Teaching was, still something that was starting to form within Josai's mind. Never quite saw herself as a teacher. Hardly liked taking on assistants and helpers when it came to manning the bar at the knoll.
Yet, she understood the importance of it. Least, she thought she did.
"So, tell me squire," the spear witch started as they hiked out across the Wylds. Hours away from the monastery. Nothing too drastic. But, she would not be too surprised if the squire got turned around. Lost her way back.
Worm rot, Josai herself was likely be turned around and astray, were it not for the maps she kept. And the few tricks she had learned from the more wyld of walkers that called themselves knights.
Oh right. "About yourself," she half laughed. Spear acting every bit a staff as she moved through the trees and the soft earth. "About what you know of magicks, and the wyld," a bit of shadow and thorn in the last of it.
Some theater helped to remember. Least, she thought so anyway. And adjusted the brim of her wide blue hat. Her robes a billowing cloud of brilliant blue against the green and grey of a cool fall day.
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