Fable - Ask Green through the Thumb

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Haelyn had heard talk of many Sworn calling out to the Wyld and fighting alongside that which they had summoned, had heard of those that shifted into forms of the Wyld, and those that knew the secrets and passages of the Wyld's terrain. She was hopeful for the first time since arriving at the monastery, elated that her first lesson had showed her such potential for pursuing this study of magic.

"Then I should return these to you, so that I do not meddle with things I am not ready for." Small smile pulled at her lips, as she leaned forward to offer the bell and stick. "Besides, Syr Josai, do I not have much more to learn? That is what the leaves tell me."

A small gust ran past them both, as if to accentuate the words of the squire, but in her eyes, there reflected her wanting to learn more. Today had given her purpose, something to look forward to and not be held back by the hate in which she held tightly in her chest. That, of course, was only realisation, and not so quickly did she wish to make such amends but she needed to work her way to the confidence of righting some wrongs.

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Josai
Josai's eyes stayed on the youth a long moment. Closed again as she bowed her head. "Who am I to go against the lessons of the leaves?" she asked with as smile. "But I believe for now, your lesson will be learned in caring for that bell," her own silver bell chimed gentle with the wind, the bright sphere of precious metal, much like a flower made to bob in the breeze, as all the leaves fluttered and spoke in their language of whispers and sunglow.

"We will walk the set path, young squire," Josai assured. "I will serve as your guide, and we will face whatever your bell brings," she let her eyes come open once more, and looked unto Haelyn. "Such we pursue,"

  • Bless
Reactions: Haelyn