Private Tales Kingdom of Conscience

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Well, Isn't That Interesting?
Character Biography
On the Road Between Here and There

The white-haired elf traverses a narrow, dark path. The edges of the walkway blur into the abyss that spans on either side. Staring off into the seemingly endless black, one's mind became filled with the dissonant whispers of forlorn souls. The lantern held aloft by the guide shines with a vermilion glow. Behind him follows a stranger to this void.​
"Do stay strong," his voice is a gentle hum. Soft spoken, his voice somehow drives a wedge between the cacophony that pervades the recess of one's consciousness. It anchored her to the present. Reminded her of her being and purpose.​
"We're almost there."​
It seemed a lifetime ago that the elf guided her onto the dark path. It stretched to what seemed like the edge of existence. However, he guided her with a purpose. Where the trail seemed to continue on straight and unbending, it would shift and turn. Directions mixed. Left felt like right, right like left. Had they been walking for minutes or hours? Days or weeks? Weeks or years? Was there an end, and if so, what awaited them?​
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Everything was hazy. Cinna could feel his presence, but make out little more than a vague paleness of his hair and a dim lantern as her eyes adjusted to the constant darkness she had been dragged into after...something she could not quite figure out on her own. Her brow furrowed with instruction to remain strong. For what purpose? She wondered. Almost where?

In the distance shapes broke through the blackness of the realm- perhaps a building or a creature waiting. She would not be able to tell what they were, but regardless she locked her eyes onto the static object and continued forward behind the elf.

"Almost where?" Her own voice brittle as it echoed beyond the pair. "Have I died?" She wondered aloud, hoping not but nevertheless still praying for an answer. Her body felt light despite the time she had spent behind him. Following along like a lost pup. However long it had been, she once again had no idea. She was only instructed to follow along. They would be there soon. Wherever 'there' was.
"Hah!" The elf's chuckle is gentle and easy, "Not yet, it would seem. As for where we're going, well..."​
His voice trails. He chuckles again and whistles a pleasant tune.​
"Just stay close behind me."​
As they walk further down the path, it becomes clear that whatever dangers that swim in the blackness take care to avoid the elf, who carries himself along as if he's taking a casual stroll. The straight path continues. The elf guides them past parts of the trail that split and branch off until they reach the end, where a small out-of-place hermitage sits amidst the void.​
"Here we are," he says, and stops just before the door. "End of the road."​
He opens the door for the tiefling. A blinding light pours through, and as she would step through it, she would find herself standing before a serene lake. Floating above the lake's still, mirror-like surface was a grand castle. The elf would follow her through, and should they turn around, they would find nothing but a thick forest behind them. No door. No shack. No void.​
"Welcome to Orecabessa."​
Cinna's cheeks reddened at the elf's laughter, embarrassed that he found her simple questions to be laugh-worthy. Humans and elves alike treated her as less than dirt, even while living in what one may have considered the melting pot of Arethil. Her lands, long gone, had forced her there. And still, not one could send a glance her way without it being tainted with hatred of the tiefling.

If not dead, then what? She wondered, but did not find the courage to ask another insignificant question.

She did as the elf said, breathing quietly on his back as she followed. He seemed safe, but she... A mistake of looking down made her stomach drop- bile burning at the back of her throat with the height of both everything and nothing she would surely fall into with one misstep.

He stopped. She bumped into him.

Her mouth opened, to question him. Where was here? End of what road? But her mouth continued, hung agape, her left hand reaching to shield her eyes as she was brought through...whatever that was. After several seconds of rubbing, her eyes adjusted. She spun around with more questions than answers, she was sure of it. After another too-long silence, she spun once more, looking up at the elf.

"Wh...what?" Her face already flushed once more with the impending laughter at another simple question- and even worse, her attempt to repeat what he had greeted her with. "Orca..Ocrebess...Orecabessa?"