

Biographical information
The Scar ??? Usually around people with a lot of mana
Physical description
Aspect of mana Female Varies Varies Silver Blue or Blonde Blue or Brown Pale
Political information
Guide and Companion
Out-of-character information
Light 10/8/2023

As a Aspect of Mana that gained sentience Lumina rarely shows herself in her orb form, she usually takes the form of a young female.


If Lumina decides to show herself it can be in several forms.
- A mana orb which feels freezing cold to the touch.
- A angelic looking young girl with Silver blue hair, blue eyes, wings and a one piece white dress.

- A young woman with blonde hair, brown eyes, a white shirt, light brown jacket, dark blue jeans and light brown fur boots.

Skills and Abilities


Transformation: Lumina can take the shape of a Angel or human.


Orbital defences: In her orb form Lumina is only able to defend by the use of runic defence spells to keep herself from shattering. (These spells are very potent but take a great deal of mana to use.)

Absolute Zero: In her angelic form Lumina has control over the element of Ice, from soft snow all the way up to blizzards. She can even freeze her opponent on a molecular level, this won't kill them but at least they won't be able to chase her for a while.
If hit by this attack people will thaw out within a few minutes. (The bigger the storm or attack she summons the heavier the price, freezing her opponent on a molecular level drains almost all of her mana in one go.)

Acolyte of the Earth Mother:
In her normal human form Lumina is able to manipulate the earth around her, be it defensive or throwing huge boulders at her enemies.
She can summon vines to restrict the movement of whoever gets caught in them, these vines however are easily broken or thorn if one's physical strength is high enough.
(These spells all are quite costly.)

Once Lumina is almost out of mana she reverts back to her orbital form, after which the only thing she can do is trying to get away.


Lumina is very difficult to spot in her orb form. She usually floats pretty high above the ground to avoid being spotted easily. Though she is very curious about people who seem strong because of their mana reserves she rarely shows herself untill she believes the person she would show herself to is harmless to her.

Lumina is a very quiet person and lacks most basic emotions, she only opens up to those who can gain her trust.

Biography & Lore

Born into existence after the Elder Dragon Drakormir rose from its slumber in the Amol Kalit leaving behind the massive gorge called The Scar. At first Lumina was but a small orb of mana originating from Drakormir's magic, some time passed and the small orb of mana gained sentience.
Lumina then spend a long time in The Scar gathering mana, one day she floated up way above the gorge and noticed there was mana literally everywhere. Upon noticing Lumina decided to travel around and see what the world was like.

After a while she came across a old human who seemed to be a scolar of sorts, the old man wasn't harmful to her and even decided to teach her magic so Lumina could take a human shape.



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