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Early Spring, 373
Valen Wilds, 3 Days from the Tree
Valen Wilds, 3 Days from the Tree
The mottled gray of falling dusk cleft Isander's brow in shadows. It suited his mood. That dark cast made mirror of him, for he had come on business bleak as it was cold. Poachers this side of the Spine, spilling the blood of babes and disturbing the balance of the Loch. Dark thoughts indeed filled the Knight.
He knew not whence these men came, and nor did he care. Action had signed the warrants for their deaths, and Isander would see his hands tie the noose. Hunters for sport, profiteers who found arousal in cruelty, these were the folk he came to kill. Were it that they were found deserving of mercy, but the Knight had none to spare.
Spring unfurled around him, in verdant buds that plumped branches of the sparsely populated wood. The year's first melt drew nearby tributaries to babble. Running water, the hum of incessant wingbeat, a nattering of movement that beckoned from noise to near indistinguishable cacophony all filled his ears, steered him from blanking his mind. It offered him solace with which to comport himself, to relax the alert edge that afflicted his gaze.
He rode in silence, unbowed by the accoutrements of murder. Gauntleted hands held the reign loose, and his coat of maille and cloth sat slack upon him. His spear, butt couched in a stirrup and haft resting in the crook of an elbow, stood ready for use but unthreatening. Sweat had begun caking his neck and back, spots of color dampening his collar. Even this early in the season he felt the effects of a maddening sun; it roused warmth in him, quite in contrast to the heavy chill that seemed to stride atop the cresting eve.
Raising a hand, he bade his mount ease into a stop and cast his eyes to the map that sat astride his lap. The knoll to his left, ringed in weather smoothed stones and patches of mushrooms, could be twin to its visage christened "Erebit's Rest" on his map, right down to a log-bench that spoke of a civilized touch.
To his companions he said, "All reports agree that this group operates from these grounds. Sightings put them roughly here"—he held the map, gesturing with a thumb for their perusal—"and with the day running long as it is, I see we have two options: we wait for full dark to espy their fires, or we press on in search of tracks to come upon them while light yet remains in the sky."
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