1. Sandbox
  2. Ranvena's Portfolio

My writing style:
Primarily in the style of a traditional novel (past tense, third person); sometimes mixed with present-tense narrative description.

My post lengths are typically medium to long (about a page), but vary depending on dialogue/scene flow.

What I enjoy writing:
- plot-heavy narratives and character development
- action/adventure
- fun and light-hearted adventure
- antagonists as drivers of story
- mythweaving

What I don't write:
- gratuitous violence/intense gore
- torture
- erotica
- military/war fiction
- political fiction

*I will write slice-of-life from time to time, but I don't usually enjoy it*

My characters:
Elinyra Derwinthir (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Elinyra)
Vyr Taethiras (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Vyr-Taethiras)
Pim (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Piminny-Pim)
Khasmina Zvonimir (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Khasmina-Zvonimir)

Aeresai/Sharydian Order
Vordrakel Deaz'renith (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Vordrakel-Deazrenith)

College of Elbion:

Aldrae (https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Aldrae)

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