Fate - First Reply KOA: Watermelon Delight

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Character Biography
Pale pink, sugary sweetness dripped down her red-stained fingers onto the thick wooden cutting board. A tessellation of juice and white and black seeds were pushed to the side with the blade of a sharp knife. Long, green smiles with stretches of darker stripes rippling through fleshless slices were already neatly piled for the compost. Alouette scooped another bright red ball with a wooden spoon into a wooden bowl, trying to beat the temptation of just putting it into her mouth.

Another scoop. Another ball.

One more for her wouldn’t be too selfish, would it? She glanced at the half of watermelon that she had yet to use; a glistening, juicy red hill that awaited to be devoured. She took the knife and carefully cut off a chunk from a side that she had to turn her head to see. More juice dripped down her fingers, coalescing in the wrinkled curve of her palm. The crunch was satisfying, but her green eyes lit up from the taste. She wasn’t one to brag but she was the best watermelon picker in all of Astenvale Monastery, maybe in all of Espressa? She slurped the juice in her palm, licked up her wrist to capture a stray drop that thought it could slip away by sliding down to the crook of her elbow.

Refreshed in spite of the summer’s heat, Alouette could continue to carry out her task. There were others that would enjoy this treat just as much as her, and they deserved it, too. They had worked hard today, and yesterday, and the week before, getting rid of all the pests in the gardens. And though they went for a swim in the pond, Alouette knew they still felt the summer heat beating down on them.

Hoisting up the large wooden bowl, Alouette placed it aside and cleaned up her mess, washing both the cutting board, knife, spoon and her sticky hands. She dried her hands on her oversized tunic, collected the bowl and left the quiet kitchen that had settled an hour ago. She crossed across one path to come across another, using that to bring her down to the gardens.

She could hear them already, bossing one another around when she passed the library, windows alight with candlelight. When she made it to the gardens, she went to their favorite pond, pausing to appreciate their paddling. Well worn boots trampled over wild burr weed to not ruin the flowering bog bean. The ducks came to her immediately and she set down the bowl of watermelon at the edge. Alouette picked up one ball, held it in the palm of her hand and giggled as one of the female ducks nibbled at it.

It tickled and she was delighted by their sounds, their rustling wings and shaking of their round bodies. Her heart swelled as her smile grew under the twilight sky. Her people were right, it was always better to share.
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  • Aww
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Arbok and Saella
Alouette was a funny one and things like what Arbok was currently witnessing just seemed to confirm that.
The day was nice and there was nothing wrong with having watermelon on a good day or even eating it outside.
There was also nothing odd about feeding ducks, lots of people fed ducks.
Feeding ducks watermelon though, that was new to her. Nope, she'd never seen that before.

She wasn't far from the spot Alouette chose but she was sitting in a tree, just out of view, reading. The book wasn't anything of particularly interesting, just about keeping horses. So she was prone to looking up from it and scanning the horizon or in this case the duck pond.

Yep, Alouette was certainly a strange one.
Not that anyone minded or that anything was wrong with her but it was interesting to see all the same. Arbok found herself wondering then what caused the smallest squire to think of connecting watermelon to ducks.
It cannot have been that common, bread right? You fed ducks bread.

Leaning to the side, the book forgotten now and resting in the branches, Arbok hung from legs and strong arm over the pond to get a better look.
The ducks seemed to like it.
Maybe Alouette knew more about ducks than she had assumed.
With an ease only the truly athletic or reckless possessed Arbok let go with her arm and hung upside down from the tree. Her long hair would have trailed the water had it not been brought to a tight braid which she had tucked under her shirt for the climb, Trees liked to pull hair.

"What's up Lou?"
She asked, beaming and in a manner that made it out like greeting someone while hanging upside down from a tree was perfectly expected.
