teodron seemed sympathetic towrds Jaken. Both men were calmed down, unlike how they started their journey: aggresive, tense, challenging. All those feelings were gone, now it was peacfull, comprehensible, what a shift right? Teodron told Jaken he was sorry about his situation. "Don't." he said "I just... had bad luck, that's it." he knew that what happened to him was just a bad day. As far as he knew, the werewolves that attcked him weren't hired by someone. Just some wolves that decided to have some fun. How was that fun? After the attack, Jaken swore that he would never attack (as far as he could help it) anyone just because the hell of it.

Jaken snapped back to reality when Teo asked him about his transformation. What did he needed to do? "Simple. I don't need to do a dark ritual or something nasty. I just to think about the transformation. i need to visualize my wolf self, and it just happens. It hurts a bit,, but I don't let others know that it hurts... except you, I guess... When I transform, i can hear some kind of growl, but not in the exterior. I can hear it in my head. Maybe it's the wolf spirit."

The werewolf noticed Teo examining his Marks, and him caressing his hair for a better view. he didn't know how to feel about it, so he just let it happen. He also noticed that Teo gave the order to 'hang on'. Jaken jumped from his sitting position to adapt that one of combat. He thought that Teo had spotted something that meant danger. He growled and spread his claws to attack. It made him feel like an idiot when he realized that Teo was just looking for something to write on. "Don't scare me like that." he said, sitting where he was again to let Teo write whatever he was about to say. Jaken couldn't help but to grin. That passion, and dedication. Was that how college was? Could he be really that interested in something? Jaken really didn't cared for the lessons his teachers had taught him. He just wanted to get it over with and continue. Now, he wondered where could he be if he was still a human. "I see that you are interested in this. Good for you." he noticed that Teo wrote fast "Ey calm down there. If you write that fast, your notes may not be organized, therefore, not understandable. Calm down. I'll explain this slowly so that you can write slowly. Not rushed."

After Jaken explained his abilities and consequences of them, he noticed that Teo's eyes were determined to learn. And then, a sea of questions washed him.
Fascinating. Are you able to access these abilities in your human form?
And is there a limit to how long you can remain as a werewolf? Besides the stated limitations, do you find it harder to maintain the transformation after extensive use of the runes? Are you weaker? Do you need to rest more often? Have you noticed times where the runes feel weakened? Do you ever need to renew them?
Sorry, again. It’s just, I mean, it’s so rare to find new runes, and I got a little carried away I suppose.
Jaken couldn't help but to give a little chuckle. "It's ok. Don't apologise. I would be the same... I think... I'm not sure..." he snapped back "Anyway, umm... I have tried to use this abilities in my human form, but none have worked. Apparently, they are only available when I'm transformed. So, it's a no-go in human form. When it comes to my transformation. I can choose whenever I want, during night time that is. I have tried to transform in the middle of the day, but it's exhausting, and it never worked. My transformation follows a classic werewolf rule: sun's up, werewolf time is over. I use the abilities as sparingly as poassible, the effects they have on me may cost a lot of time, so I wouldn't be able to tell you what happens if I use them a lot. I already told you if I become weaker when using the Marks: the effects that Wind Boost, Blue Lights, and Wolf Strenght. Those weaken me, others more than the rest of them. I have never felt the runes weaken or stronger, as I said. I use them as sparingly as possible. I think that should answer all your questions. Any other question you'd like to ask?"
Apparently, Teodron’s efforts to show sympathy without pity had fallen short. He knew it was a delicate balance to strike, and given that he wasn’t socially skilled, he couldn’t say he was surprised he’d failed. Still, he did want to try to communicate to Jaken that the half-dwarf knew what it was like to be the victim of senseless tragedy. “I understand. Bad luck it is.” Pausing, the mage thought long and hard about how to phrase the next statement. It wasn’t something he talked about often, or lightly, and to tell a stranger felt weird. But maybe it would be good for both of them. “When my mother disappeared without a trace and for seemingly no reason, I remember wishing there was someone to blame. Some higher power, someone responsible for my pain.” But there hadn’t been. At least not as far as he’d been able to determine. He was still looking for answers. Weirdly, though there was someone to blame in the bounty hunter’s case. “Did you…” the half-dwarf swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. “Did you ever find the ones who did this to you?” For revenge, probably, but in this case Teodron would condone it, if only to prevent more attacks.

As Jaken spoke about the specifics of the transformation, the mage nodded along. A slow grin was building on his face as the other man spoke. Though it might seem inappropriate, everything the bounty hunter said just confirmed Teodron’s theory. “Maybe it is the wolf spirit,” he agreed, “but it’s definitely not dark magic.” His words rang with certainty. There was no external power source, no deal with eldritch forces, just some magic transferred through bite and through blood. “It does suck that it hurts though.” He supposed it made sense, given that the body was changing in ways it was never meant to.

As the werewolf jumped to his feet, Teodron was so startled that he leaned back a little too far. Next thing he knew, he was falling off the rock he’d perched on, arms flailing and parchment flying everywhere. He hit the ground with an ‘oof’ and just lay there for a moment before springing up and gathering his scattered supplies. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare, or well, startle you, sorry!” All the while he blushed a mortified scarlet. Thankfully, the explanation continued once they’d both recovered. Teodron snorted when Jaken berated the mage for writing too quickly. “Unfortunately, most of the teachers at the college speak faster than you, and none of them are kind enough to slow down, as you are. But that’s alright. Look.” He pointed at his notes. “I use a shorthand. Symbols for common words, combinations of symbols for certain concepts, and if it’s unusual, I just abbreviate the word. Makes writing go much faster, though I usually have to go back and spell it out fully.” It had taken a while, but Teodron was glad he’d come up with this system.

Luckily, Jaken seemed willing to entertain all of Teodron’s questions. Of which there were many: the half-dwarf had many more, but figured their time was limited. First, he simply absorbed all the information the werewolf provided, noting it down in the half-dwarf’s neat script. “Fascinating. Maybe the transformation draws power from the moons? it both moons or just one? And the runes tap into the same energy source, which is why you can only use them while transformed? And further, using your magic abilities drains you faster than just changing into a werewolf does, hence why you have to use them sparingly?” It made sense to the mage, but he realized that he had gone off on a tangent. Coughing to cover his embarrassment—at least he hadn’t apologized again—Teodron considered what else he could or should ask. “Just one, for now. Where did you meet the witch who made the runes?” If it was anywhere nearby, perhaps Teodron could seek her out.
Jaken looked down when Teo said his vague backstory. He knew how that felt. SOmeone you love just disappear, no trail. "I'm sorry." he whispered "I know how it feels. Something I haven't told you about me: the same day I got bit was the day I saw my family die. Mother, father, my two older sisters. I was 16 when that happened. I watched... as the pack tore them apart. I survive miracously. But... my family..." he sighed, covering his face with one hand "I'm sorry. Just made the conversation more unconmfortable." he uncovered his hand "I'm sorry. But I know how it feels. And no. I never found the pack that killed my family. For the first years I tried to track them down, but the attack was so fast and blurry. I couldn't get any information about them, like a mark, or something that all the wolves shared. Nothing."

"Yeah, I've been told that college teachers don't give a shit if you copied or not. Never experienced it, y'know, never finished high school and all that. But as far as I know, I am no college teacher, I'm not even a teacher. So just write slowly..." Jaken felt weird, for once, he was being kind. Weird "Oh I see." he said, looking at Teo's way of taking notes "Still, you're not in college right now. Meh, whatever, write how you want. I don't care."

Fascinating. Maybe the transformation draws power from the moons? it both moons or just one? And the runes tap into the same energy source, which is why you can only use them while transformed? And further, using your magic abilities drains you faster than just changing into a werewolf does, hence why you have to use them sparingly?
"I don't know." Jaken looked up to the sky, in search for the moon. But it wasn't there. Maybe at midnight he'd be able to see it "I have been on my own since I got bit. I've had no experienced werewolf to tell me how lycanthropy works. So I don't think I'll be able to tell you what happens exactly. When it comes to the runes, I'm still not sure about them, I just use them for the abilities they grant me, and to make it clear. I use them as sparingly as possible because the effects they have on me might cost me something. Tireness may not allow me to move as I would want to. Headaches, as I said, doesn't allow me to react fast or make the right calls. If I faint, then I would be extremely vulnerable to any attack. I think it doesn't have to do with my magic. I'm not sure. I encountered the witch in a forest, maybe few months after I was bit. I can't remeber where I was. I was lost back then, so I had no way of knowing where I was. She had a feminine voice, but she covered her face with a mask, so I have no way of knowing how she looks. At first, I had to practice a lot with my abilities and master them. Took me a year to understand what they did to me."

Jaken stood up out of the blue. He sniffed the air. A scent caught his nose. It was no scent of danger, it was sweet and appetizing: "Deer." he whispered. His mouth started to salivate, up to the point that he started drooling "Be right baack. Dinner's calling me." he sprinted on his four legs to catch the prey.

The deer wasn't far away from where the men were. Maybe 15 meters away. It was an easy catch. The deer struggled for his life, but that did not worked. Jaken snapped the deer's neck fast to end this animal's fear. He returned back to the campfire with the deer over his shoulder. He looked at Teo "Sorry. When I transform, I can't help but to hunt animals that smell quite nice." he placed the deer on the ground. The deer's black, dead, open eyes observed Teo "If you have weak stomach, I'd reccomend you look away." with that said, Jaken bit the deer's belly fiercely. Making blood explode and spread over the ground and the wolf's face. The belly was his favorite part. It was the most tender. The blood was warm and delicious, intestines were a delight, and the heart, juicy, like always. The wolf feasted on the animal next to the campfire "Most of the times..." he proceded as he chewed "I would safe some to cook and eat in my human form." he ate more "But I can't help but to it the best parts: heart, ribs, intestines. They are always a delight." he looked up to Teo, with his bloody muzzle dripping blood "i believe you were eating something before. Still hungry?" he laughed "You can't say I didn't warn you: disturbing shit." he returned to the feast.
Jaken’s story was far worse than Teodron had been imagining. The half-dwarf’s hands clenched into fists as he was filled with a fury that shocked him at those werewolves that had attacked an innocent family, ripping and rending. “Don’t apologize.” His voice was fierce, but if the mage shouldn’t apologize to the bounty hunter for speaking too much, than surely Jaken shouldn’t apologize for what was done to him. “It’s awful what happened to you. And I can’t even imagine what you went through, and have been through since. If there’s anything I can do…” and here he trailed off, unsure what he possibly could do for the werewolf. But the offer alone might help, and that’s what Teodron clung to.

It was good that Jaken didn’t care, because Teodron didn’t know if he could stop. He definitely didn’t want to; they’d have to sleep eventually, and though this seemed to be a kinder gentler side to Jaken, the half-dwarf had seen the other side, and wouldn’t trust this to last. So if this was his only chance to learn about the weird runes and about lycanthropy, he would not pass it up. He was wise enough not to say all that. “Honestly, I’m so used to it at this point that I’m not sure I could slow down at this point. Old habits and all that.” It had been years since he’d written, well, in a more normal and calm fashion, long enough that it felt like a distant memory.

The mage frowned at the news that Jaken didn’t know where the witch was, but the half-dwarf was mostly preoccupied with the bounty hunter’s previous comment. “That’s too bad. I would’ve loved to have asked her about her magic.” Still, it was unusual enough that maybe the libraries would have some reference point. More importantly, Teodron was thinking hard about Jaken’s life, and how terrible it must be. It didn’t necessarily excuse the rudeness from earlier—though at least the mage understood it now—but it did make Teodron much more forgiving. “So...the lone wolf thing, that was literal, then?” It came out hesitantly, as if the half-dwarf was trying to apologize without actually saying the words. His next statement was even more tentative. “I could, that is to say the college probably has information on lycanthropy and I don’t know if you’re in Elbion often, probably not given the woods as home thing, but if you are I could look into it for you.” Blushing, Teodron averted his eyes. Metisa take him, that had come out in a jumbled and incoherent mess.

Luckily, he was saved from his own awkwardness by Jaken’s sudden and unexpected departure. Soon enough, though, the werewolf was back, with a deer in tow, and Teodron’s eyes widened in surprise. That had been far faster than the half-dwarf had been expecting.

“It’s okay,” he offered tentatively in response to the bounty hunter’s apology. Then, although the werewolf urged the mage to look away, Teodron forced himself to watch. It was gory, that’s for sure, but he’d seen animals butchered before; on top of that, he hadn’t been lying when he said there was often weirdness going on around the college. Still, there was something visceral and gory about Jaken’s feasting, between the sight, and the sounds of teeth tearing into flesh, and the coppery smell and taste of blood filling the clearing.

The half-dwarf knew his already pale skin had blanched, and he thought he might be sick, but he resolutely swallowed, determined not to make Jaken feel any worse then it was clear the werewolf already did. “I-I-I’ll take your word for it.” Curse his stammer for making a reappearance. Clearing his throat, the mage continued slightly more confidently (though he didn’t feel it), “You did warn me. And I said I could handle it.” The jerky had been a long time ago, now, it felt like. “And I was nibbling on some jerky, but I forgot all about it in my excitement about your, uh, runes.” That was an understatement, but Teodron didn't know exactly how to explain his behavior.

Now that he was thinking about it—and now that the shock of the werewolf’s eating habits was wearing off—Teodron was ravenously hungry. “Did you save any of that for me?” His question came out with a lightness he didn’t necessarily feel. Still, it had been a long, hard day of work and the half-dwarf needed to eat to conserve his strength. He certainly hadn’t planned for an extended stay in a forest, unfortunately.
Teodron seemed understandong and forgiving on Jaken's backstory. He oftenly didn't told his backstory to anyone, but Teo was one, little exception. Maybe he really wanted to start again. They were both the same age, but that didn't stopped Jaken to look at Teo as young. Jaken shook his head when Teo offered him if there was anything he could do. "No. It's... too late now. Nothing can bring them back. And if something does, it would involve dark magic, and like you said... 'they always pay'. Besides, I doubt it would be the same. Pretty sure they won't be the same family I remember, I'm sure they would be different. And I could not bare with that. They are gone... and I can't change that. As for the pack... i just let go. I don't care about them anymore" he sobbed "And what about you?" he sniffed "Do you remember anything form her?"

Jaken gave out a small chuckled when Teo confessed about his writing habits, college seemed like an 'adapt-or-die' situation. He could slip by that. He always had to adapt to new environments, though, they were not school-related. So many years without attending school could make anyone rusty. "Ok, do whatever you want. College sounds like a lot of fun..." he joked.

"I don't know." he commented in response of Teo's wish to meet the witch he encountered "After she gave the marks, I never saw her again. And I'm not sure I would like that. I just let it in the past." Jaken looked back at Teo when he told him he could look for information about lycanthropy "If you want. I'd probably not be around for some time. I'm a bounty hunter, and towns are always in need of some head, so I move pretty much everywhere." he explained "Maybe I would be around here. If you by any chance have that information with you... I think I'll be glad to hear it... I think.... I dunno." he was confused.

So...the lone wolf thing, that was literal, then?
"Yes." he looked at Teo with a confused face "Why? Don't get me wrong. But... why?"

Jaken didn't cared how Teo would react to a beast eating an animal in front of his eyes. Eating like a savage beast, not even a napking, just full fangs, blood and gore. As Teo talked, Jaken was still chewing on the poor animal's guts. Then, Teo said something funny, out of the blue:
Did you save any of that for me?
Jaken looked up at Teo swiftly. He stared at him, and then, Jaken started laughing."Boy, you are interesting." he expressed "Are you into raw meat? I think I saved you the whole head: tongue, brains, eyes, a bit of the neck. If you want it, it's all yours." he laughed "Damn." he whispered "Never felt like these before. It's weird..."
He was happy...
“I didn’t mean to bring them back...that’s...that’s not possible.” It was rule number four of the laws of magic: no one could be brought back to life, at least not without an equivalent sacrifice. Besides, enough time had passed that the bodies were likely in no state to be resurrected. “But I’m glad you survived, hard as it must’ve been for you. Anyway, what I meant was if you needed some help on something or...whatever.” It was laughable that Teodron could offer the werewolf help of any kind, but the half-dwarf felt better for having offered. And the mage would put out some feelers about a rampaging werewolf pack; there couldn’t be too many of those around, and no doubt they’d be hunted down and exterminated. At the question about his mother, however, the mage froze. No one had really asked him about her before. Sure, they’d made sympathetic noises, but mostly to be polite. “Of course. It...hasn’t been that long.” In fact, he remembered everything, but didn’t want to discuss it now.

Idly, as he was making the last of the notes, Teodron replied, “It is! I mean, at least I really enjoy it.” It was far better than working for his father, that was for sure. Then, without thinking, the half-dwarf blurted out, “You could go back to school, you know. Or finish what schooling you had. It won’t be easy, coming back after all this time, but it’s possible.” At that, the mage froze, wondering if Jaken actually wanted or had even considered that. For the half-dwarf—who had always enjoyed lessons—it made sense. Perhaps the bounty hunter didn’t want that life, however.

While the student in Teodron would’ve loved more information on the limits of the runes and how they worked, the half-dwarf recognized that for Jaken, it wasn’t feasible to test them in the way that would satisfy the student. Perhaps the runes would work in settings outside the werewolf state, as long as they had some sort of power to draw upon. The mage could experiment with this and see what happened. “I’ll see what I can find on werewolves, and if you find yourself in Elbion again, you can get in touch with me.” While the College of Magic barred outsiders, there were always ways to send notes within its hallowed halls. Even if the mage counted find any information on lycanthropy, maybe it would be good for both of them to have someone else to talk to.

Teodron struggled to articulate the reason behind his question. “I don’t know. It’s just, you know, for most people that phrase is metaphorical. I...well—that is, I guess, it just sounds...lonely,” he ended lamely. Granted, werewolves weren’t the same as regular wolves; on the other hand, it didn’t seem like Jaken lived this life by choice. Even in his darkest moments, the half-dwarf had known there were people he could rely on. For the bounty hunter, there was no one. And Teodron could only imagine how hard that must be.

At the werewolf’s laughter, Teodron got a confused look on his face. This was different from the teasing before. It almost sounded like Jaken was...actually amused? “What? No, of course I’m not into raw meat. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! It’s just not for me.” Realizing he wasn’t making much sense, the mage took a deep breath. “I just meant, if there was meat left I could have some. To cook. Definitely to cook.” It would be far better than the dried jerky he’d been munching on earlier.
Jaken noticed that Teo gave few information about his past realted with his other. So maybe the half-dwarf was still struggling with his loss. As a way of being educated, the werewolf just looked the other way as he grunted. "I could help you." he said "I have various contacts, believe me. Life as a bounty hunter leave you with certain people you might see again to get resources. I could contact any of those people and trac her down. If you by any chance have something of her that had kept her scent, I could use that to track her down. But that would be only in my werewolf form... y'know, enhanced senses and all that. So... if you want help... just... give a signal." he offered. This was strange. Jaken had never offered anyone the contacts he had to help someone out "And, because you and I have somewhat similar backstories. i won't charge you for the job, that one's on me. I want to give you a chance that was taken away from me." he confessed.

"Not sure." he said in response to Teo's offer of going back to school "IT's been so long since I've went to school, I'm rusty. I haven't wrote a single word in months. Mabe my handwriting is rusted. Besides... I don't think schools would accept a bounty hunter werewolf. Y'know, a person who has killed and is a savage beast that mostly is seen as a threat who must be killed instantly. No thanks. Apart from that.... if I go to a school, I'd probably bond with someone, sure, I could possibly get my mate in the school environment. But... what happens if an event takes that away... I couldn't..... not again...." he whispered.

"Well, being a lone wolf is how I have been, so I'm usedd to be on my own and make things my way. It is lonely sure, which makes moments like this a lot more enjoyable, but, I stay away from people because I want to protect them. I am a dangerous person. I take dangerous contracts with dangerous people. What happens if someone gets hurt? They would put the blame on me, no doubt about it. When we left your college, the front guard threaten me to take care of you. I don't stay away from people because I hate them... I stay away because.... I... I'm scared...."

"Well, if you know how to cut meat and cook it, then take it. I'm full anyways." he yawned, exposing his fangs and sharp tongue "We should get some rest." from a bag nearby he took out his homemade sleeping bag. Not too fancy, but it kept him safe. "You have anything you can sleep on?" he said as he placed the bag and the ground and laid down on it.
Teodron paused, glancing at Jaken as the half-dwarf considered the other man’s words; the werewolf’s offer had certainly seemed sincere, which showed how far they’d come since this morning. Still, it wasn’t exactly like the mage could take the bounty hunter up on it. “Thanks for the offer’s not something you’d be able to help with. No offense.” Sighing, the student pinched the bridge of his nose, unknowingly leaving smudges of charcoal there from his darkened fingertips. “The college refused to release all the details, but my mother disappeared in a magical experiment gone awry. There were no traces of her but,” Teodron bit his lip, “she’s presumed dead.” Still, that had not stopped the mage from (quietly) searching for answers. He was convinced there was more to the accident than the college was letting on.

Drumming his fingers on his leg, the half-dwarf considered Jaken’s words. It did seem there were some barriers to further education for the bounty hunter—some of them Teodron was sure would even be hard to overcome—but mostly they seemed to be mental. “I think it would come back to you faster than you’d expect. And it depends on the school. The college takes theoretically takes anyone interested in magic. And if formal education isn’t appealing, you could probably apprentice as something.” Still, as the other man’s voice dropped to a whisper, Teodron knew the issue was more emotional than anything else. And this was territory the half-dwarf didn’t know how to navigate. He was silent for a long time, and when he finally did speak, it was in a halting, insure tone. “I don’t know...and tell me to piss off if it’s not my place. But, well, living in fear of what might doesn’t really feel like living. More like surviving.” Then again, what did Teodron know about living. He’d spent his whole life in one place, and since his mother’s disappearance he’d been singlehandedly consumed with finding out what happened to her. But that wasn’t really living either.

Teodron didn’t really know what he was getting at with the lone wolf thing. Maybe it just bothered him to think of Jaken alone in the world; maybe the half-dwarf was feeling a bit lonely himself and alleviating it in someone else might make him feel better; maybe it was simply a sense of injustice, since so much else had gone wrong in the werewolf’s life, that the rest of it should go smoothly. Still they’d already covered the living in fear, so he didn’t know what else to add. Maybe just some lighthearted advice. “Perhaps you just need to meet tougher people,” the mage joked. “Those who can keep up with your lifestyle, or at least aren’t bothered by it. Besides, it seems to me that if you make people aware of the risks, they have no one to blame but themselves.” Snorting, Teodron rubbed the back of his neck. “As for the college, they couldn’t care less about me. No, they’re just worried about their precious reputation. Can’t go around having students dying, it might impact enrollment.” Indeed, Teodron was under no illusion that his life mattered beyond what he could provide to the mages he studied under.

Nodding, the mage took his belt knife, and knelt by the remains of the deer. Steering clear of the tooth marks from where Jaken had shredded the carcass, the half-dwarf cut out a steak, and then glanced around for a stick. Finding a suitable one, he impaled the meat on the stick, then held it over the fire. He’d learned to cook basic dishes after his mother’s death, in order to take care of his family. It wouldn’t be fine dining, but at least it would be safe to eat. At the werewolf’s question, Teodron shrugged. “Ground is fine for me. Perks of being part dwarf, I suppose.” Actually, he didn’t want to admit that he hadn’t realized this would be a multi-day journey. If he’d known, he obviously would have prepared differently.

Once he’d judged the meat was as good as it was going to get, he started tearing into the still hot steak. Juice dribbled down his chin as he devoured it—guess he was more hungry than he’d expected. That done, he licked his fingers clean, then threw the stick into the fire. After that, he grabbed his staff and stood up, ignoring his aching muscles. Dragging one end in the ground, the mage formed a circle around their makeshift camp, stopping now and then to drop one of the runes he had in his belt pouch. That done, he returned to the fire, and sank into a cross-legged position, eyes closed. Seeking out that spark of power within him, the half-dwarf steadied his breathing, and then coaxed his magic into the circle he’d formed. Gently, like building a fire, he stoked until it had enough power to last the night.

Opening his eyes, he gave Jaken an apologetic grin. “Setting wards for tonight. It should warn us if anything hostile approaches, and might slow down an attack. I included you in them so you should be able to pass without incident.” That done, the student scooted over until he’d found a patch of grass, then laid his pack under his head and lay down, fully expecting to pass out immediately after today’s endeavors.