Hath already slipped, albeit without any smoothness to go with it. Ice had a way of taking away one's independence simply by existing. Out of her sight, the half-blind shaman rose carefully to her feet to prevent any unwanted slippage. The scout was nearer now, eagerly throwing his weight into what he knew was his final battle. Once
Hath Charosh was gone from the immediate vicinity, it was
Bula's turn to truly act. She left the crater behind, letting the scout play with the troll now.
The impending loss of the orc in front of her was not the only one to be felt this night. The spirits sung of losses from the ravine below that the others traversed. They mourned the death that would come on this path tonight, knowing that yet another has been claimed by their fate. It was
that aid that Bula reached for now, just barely safe from swinging, trunk-like arms of ice.
It was the ancient web of interconnected existence that ran beneath the ground that often served as her font for the deeper magicks she possessed, and so it would be again tonight as she knelt down to touch the ground, almost as if in prayer.
"Lend us your aid," the orc murmured softly, and her own self reached out, fanning ever outward to connect with the lingering spirits of the freshly departed. Her eyes shut, and when they opened later, it was with the renewed strength of her ancestors that she stood. It was a weird sort of healing that took place, a permanent boon granted the shaman by the spirit world, next. Her facial scarring lifted, eyes both taking on a fiery orange glow.
The world appeared different suddenly, but she would have to figure out the why of that later. Instead, she exhaled:
And like that, the glow left her. It was the scout that received the rest of the boon placed upon them by their fallen. He know, just as Bula did, that it would be his last battle. When he glanced her way, he called the same syllable. Their loved warriors would fight with him now, granting him the strength needed to overcome the troll.
Bula took off down the path, moving as quickly as she could and even sliding on occasion.