The birds speak to me. As do those who's lips are now silent on the physical plane. Sometimes all I wish for is silence.
Long black hair, pointed elvish ears, and eyes so dark green they appear black in certain light. She has small black horns poking out of her hair. She often hides them in braids.
Skills and Abilities
Avian Connection: Birds like her and she likes birds. Any bird can find her and most know of her. She is frequently traveling with at least one bird.
Death Magic: She has studied the secrets of necromancy, pacts, and the life cycle since she was young. Spirits, the dead, and a life leeching power all her own are her constant companions. She is careful with who and what she touches with her bare hands. To keep from accidently using her magic she wears leather gloves as a precaution. She has ever since she was a child and even though she no longer needs them she wears them as a reminder.
Archery: Clover is a damn good archer. She is able to use a short bow, long bow, crossbow, and hand crossbow. One of her passions is archery.
Short Sword: She has learned to use a short sword and can wield it with a dagger or a shield.
Death Magic: She has studied the secrets of necromancy, pacts, and the life cycle since she was young. Spirits, the dead, and a life leeching power all her own are her constant companions. She is careful with who and what she touches with her bare hands. To keep from accidently using her magic she wears leather gloves as a precaution. She has ever since she was a child and even though she no longer needs them she wears them as a reminder.
Archery: Clover is a damn good archer. She is able to use a short bow, long bow, crossbow, and hand crossbow. One of her passions is archery.
Short Sword: She has learned to use a short sword and can wield it with a dagger or a shield.
Clover prefers her own company. Where there are lots of people or where there have been lots of people, the dead tend to hang around. And once they realize she can see and hear them they don't leave her alone. It makes her appear stand offish and sullen, but really she is just trying to focus on what the living are saying. The dead speak so much louder in her ears. She loves archery, fishing, and long walks. She has punched the living due to being overwhelmed by the dead.
Biography & Lore
Clover was born in the forest and found by The Sightless. She was raised in the cult, but no one is sure who exactly her parents are or why she can do the things she can do. A free spirit, Clover never rose high in the cult's ranks and one day while on a walk she just decided to not return. She has wandered with her birds and her magic ever since. She found the Knights by accident and found herself curious about them. Perhaps this is where she can roost?
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