Private Tales Light and Fire

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography


Its chill was often anything but an embrace to most. To Erën, at least to a degree, it was. Many of his years had been spent in these northern lands, and he had grown to appreciate much of what it offered. The cold was often one of those things. He closed a door quietly behind him, and took a few almost uneasy steps before shaking off the night's first breath, and shaking off the sleep - such as it was. His sleep had never been the best, though the difficulty came in waves. He'd experienced days, even a few weeks of restful sleep, only to slowly return to nightmares, nightmares so vivid as to seem real to him. Feel real. As it had this night, stirring him long before the sun.

Over the crunching under his feet, the sound of rushing water lured him. There was a path under him, but it was shown only by worn footpaths in the snow. Then he saw lantern light ahead, and approached the bridge that he knew was there.

Wooden plank underfoot.

Hands on cool rails.

An uneasy breath.

The crash of the rushing river. And for a time, amid the quiet night only its gentle roar filled the air. And his thoughts drifted away...

"M'lord Erën..?"

Caught off guard, Erën's head snapped around. Across on the other side of the covered bridge stood an elderly lady. She was a humble sort, and she was familiar to him. He'd not spoken to her but he had seen her about the small village, wherein this bridge sat at its most northwestern point. To say it was odd to run into here was an understatement, and that she knew his name.

"Pardon me."

"Please... I do not mean to be a bother..."
Erën stopped, and took on a more eased posture before nodding his head gently. The woman began forward, and came to the same rail and stood just a few feet from him. After a few moments of quiet, and silently attempting to ascertain her reason for being here, he resigned that it was likely none of his business, and simply continued looking out over the running water, rolling down through the village.

"Far more current than usual for this time of year."

Though he had no way of knowing for sure, Erën gave a quiet hum and a nod.

"Have you been here before...?" there was a genuine confusion from her.

"Many years ago, perhaps it was before your time."

The old lady giggled to herself a little, "oh, you're not human."

Erën turned his head to her again to see her looking at him already. Looking more clearly into her eyes now he saw, and the understanding answered one question only to ask another.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I can..." she paused for a second, and then waved her free hand around somewhat erratically, at least as much as she could manage, "...feel you there. I don't know what you are, I just know there's someone there, but everyone is unique. I recognized you, you're one of those adventurers everyone's talking about... Monster Hunters, the ones that have been clearing the woods of those... wretches?"

"Yes, that's right."

The wretches she spoke of were abominations, not unlike creatures he had encountered before but... different. Erën, Caliane, and Lazule discovered this place besieged by them, claiming dominion over the night and harassing the village with little relent. Now, after weeks of their continual purge, it seemed as though their task would soon be coming to an end.

"I felt you leaving the village, it just so happened I was out for a stroll... I don't sleep much these days, I have... too much to do..." her speech trailed off and she started rummaging through her bag, which hung over her shoulder and rested against her better thigh, "I brought you this... I found it in the woods shortly after we started going out again... I feel something from it, and I don't know why, but I think is has something to do with them. I thought you should have it." From her bag she pulled an object out which was not small in her palm, wrapped in a tattered cloth. She handed it to him.

Immediately when he took it from her he had a reaction. It was subtle, and he kept it to himself, but the immensity of what he held in his hand became apparent the moment he touched it. Removing its cover was only a formality at this point, or so he thought, as when he finally folded the last layer off in the center he did indeed see what he expected to, only not exactly. There was something dreadfully amiss. He looked up, asking, "where did you find... this..."

"It was just outside of town, a little off the path... it's very late, I must be going now," she turned to leave, but afforded a look back saying, "thank you for helping us," and then she left. Erën watched her make her way off the bridge, and then he cast a quick eye back down at what he held and covered it up with equal haste before dropping it into a small pouch on his belt. He looked over the rushing water and the village again, and thought on what had just happened, what had just fallen into his possession. He would of course need to tell the others, as he was unsure of what exactly this meant... but he felt they were all in danger.

He had not gone far from the village, but as he traveled down the path its lights were hidden behind trees, and the quiet dark surrounded him. Elven sight made this no hazard to him, but for the humans who dwelt here, it was nothing but black. Erën saw things with sharp clarity, though colours offered no vibrancy, barely even noticeable. Along either side were trees of needle and leaf, the latter being bare. Their empty branches stretched up and over the path, reaching across to and from either side.

He came down into a fold in the path where it also turned to take him into the village, just over the next hill. As he started up he felt a sensation on his side, almost like a vibration. His hand rested on the pouch there, and concern crossed his features. He looked back, and saw nothing. He looked up. The sky was changing. The sun would soon rise. His eyes turned up the path toward the village, and continued on his way.

There was a hard clop, and a few subsequent thumps. Another quiet sound, and then again, a hard clop, and two little thumps. Larnell was hard a work with the morning light, chopping wood for the local elders. After the attacks from the wretches, many of their men had fallen, and it had left many people without the help they needed from family and friends. He'd always been a leader in the community, and often folks turned to him for help when things got tough. This time no one needed to ask, he'd simply taken it upon himself. But when someone came and shared with him the news of his father, Tildon, he dropped everything and headed toward the square.

Tildon was a quiet man, but he was kind and did not shy away from some pleasant conversation. He'd lived in Tyradal for his whole life, and though he had daughters and a son, he'd reached an age where he considered everyone in this village family, and with the wisdom he'd acquired with time he had become a dependable voice in the community. His son had taken after him quite a bit. So when he did not come to town in the morning as he always did, it was not long before people started to take notice. In these northern lands everyone depended on one another to get through the harsher months, and Tildon was by far the best trapper this part of The Spine had to offer. Without him things would take a dour turn, and not long after his absence was noticed, panic took hold, and several of the townsfolk volunteered to investigate. Erën returned to the town square in time to see the search party mount up and gallop off toward the mountain.

He didn't take the time to determine what the goings-on were, and instead headed directly back to their dwelling. For their trouble, the Monster Hunters had been given an entire house to themselves. Of course it was a humble dwelling, but it offered them each as much amenity as they needed. As adventurers they were each of them of course used to far less accomodation. At least it offered them some level of privacy, which for the imminent conversation, was comforting to him. He didn't want anyone listening in on what he had to say to Lazule and Caliane - if they were even inside.

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The charred remains of the body thunked to the floor and the noise seemed to echo in the sudden quiet of the forest. It called to mind the old proverb; if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a noise? Likewise, if a body falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? What constitutes as a person? Did the animals baring witness to the slaughter not count? Did she count when it felt as though she existed separately from her body, a body that appeared more under the control of a being of primal fire than her? She watched through her eyes, felt the exhaustion hit as her body pushed itself beyond its means and seized the moment the Soulfire teetered, unused to the constraints of a mortal being, to take back control.

"Enough," she whispered harshly as she half fell against a tree. Her vision swam in and out of focus and darkness crept in at the edges making her feel nauseous and forcing her to close her eyes to overcome it. She stood there for seconds, or perhaps minutes, gathering her strength again and riding the price she would pay for the Soulfires use of magic. However long it took, Caliane was eventually able to straighten and to open her eyes, though what she saw made her want to close them again. In total there were about ten of the wretched things lying twisted and smoking among the trees. The smell of their charred remains made bile rise in her throat and she turned away to vomit up her breakfast - or was it lunch? - behind the tree only a moment ago she had been leaning on for support. With a shaky hand she wiped her mouth then cast another look.

She had seen worse, but this time it was by her own hand. Or rather, it wasn't and that made it worse. Her hands were bloody but it had not been her hands searing with white fire going through their chests to incinerate their organs. She'd been just a passenger. But a passenger all the same.

"You shouldn't have ambushed me," she lamented. It wouldn't have been as bloody if they hadn't. She would have been able to stay in control. With a deep breath she spread her wings and in a powerful beat and jump was airborne once more. It had definitely been an ambush. They'd been watching, learning. They were not mindless like they had once thought they were for this group had jumped at her as she patrolled from the very tops of the trees to bring her down and skewer her. Like a butterfly in a Lepidopterist's collection. If it hadn't been for the Soulfire they might have succeeded and that made her uneasy; would they try the same with Lazule or Erën? Uncomfortable thoughts.

Folding her wings she dropped to land upon the snow-speckled lawn of the house they had been given for their duration. There was a startled noise from some who walked past - not yet quite used to an Avariel - but they recovered quicker than they had done and one brave child bolted forward to snatch at a tiny pink feather that had come loose in her landing. Caliane paid it very little heed as she wandered inside.

She'd managed to get out of the blood covered clothes and was trying to get charred sinew out from her red locks in the copper tub set by the fire when the door went some minutes later. She paused mid shampooing.

"I'll be out in a sec," she called over the wooden shutter screen that shielded her from view then took a breath and ducked under the water to try and rid herself of soap.
Lazule knelt before the altar he had constructed in the snow-covered, mountainous wood. Scalps and limbs and teeth from the wretches arranged in meticulous ornamentation about him. Grisly trophies.


How many times before? How many times more? The questions arose, and the answer remained the same: until the Fire fades. Lazule had with Caliane's help been Reforged, with her and Erën's help had broken free of Father, and yet he regressed willingly back into the way he had always known. The way of the Hunter, the Slayer. Total freedom was far more frightening than the narrow purpose that was to be found in Father's Mantras. Adhering to the stern guidance of those words more satisfying than embracing the liberty found in dispensing with them.

For what other purpose should Lazule live, when he found such joy in the Hunting? For what other purpose should Lazule live, when he found such joy in the Slaying?

He was a servant of Humanity, but he did not want for the things that Humanity cherished. All he desired was to be wherever the monsters of Arethil could be found.

Here again with Caliane and Erën, Tyradal was one such place.

* * * * *​

The strange pronged feet of Lazule's suit left peculiar tracks in the snow, and from the site of the altar to the town itself they led.

Lazule entered Tyradal and did not slow his pace. There had been a time before, when he inhabited Lena's body, that he was wracked constantly with a nervous trepidation when around good people. A juxtaposition: to be so apprehensive in the face of those innocent, and so calm in the face of those wicked. For it was a deep-seated fear that had held sway over him, the fear that he might hurt an innocent man or woman and so join in with the cruelty perpetrated by the wicked. He feared that the good might fear him, what he was, for lack of insight often prompted such fears in humanity.

Lazule no longer harbored such fears. He had come to terms with the questionable actions of his past. And if anyone, monster or man, wished to do violence with him, Lazule would no longer hesitate to return it in appropriate kind. Fortunate. It was not the case here. No representative of Humanity desired to engage in hostilities with him.

Lazule approached the house they had been granted by the people of the town. His armor had sustained some battle damage and needed time to repair itself, and the magic of his suit could utilize a brief session of recharging with what meager sunlight was to be found during the short days of the winter. This, to ensure optimal combat effectiveness when next he went hunting.

Hand to the front door, Lazule pushed it in. Entered. There finding Erën, who by appearances had only just come in himself maybe a moment or two ago.

Lazule's helm shifted slightly to look at him. "Has your own hunting produced satisfactory results, Erën?"

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
"I'll be out in a sec,"
He hummed quietly behind a half smile, and shrugged the cloak off his shoulders as he stepped inside. He tossed it over the back of a chair, and ram his hand through his hair. Then he placed his hand on the pouch hung from his side.

The door opened behind him, and he turned to see Lazule as he entered, greeting him with a nod.

"Not exactly..." he replied, "...however," he took the pouch and unslung it, and placed it on the table, "I have found something."

Oddly then, Erën rounded the table once, and all the while his eyes never left what he'd set down. He was riddled with apprenhension, even a blind man could see. But finally, as he came back to where he first stood, he stopped and stared for a only moment longer as he pushed past that hindering weight. Then he opened the pouch, pulled out the item wrapped in cloth, and then set it down and unfurled it. What he uncovered was a perfectly round orb about the size of a large apple. Caliane and Lazule would both likely recognize it as being made from the same glowing gemstone as Erën's favoured sword. This, however, did not produce the same iridesence as what they were accustomed to. Any of them. In place of the small radiant spark that should be, there instead was the likeness of a dark storm raging within.

"This stone is an Aeraesarian tool, used during what we call the Joining - a ritual, where we become one with the collective," he examined it from afar, hesitant to touch it, "with this, a bridge is made between our mind and the collective. And then it begins... it is something that should not be here, and worst of all, it has become corrupt.

That is something that should not be."

When Caliane broke the surface of the baths tepid waters it was to hear Lazule ask his question and the avariel couldn't help but smile. He wouldn't have considered what had happened in the forest bad like she had. He would probably clap her on the back and congratulate her on a job well done. Shaking her head at her own ridiculousness - for she should be congratulating herself on ridding the earth of more of these monsters - she hurled herself out of the bath and quickly wrapped herself in a robe. From Erën's tone it didn't sound like she had time to get dressed properly. What he had found must be important.

Appearing from behind the modesty screen she first gave Lazule a warm smile and then her emerald gaze landed on Erën and the way he practically stalked the item on the table. She rested a hand comfortingly against his back before turning her attention to the orb.

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Caliane gasped and put a hand to her head as the whispered, scraping voices clawed at the inside of her mind. It was hard to decipher the words she thought she was meant to hear over the clamour of the others. So much despair. So much fear. So much pain and misery.

"What happened to it?" She asked faintly.
The orb reflected brightly in Lazule's visor. And he glanced from the object to Erën and to the object again. It was improbable that Erën did not already know, yet Lazule felt compelled to speak the observation aloud.

"Your sword."

The material from which the orb had been crafted, as he went on to explain, was one used by the Aeraesarians. His people. And, all of a sudden, this concept was terribly arresting to Lazule, the idea of having a people of whom you are a part. Of belonging among others of your own likeness. The closest Lazule himself had ever come to this manner of kinship was during his intimate proximity with the Soulfire, which itself inhabited Caliane.

Lazule had killed Father. Erën, his kin. Among them, now only Caliane held a firm belonging to her kind. Lazule dispensed with his ponderings after this thought.

"Corrupt," Lazule said. "Have you determined how this occurred?"

Caliane had joined them from her bath (that particular kind of maintenance for the body was no longer a requirement for this current vessel, yet Lazule retained a quiet...nostalgia for it, the refreshing act of cleansing). Though, not long after her arrival, she appeared to be unwell. Mild, the gesture of the hand to her head, but a degree of unwell nonetheless.

Lazule decided to reserve mention of it, his helm turning back toward Erën and the answers that would be forthcoming. But he kept it in mind to retain a steady observation of Caliane's status.

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
"Your sword."

Erën looked at him and nodded, "yes... the also stone acts as a conduit for our magic, and stores a small well of its own perpetually. It is how we cast our magic with such speed... but it has many, many uses..."

"Corrupt," Lazule said. "Have you determined how this occurred?"
He was about to answer, but Erën was not so engrossed in the item that he did not notice Caliane react. He moved closer to her, offering now his hand for support. He looked her over with concern for a moment, and curiosity. It was strange for her to react to the orb in such a way, or at least he thought so. If anything, he would have thought he would be the one having an adverse reaction.

Perhaps it was a coincidence.

"What happened to it?" She asked faintly.
When he was sure she was alright, he turned back to the orb and stared, "after the battle at Bhathairk against the Amalgamation... while we rested, I was attacked in the woods. My own kin. You know this..." he'd shared his experience before, how he'd fought Aidathin and Te'leis, and slew them. But he'd only spoken in so much detail before, omitting those final moments, "...when it was over, I held Te'leis. I could see in her eyes, something... else. I did not know then, but now when I look upon this orb I see it yet again.

I believe the being Anur showed to us may indeed be real, and worse yet, behind this. The city we saw in that cursed vision was Sharyrdaes... that is where this orb would have come from, and that is where the Shorai, the heart of the collective itself resides. If the whole of the Order has become corrupt, as this stone is, as my friends were..."

A solemn quiet fell over him, and memories of that vision flashed through his mind. Memories of his death. But in spite of this, upon seeing this stone, seeing what he knew to be the work of evil, he knew now beyond any doubt what he must do. He had to act, whether his end was fated or not.

"...then they have become a threat, perhaps even the cause of these new monsters we have come across as of late. The curse on my homeland twisted the wildlife into horrid monsters. If they've caused it to spread; given it greater power..."

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Caliane slid herself into one of the chairs as the conversation moved on glad that neither gathered there had asked her outright what was wrong. If they had she wasn't sure she would have been able to answer.

B̴̘̼͎̺̠̱̯̿̓̓̓̓̔͌̽͜ͅͅȇ̸̙̠͎͎͍̫̦̙̤̺̘̪͎̲͛̐̉̚̚ẃ̸̢͇̉̌̀̍͗̂͛̕͘͘͝͝͝͝a̴̢̜͇̟̬̱̟̠̬̬̩̒̊̈́͊̌͒̈͐͑̍̀̄̽̚͜ͅͅr̷̨̳͖͕͚̘̤̦̭̥̫̍̍̃͠ę̷̧̞̟̩̪̗̬̗͙̤̯͍͉̩̅͝,̵̦͇͇͚̘̉̿̈́͊ ̴̨̨̛̳̋́̽́̉̆̅͋̄̌̌̂̑͐ͅf̶̧̨͈͈̉͂͌̃̿͆̌̅̋̋͝į̵̢̲̬͎͎͖̣͙̺͚̄̇̂͆̀̈̀̉͜r̸̩̹̼̮̻̳͖̙̳̱̟̊͋̆̇̈͑̓͐̋̈̕̚̚͜͠ͅȩ̵̡̬͎͇̣̱̫͍̭͓̓͛̆̇͒̊̾̾̋͝ ̸̢̞̝̣̘͉̦̟̬̏̆̊̈́̋̾̆͝͠ͅḡ̸͈̠̩̖̖̤̬̮̥́͋͐î̷̭̬͎̥͍͈̤͋̂̇̃ͅŕ̸̮͔̳͎̌̿̿́̊̎̈́̊̒͝l̸̡͉̦̠̹͎̪̲̬̮͔̈́̏͌̑͜ͅ​

She swallowed and forced her eyes away from the orb to Erën's face and the pain that prowled beneath the surface. What he said didn't bring much comfort. If the being was real, were the visions too? Since seeing the love of her life die to that... thing she had tried to convince herself that what she saw had been the side effects of nearly dying, her heart literally broken in two. But now she chewed on her bottom lip with mounting concern at the idea this might have been a warning she should have been heeding.

"I... had a vision," she said quietly. None of them had spoken much of the details of what they had saw - apart from Lazule of course, who had gone into every small detail like a status report. "When..." I was dying. She pointedly did not look at Lazule but a white fire appeared over her fingers and curled around her wrist for a second before vanishing. "I saw a battle, a cursed battle with that... thing and a demoness. There was so much fire, so much blood. Lazule you were so very badly hurt and..." her voice grew distant as it sprung into her mind and then she shook herself and looked very seriously to Erën, tears pooling in her eyes.

"You died."
There were times in which Lazule preferred Lena's body over the Unknown Warrior's. The ability to emote was a powerful, if subtle, means of communication. Admittedly, he had not done it much when he was contained within Lena's body, but the point still stood.

Now, however, in the conclusion of Erën's speech, the ultimate implication behind the orb he acquired, Lazule was glad that the Unknown Warrior's face was encased behind stoic metal. Lazule recognized all too well his immediate determination in destroying the threat posed in Sharyrdaes. Yet he was aware of his friend Erën. That Sharyrdaes, the elves who lived there, were his home and his people--things Lazule could never know as strongly as him. But he knew this. That if Erën could see his face, the intent of Slaying plain upon it, that it would hurt him.

And Lazule did not desire to hurt him so.

There came a short silence. Lazule would have spoken, but Caliane (noted: she is sitting down. Unknown, if this action is related to her previous gesture of discomfort) started to speak. Quietly. His helm turned to regard her.

You died.

There was no short silence following this. No hesitation nor uncertainty.

"I was made to give of myself in service to righteousness," Lazule said. The Fire would fade. Eventually. "The only thing which could heighten my joy is if through such sacrifice I enable you, Caliane, and you, Erën, to live longer, happier lives."

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
"You died."
Erën had just turned to her when Lazule started to speak. He met her eyes, and saw the pain therein. This alone was enough to cause him to also feel pain, and this could be seen clear in his own gaze.

"...The only thing which could heighten my joy is if through such sacrifice I enable you, Caliane, and you, Erën, to live longer, happier lives."
Erën's eyes met Lazule's now, or rather, his visor. And he did something then that was a rarity for him - he smiled. Wholly. He brought a hand up and then down onto Lazule's shoulder, saying, "as it has been since we met Lazule, you have always been a trusted friend. I believe in these coming days, I will need you my friend, more than ever, and I have no intention on having any of us perish..."

He turned now to Caliane, kneeling just there before her, reaching up to brush a stray hair from her face, "...I too have seen this, in my dreams..." his eyes shifted away for a moment, and then his smile returned and he said, "... we are fortunate, to see so clearly what could very well come," he stood to his feet, "but even if we do strive headlong to our deaths, how would that be different from any other day? No... I believe this is nothing more than an attempt waged against us to dissuade our interfering... and even if it could be true, how could it ever be that way now that we know?

I believe we will be victorious."

Caliane wished she could share Erën's optimise, and Lazule's continued stalwart dedication to what he called The Cause. Was it something all warriors were just born with? Did it grow like the tall redwoods under the careful care of masters in the art of war to create new warriors? She thought of her own father, leader of the Warrior segment of her own society, and thought it might be true. Wondered, too, if he had been disappointed to find that seed buried too deep within his only child that it did not rise to the call as he had wanted all those years ago? It had taken her heart to bleed for innocents to start the sapling shoots that grew her warriors courage and still, after all this time, it was merely a weed in comparison to the pair.

How do I tell Erën I saw him die too?

It had only been her left to see the Avariel arrive to turn the tides -- or die too. The vision had ended before her own fate had become apparent. Or maybe it had ended because that had been the moment she had died? Her head spun with the thought and a tide of nausea rose in her mouth.

"How..." Caliane clung to that little weed of courage and prayed it could stand strong like her friends'. "How do we ensure the visions were wrong then?"
"Objectively," Lazule said, "time is the only determinant of the veracity of these visions."

Lazule felt indifferent about the visions the three of them had experienced. He did not see them as a certain future, nor did he discount the possibility that circumstances could so be arranged by chance to bring about a futur-- in part or in whole--according to the visions. Demons were real. He simply did not know if the particular demon and demoness in question were.

What remained true was that demons were decreed monsters. Visions or no visions, it was demanded that Lazule slay them. Slay them or die in the attempt. Erën did not misspeak when he said that such a day would be no different than any other. Death could have came by the Amalgamation's doing, Neha's doing, Anur's doing--and by any number of other monsters faced. Yet Lazule, Fire still burning within, stood atop a mountain of corpses, his altar of recompense for the innocents slain.

And he would strive to add two more to the mountain.

"Have the demons in our visions been witnessed?"

He glanced to Caliane, to Erën. His visor masked his face, but his inquiring tone made it clear that he'd not seen either of the monsters in the flesh.

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
He wondered if they had seen it all. He wondered too, if he had. At the time he had seen only so much, but throughout the course of many fearful sleeps, he had seen a great deal. Unlike Caliane, he had not seen so far. He knew not of the Avariel's arrival, or what their coming would bring. But Lazule's words and subsequent question prompted a question of his own, one he kept to himself.

Are they even real?

This could all be some dreadfully elaborate ploy of Anur and whatever allies he may have had. The Order was a great threat to his objectives, such as summoning the Ancient Dweller. No doubt he would have had an interest in corrupting them if such a thing could be done, and blaming some unseen demon was an effective means of justification. But still, there was something in him that told him it was all true, even though Anur was a liar. It roused in him many questions, and suppositions. He did not believe his severance to be Anur's doing. There was something else that had occurred during their battle with the Amalgamation that Erën had come to believe was the true cause. And if that too were true, even more questions arose.

"No, at least not by my eyes," he said in reply to Lazule, then he looked to Caliane, "all we can hope is that now with this knowledge, this foresight, we can prevent the things we saw from coming to pass."

He cast a final look to the orb, and then tossed a covering over it once more.

The party Larnell had set off with to fetch his father was not very large, only ten men. It was unlikely that Tildon would have gotten very far if he'd wandered off the path - which was an unheard of thing for him, but he was getting to be much older. It was possible his mind was not as sharp, and he'd lost his way. On horseback, if this was the case, they'd have little trouble finding him. At least, they thought this a possibility for a time, until they could see smoke rising up over the treetops, coming from Tildon's direction.

They hastened their pace.

But it was all for naught. By the time they arrived, Tildon's home was ablaze with no hope of recovery. But despite the horrific sight, there was something else that drew their eyes, something far more terrifying.

Standing just before the burning building was a creature, at least twice the size of a man. Their reference was in fact, a man - Tildon - who was held up off his feet by his head in the gargantuan grasp of this menacing creature. As they arrived it seemed to notice them, turning its armoured head toward them and then back to Tildon, and it was then that its grip abruptly tightened and quite thoroughly and gruesomely ended Tildon's existence right there before their very eyes.

Larnell cried out and charged forward, brandishing only a simple axe. All of the others followed after, likewise with little else but simple tools for weaponry. All but one.

One fled.

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  • Dwarf
  • Devil
Reactions: Lazule and Lina
Caliane let out a sigh of relief when the cloth covered the orb and with it silenced the whispers in her mind. Lazule and Erën were right; the foul servant of evil that had given them those visions had done so to dishearten them and make them weak. To spread fear and make them turn tail and run. She felt a little shame that it had nearly worked on her at the very least, but the need to protect two people whom she loved more than most in this world was an overwhelming need within her. Especially after seeing them both gone from this world. Especially knowing what else the vision had shown that she dare not say aloud to another living soul lest it not come true. How could a vision of such evil deliver her her worst nightmare and her greatest dream in one blow?

At least she knew the Final Battle was not here yet.

Her hand settled over her stomach almost on reflex of remembering that feeling the vision had given her, that tiny miracle in the middle of bloodshed. Then she shook her head to snap herself out of it and stood up.

"The group of creatures that attacked me this morning were not like the ones we have been fighting. These ones... planned an ambush. They had coherent thoughts and they... worked more like... people," she moved back behind the modesty screen to get dressed even as she spoke. "I am concerned this is a sign we're not pushing them back like we originally thought but that they are... changing. I think they have a leader."
Lazule snapped his visored gaze over to Erën the moment Caliane said the word leader, the motion deadly serious, crystal clear in how he regarded this notion.

Monsters that were mindless were one thing, those with the sentience paralleling mundane animals another, and those with intelligence...yet another. The most dangerous, the most corrupt, and the most cruel. They retained an awareness of their deeds and committed their atrocities regardless. The poison of Cruelty within them was absolute.

Father's Mantras left no room for doubt on a course of action.

"We will have to devise a method of locating this possible leader," Lazule said, "and killing it."

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
"Arkhivom.. We have a game to play!"
Lina's melodically malicious voice sang out from the burning building as she danced amongst the flames. Blood and ash coated her silver skin and hair, in one hand she dragged a dead female by the hair, in the other she carried a particularly meaty lower leg from which she'd taken a large bite. But the sound of fast footsteps and the staccato beating of a frantic heart was almost as good as the screams and dying breaths she'd been dancing to until now. One was running away, and the ones who tried to get away were always more fun than those with the audacity to face them.
The demoness chuckled as she dropped her meal in favour of the chase. Flames dripped from her body like water as she emerged from the blaze, her bloody smile wide with delight. She clapped her clawed hands together at the sight of Tildon's death and skipped over to her Demon, smearing a bloody handprint across his stomach as she slunk affectionately past him.

"Enjoy them my love." she said sweetly and unfurled her infernal whip which left a trail of fire in her wake as she went after the one who sought escape. Like a child, she giggled as she followed after the young male, almost drunk on the scent of fear. The Demon sang..

"Faster, little rabbit, faster he goes.. Faster little rabbit, run run from his foes."
"Hurry little rabbit, he must run fast.. Let us see how long he will last.."

"Quick now little rabbit, he's getting away! Will he live to run for another day?"

The whip snapped out.

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Pathetic creatures...

Arkhivom's grasp loosened, and Tildon's body fell lifeless on the snow covered ground. His head was but a mangled lump, and Arkhivom's hand was a mess. He shook it clean just as Lina moved past him. A low and throaty growl rumbled in his chest, and he sniffed at her as she went. He found her to be her most beautiful in these moments, and these desires roused in him fervour to undo his enemies all the more quickly.

But his ambitions would need to wait. There was a very important task to be done.

His eyes rose to the approaching riders. Pitiful things, they had no idea what it was they charged against. It amused him. Lina was lovely enough to deal with the coward. Arkhivom then, would deal with the rest.

"Enjoy them my love."
And he would.

As they came nearer, he began to chuckle. He clapped his hands together, and then slowly parted them. In between, a small orb swirling with black and streaks of grey took shape. It grew as his hands moved further and further apart until it was the size of a ball too large for the average man to hold in one hand. Arkhivom's chuckling persisted as he gave it a gentle toss. It moved in an eerily straight path without so much as a waver, and it moved with no urgency.

The riders moved to veer around it.

As they came in line with it, there was a sudden and catastrophic reaction. In the blink of an eye, the orb erupted with tendrils of black which arced with red energies. They reached out and ensnared riders and mounts, lifting them off the ground and slowly pulling them closer to the orb - which all the while had slowly grown in size. Soon, it was several meters in diameter, and the dark energies it exuded ripped and tore at what seemed like the very fabric of reality around it. Those ensnared by its strange grasp, cried out with great pain. One by one, each of the riders and horses were brought into very close proximity to the orb, some even touching it, and others more horrifically being pulled inside of it.

Then, with but a thought, the orb suddenly expanded to envelope all of those who had been drawn to it, and then with an explosive blast of great magnitude blinked out of existence.

Arkhivom's chuckling still persisted, quite pleased with himself. Having dealt with that nuisance, he turned his attention to Lina's quarry. It seemed the coward's steed managed to escape - but this was well with him. It would be as a herald of their coming.

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Though he was not obvious, Erën was careful to observe Caliane. He'd noticed a great deal of anxiety from her lately, and especially now he'd not been blind to there being something causing her great distress. His eyes caught her hands over her abdomen, but he read nothing from it other than perhaps she was feeling a little ill. After some time of watching her, his attention turned to the orb, now covered once again. He struggled some to set aside his concern, and tried instead to remain focused... he wondered if he could use the orb to discover the truth of these monsters they'd seen in their visions and dreams, if they indeed were real, and if it could be used to find them.

"We will have to devise a method of locating this possible leader...
...and killing it."
Erën looked to Lazule and met his hidden gaze, "I agree. Alone these monsters are... harmless, at least to the likes of us. But together..."

a voice hollered outside, and a few other voices joined in panicked worry.

Erën's attention snapped to the door, and then he gave Lazule and curious look before he walked over to open it. He pulled the door open and stepped outside, and his eyes were immediately drew up. A plume of smoke rose high into the sky now, and it came from somewhere some distance away. It came from the direction the riders had rode off in.

He turned back in and equipped himself with his armament, speaking as he did, "as I arrived, some of the villagers rode off to find some missing man who lives out of town... and now smoke rises from where they went," with a click he fixed his sword belt, "we of course must go - and I have a feeling..." he cast a final look at the shrouded orb, "...when we do, we'll have found who we're looking for."

Outside, a lone horse quickly rode into town. Its approach was panicked at first, but once it was near to the comfort of familiar hands it began to relax. However its arrival was hardly a pleasant one. There should have been a rider returning with it. He and about a dozen others.

It was second nature to check it wasn't because of her own wings. She glanced over her shoulder but they were their usual crisp, pure white aside from the primaries where they faded into a deep scarlet red akin to the shade of her hair. She folded her wings away once she had done up the straps which held her top in place around her wings before grabbing up her knives and bow, and emerging from behind the screen.

"I'll handle the fire," Caliane soothed as she followed her friends who were already making their way outside. Her soft tone and the knowledge a being made of fire was going to be handling it soothed the anxious knot of women and children who were looking and pointing. The avariel seemed to have the ability to relax people even in the heat of danger. She cast them a smile that suggested there was nothing to be worried about even as the riderless horse came cantering into view. It seemed Erën was right.

Her stomach rolled.

"I'll meet you there, I must contain the fire," she glanced at her friends. "Be careful," and with that she beat her powerful wings and shot into the sky, heading for the blaze.
Lazule joined Erën outside. He saw the plume of smoke peeking through the tops of trees, and he was perplexed. The probability of such a large column of smoke going unnoticed by him was low--surely he would have seen it if it had been happening on his journey back. The source of the fire had to be very recent. Recent, and violent.

Erën shed some possible light on it. People of the village perhaps, either struck by the misfortune of an accident or imperiled by a previously unknown danger. So far as Lazule's insight of the current monsters extended, none had the ability to create fire.

Caliane took the skies, rushing to get the distant fire under control.

Lazule looked down, surveying the battle damage to the armor of his hands and arms, his body. Suboptimal, but rarely--and only inadvertently--did an active enemy allow for a lull in which one might recuperate to full strength. He would as well have to rely upon the moderate charge of magic coursing through his suit, and to trust that, if combat did come, it would be resolved quickly.

He looked ahead. His voice reverberating inside his helm, he replied to Erën, "Then there is no other place we should be."

Lazule ran up the street. Starting slow, gaining speed, more and more, until his mighty legs and pumping arms were propelling him forward with the urgency of a galloping horse.

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë
It was truly an art, how beautifully her talent with the fiery whip could flay the skin from a man's body. She admired her work as one would look upon a painting or sculpture, appreciating the cruor and sinew that'd been until now, hidden below the surface. The heady scent of blood and smoke filled the air, and Lina breathed it in deep as she danced with the skinned corpse in some barbarous waltz.

"You dance so well without your skin on.." the demon crooned girlishly before dropping her voice low like a male's.

"Oh thank you, My Queen, it was quite a burden. My my, you are so terribly beautiful." said the 'flayed man.'

"Yes, I am. How kind of you to say so.." Lina chuckled shyly, her fingertips trailing tenderly down the bared tendons of his face before she drew him in for a bloody kiss. She licked at her lips as she drew back and grinned. "But you are a terrible kisser.." she whispered and dropped the body with a wet slap as it hit the ground.

She continued to hum the pretty tune they'd been dancing to as she turned to skip back toward the blaze, the whip trailing a line of fire in her wake. But then above, movement drew her eye, and her movement was swift as her arm rose and wrist flicked up in attempt to ensnare whatever winged creature was flying overhead.

"Arki! More friends!" she squealed happily.
Arkhivom watched quietly as Lina carried out her fun. Her behaviour was absolutely abominable, or at least some would say. Arkhivom found it dreadfully appropriate, and as she turned to him covered in the mess of her mutilations, his heart pounded harder in his chest. In her was his joy, and the terror she invoked was almost intoxicating to him.

She was perfect.
"Arki! More friends!" she squealed happily.

His gaze turned to follow hers, and he'd not even squint for his eyes to adjust. High above, he saw her, the winged one. The Cleansing Flame.

his voice rumbled, low and calm.

"Take her."

"I'll meet you there, I must contain the fire... Be careful,"
The air nearly cracked beneath her wings. As Lazule began forward, Erën remained still for a moment and watched Caliane depart. There was something that came over him in that moment, something that froze him still - a memory. He remembered their fight with Anur... remembered after, they all went their separate ways.

He reached to the feather in his hair. He remembered seeking Caliane, and finding her again...

His hand touched her cheek, faintly. Heavily.

"And you," he whispered, and then his eyes fell from the sky and he dashed forward with haste.

Lazule was a remarkable individual, and the body which he commanded now was suited to him far more, in Erën's opinion. The abilities of this body were different than the previous host. Lena could not have kept up to Erën in such a way, let alone lead him. In fact Erën needed to accelerate himself magically to catch up, but once he had, the pair of them moved together with remarkable speed through the snow covered pines toward their mark.

It would be only a short time.

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For a second her vision wasn't her own. The Soulfire took over, her wings glowing hot and white and her eyes burning with the distinct fires belonging to a being very Other to the known world. It saved their life. The whip of fire would have caught her across the shoulder if it hadn't sensed the fire hurling towards them. Then just like that her body was her own again as she hovered in the sky and tried to orientate herself once more.

Could you stop doing that, she seethed. The Other being who resided in her seemed so elated that Caliane was speaking to it at all that it didn't seem to sense the anger in her.

We would have been hurt, it purred and Caliane got the distinct feeling of having something wild brush up against her legs like a cat might.

I can look after myself, her only response was gleeful laughter.

Putting aside the worrying deteriorating state of her control on the Soulfire, Caliane turned her attentions to the figures below. Where her vision and reality suddenly clashed into one.

Lazule slowed his approach.

Through the shifting gap of tree trunks flickered the orange glow of the fire. He could not yet tell exactly what was on fire, but from the distance he estimated it to be sizeable. Not a tree or group of trees, judging from the profile. A cabin? Unknown, as of yet, if the fire was an accident, or if it was malicious.

He waited briefly for Erën to come beside him.

"If any of those men are still alive, I see no movement, and hear no voices," Lazule said.

He spared a glance over.

"It is probable that you are correct."

Natural born life, be it human, Avariel, or Aeraesarian elf, all seemed to have a sense that Lazule lacked. A "sixth" sense, as he had heard it referred to, analogous to a power of premonition. It was not always reliable, these "hunches," but they detected danger more often than they proved to be false positives.

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas Caliane Ruinë Lina
  • Bless
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