LFG 1x1 Looking for future friends and frenemies

Haldi Aega

Character Biography
Hello, a former merchant and an aspiring mage here at your service. Haldi is looking for artifacts that have been stolen or destroyed in his homeland, so plot could center around finding information or confronting a thief. But just making friends and exploring together is great too. My character is a traveler and I'm not yet sure where I'll be settling them down (will update this if it changes), so I'm open to suggestions.

I'm also hoping on entangling him in a one-sided romance from his side, so if you have characters that Haldi could swoon over and weird out, that would be great.

Hoping this spark interest in some of you!
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Reactions: Kara Orin
Haldi is looking for artifacts that have been stolen or destroyed in his homeland, so plot could center around finding information or confronting a thief.

I have a burglar/smuggler here that may be interested ;)

Is Haldi Aega interested in swooning over male or female chars, or both? Hit me up on discord or msg me if you like
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Reactions: Haldi Aega
I've got an elf character that runs an inn in Alliria if you're interested in meeting with her. She might be a good stop for when Haldi needs a bed and some ale.