Greetings to you all.

Sir Nathaniel

The Paladin
Hello, Chronicles RP.

Sir Nathaniel at your service. I've been a prominent RP-er for over 17 years now. Quite a long tenure, huh?

Originally, I was a DnD player in my youth. Once the Internet came about, I started off on the BattleOn Forums, a long, long time ago. From there, I moved on to a Kingdom Hearts RPG Forum, then on to a now-defunct place called Valucre. Then once that place closed down, I moved to Pretty Good RPG, its successor. Now, my search for a new site to call home has brought me here.

I've got quite a few characters I've developed over the years and I hope to have some new adventures here.

For those curious, my style of RP-ing is focused on immersion, cooperation, action and that which we call "Epic Fantasy" - or "NobleBright" to use the modern term. My works deal with heroic characters saying very heroic things and doing very heroic deeds. And did I mention I like heroic stuff? JK.

But seriously, I'm pleased to join your ranks. :)
Hello and welcome! You'll find many writers here that are just as long in the tooth as yourself, including me. This hobby started for me in 98 and I thought I'd grow out of it by now. Oops?

We have all types of writers here and all styles of writing. I'm sure if you post up a LFG thread outlining your preferred style, you'll have a few bites in no time. :) We're very much story-focused here and try not to take ourselves too seriously. Have fun, write cool stories, and enjoy!
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around and writing with you at some point! I run some DnD-esque adventures from time to time that you might find interesting :)