Private Tales Healing of both body and soul

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Many moons had passed since the attack on their caravan, and many phases had come with them. At the beginning of their journey any noise, even the sound of a branch breaking, demanded their full attention. It took a long time for their nerves to settle, before they could return to any sense of normalcy. But that time had come and passed, eventually things settled down, even to the point where they stopped thinking of each other as merely coincidental travel companions and actually started getting to know each other.

Arcoff had always been one to give others the benefit of the doubt, but even he was surprised to see that Amelia was not at all how she had seemed when they first met. It dawned on him though out their travels that the road leading up to their meeting in Vel Anir must have been one wrought with many a tension. In reality he found she was a warm and laid back person, which made a lot of sense when he learned of her calling as a doctor caring for the sick.

Now they found themselves with only a week, if Arcoffs calculations were correct, before they finally arrived at their final destination. Alleria.
The evening birds twittered around them as the two travelers made camp by the bank of a small creek. Though it was hard to see the forest for all the trees, they could both agree that access to somewhat clean water and giving the horse another night’s rest was most likely for the better. Amelia hadn’t really picked up much more than another few days of rations after all. The way they left their former traveling companions didn’t allow for much more than that, and the rest of the space in her satchel was still reserved for her mother’s books.

“Looks like a good spot to me.”
Amelia said and plopped herself down by a tree. “Might lack the view of an open field, but at least we’re not visible for miles on end like we were just a few days ago.”

They were two people after all, there was no strength in numbers here, and Amelia had relentlessly reminded Arcoff of the luckily enough friendly people who met them on the road after having seen their camp from afar.

“What was it they said, again?” She grinned. “Like a beacon for creatures and men alike?”