Completed Graceless and Divine

Sun on her face, Vittoria felt it against her closed eyelids for only a few seconds as they make their way. Adjusting her leather bag across her frame, she turned her head to watch him toss some blueberries into the air and catch it with ease. She imagined the small berry being crushed between his teeth, and the flavoursome juices running to his tongue.

"About an hour by horse." Vitt was silent for a few seconds before amusement coated her next words. "Are you not keen to ride a horse, Kilien? I would suggest walking but it takes three hours to walk there, and we would not make it back to the Academy in time." There was a scrutiny upon her due to her magic and power, one she wished to keep the Proctors trusting her still in order to get away with such autonomy during daylight hours. There would come a time she would need their trust, to play the part of dutiful Initiate... perhaps to hide behind such pretenses.

"We can share a horse. I doubt that we can secure a carriage, but a single horse may prove the easiest."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Mm," he hummed as he chewed a particularly lush blueberry, eyes narrowing as his gaze shifted to an unfocused length before them, "I can ride when I need to, it's just more that... horses aren't very keen on me riding them."

Not that he'd explain what the likely reason for why was, despite Rovani being touted as gifted horse folk.

"I'm not sure sharing will help the issue. Would hate for you to get tossed on account of me."
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  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria's eyes narrowed curiously.

"Alright then. At your own peril." But then the image of him being bucked off a horse came to mind and she could not help the growing smirk at her lips. Tempting as it was, she would rather not make this town trip such a fuss.

"Do you think you could sweet talk and persuade a carriage or wagon?" Her facial features returned to something more plain, but still as softness of curiosity near her eyes. "You have shown you are rather good at it, better than I... and I think you would have better chance at getting that."

Kilien would not be questioned as Vittoria would be... or perhaps she could use shock value and be vague about her intentions with a carriage to be shared with Basmarc... but that was certainly ludicrous of a thought.

No one would believe her if she said as much.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Last blueberry. He tossed it lazily and caught it again, brow furrowed at what sounded like a challenge presented. Though Vittoria hadn't actually challenged him, she seemed the type to test people unwittingly. Kilien wouldn't claim that he felt the need to prove himself to anyone, but admittedly the idea of hoodwinking a carriage did sound... fun.

He'd never ridden in a fancy carriage before.

Kilien rolled the blueberry around in his palm in thought, "What Great House is your family sworn to?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"The Viraks." She was cousins with Elise, but the Larrainths had always been loyal vassals of the Great House.

Her fortune inheriting the Larrainth title did not have a carriage in their possession, but two ships. Neither of those would be needed to get them to the nearby town.

"Why? What are you planning?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"My cousin, Elise." But still, Vittoria walked on towards the stables. Her pave did not quicken or slow, her footfalls steady and not stumbling. It was as if they were talking about mundane things she would not wish to make small talk out of with anyone else that annoyed her.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Cousin, huh.

So that probably got her a bit of clout with some things. Who around here had the gumption to deny Lady Virak? Juggled the blueberry once more. Twice more. Tossed and caught. He chewed and lifted both hands to flip up the collar of his jacket and run them a few times through his hair, "Alright then. Hang back."

The casual swing of his posture disappeared as he stepped into something a bit more akin to militant. Shoulders broadened as he straightened his back, Kilien affected the walk he'd seen her not-brother use when asserting himself to others and pushed ahead at a clipped pace.

Soon after he disappeared through the main entrance of the stables. A few minutes passed by. A few more. Then the silhouette of a stablehand went rushing by the open bay doors and Kilien strolled casually into view. With a glance up toward Vittoria, he lifted a hand with a smirk and with a pointer finger bid she come hither.

Not long after that, a carriage pulled by a single gray horse came rolling into view around the far end.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Kilien held her attention long before he began to change his demeanour and stalked forward. As she stood where she had been asked to pause, she was left staring after him and just... watching him and admiring the ease of change he was able to adopt. There was urguncy about him, and not in the way he walked, or his expression appeared, but it was the way he adjusted his look and posture, the way he went ahead and took on what she had asked him to accomplish for them both because she doubted she could do what he had done just now.

Her light coloured gaze was on him the moment he came back into view, and Vittoria found herself straightening her spine as he beckoned her forward without a word.

A subtle appearance of being impressed had softened her face as she drew closer to him, still standing in that new stance he had adopted.

"I did not doubt your abilities, Kilien," she lowered her voice so as not to be overheard, "but I feel foolish as if I did doubt you."
  • Smug
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Hm," his lips pulled briefly downward into a smiling frown, "first time for everything."

His eyes glanced quickly toward her and then winked as the carriage came around to the entrance area. As soon as it pulled to a stop, Kilien stepped forward and opened the door then offered his hand to assist her inside. Once she was settled he pounded his fist against the side of the carriage twice and then swooped in after her.

Kilien plopped onto the bench beside her, yanking the door shut behind him just as the carriage jerked forward. With a broad grin and a pleased sigh, the Initiate eased back into the padding and slung an arm over the top of it so it looped around behind her.

"Yeah," he said with a nod as he looked around the carriage with a bright grin, "this is way better than riding. Never been in a carriage before."
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  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
She did not have the heart to tell him this was a small carriage, and that the one she came in to the Academy was grander than this. Instead, she leaned back against the cushion and his stretched arm, but gave it no thought as she pulled her bag from herself and dropped it to the space at her feet. "Last time I was in a carriage was to travel to Vel Hetren to attend Grendel's engagement."

Still she had no clear idea why one would turn to the Empire and it's noble daughters for an advantageous match, but Vittoria now turned to face Kilien.

"Well then, are you not going to tell me how you managed securing us a carriage, horse, and driver?"
  • Dab
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Grendel's engaged?" his brows disappeared into his hairline, "Shiiiiit."

Atta boy Grendel. Who knew he had it in him. Kilien snirked and plied at his beard with his free hand as he considered what kind of gal Grendel had tied himself to. He seemed like a proper lad. Maybe some proper Lady or maybe it was a betrothal?

Dang. Married sight-unseen. Now there was a whole lot of no thank you.

His eyes skated around as he felt Vitt looking at him and his brain caught up to what she'd been saying.

"I just asked 'em, real sweet-like," he grinned toothily. Put his sweet talking abilities to good use.
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  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"Oh?" She raised a brow at him, angling herself slightly to look at him straight on. "And how sweetly did you speak?"

His collar was still turned, and caught her eye. Balling her hands to keep from fixing it, she instead lifted her gaze to his face. "Because the stablehand looked as if he made a grave error."

Did he instill fear with the mere mention of her Great House for his gain or on her behalf?
  • Smug
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Wryness stole his grin and turned it into a smirk. That she'd not made a fuss about his arm around her back hadn't quite struck him yet, but he liked how naturally she sat beside him. Looked him in the eye. His expression softened as he stared back at her.

"Not nearly as sweet as your pancakes," he replied, his gaze shifting upward in a show of guilt as his free hand made a vague gesture to encompass his next words, "Rovani persuasion comes in... many flavors."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
That earned him a smile. "Call me intrigued, I only just wonder how sweet you needed to be to get us the larger carriage the Academy has. The seats and cushions are better."

And the overall ride was not awful now that the carriage was rolling over uneven terrain. Keeping her core engaged allowed her not to bounce around in her seat and bumping constantly into her classmate.

"But excellent work, Kilien. We will be able to spend a few hours in town before heading back."
  • Dab
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc get us the larger carriage...

"There's a bigger carriage?" he shot her a look of surprise, eyes wide as he moved to feign knocking at the top of the box, "Alright, turn this hunk of junk around. We're going back for the big one!"

Amused with himself as he settled back in with her compliment readily tucked into his mental pocket, Kilien busied the hand connected to the arm that looped around behind her with turning the ring about his middle finger. A brow arched at the knowledge that they would have plenty more time than they likely needed.

"Seems like a lot of time just for buyin' tea... what else is there to do there?"
  • Aww
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria held in a burst of laughter that came out in small chuckles. To see his surprise, the act of being determined to get this ready for them both disappearing from his face. That had been worth informing him his hard work had not been all that paying off.

"Since the Revolution, this town has grown. More businesses have made home there to cater to the Initiates... although the pub is strict unless you pay a handsome sum. I like to go for the tea, the bookshop... and there is a small river that goes past that is lovely to sit next to." Many Initiates know about the spot, but Vittoria liked the rush of water in the spring when the ice melted.

"It might be busy in town today given the nice weather. They are preparing for some Summer Night Festival. Two days ago, I saw them placing all the lanterns and some of the stalls getting moved into place." Again, another way to draw in those dwelling in the Academy either as guests or as security.

"And... my Uncle lives there. My Guardian until I reach being of age and can take over the estate of my home. If you do not mind waiting in this carriage, I need to speak with him about something before we make time back to the Academy." They were well past the gates now, and either the driver was urging their horse to keep this faster pace or the carriage simply was light enough to throw around the inhabitants, they would make good time to the town of Orean.
Pubs didn't much attract him for the drink so much as for the food and the company. He'd made and lost plenty of coin at gaming tables during his delinquencies. Music was often good and he liked meeting new people that knew nothing about him. Long-term friendships were next to impossible to maintain given his... situation, so short-term acquaintances were the norm.

Kilien fully expected Vittoria to turn from him the moment their assignment was over so - best to take advantage of her good graces while he could.

"Summer Night festival..." he pondered aloud, wondering what all that involved, "when's that?"

With his luck, it would fall on the full moon.

"Sure, no problem. I can go take a nap by the river or something while you chat."
  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria rewarded him with a smile. Kilien was doing well by going with the whims of her thoughts, and if he had made a habit of saying no, she would have insisted he sit opposite from her so that she could pin him with a stare that would surely stir unease in him. Instead, Kilien proved to be someone that did not annoy her. The fact he became interesting to her was not forgotten, but it was the sudden admiration she held for him that had crept up slowly on her.

"The festival is not until tomorrow or the night after. Soon, while we are still blessed with this weather, I guess." Shrugging, she looked down to assess her slender hands and fingers. There was still some flour and pancake batter on them, yet Vittoria made no move to clean them from her hands. There had been a small thought that wondered how they had gotten batter on them when she was using utensils, but she blinked and looked back to Kilien.

"You do not need to nap by the river. Honestly, my uncle and I will merely exchange words for no more than ten minutes." For all she needed to speak to her uncle about was whether the lawyer had made any progress with the claims of her inheritance. She was yet to tell King of her plotting, but Vittoria's patience was being tested.

She would need to make a way that saw to her step brother's unfortunately ill-timed death before his mother, and her step mother, named her son Lord Larrainth. After all, her father did ask her to continue his goal in ending the line and name of Larrainth. The name the pretenders had taken.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Sure," he replied casually, "but I'd rather wait in the sun on the river bank then in this ruddy little carriage."

Rovani were people of nature - they liked their sun and rain and wind and water. They moved with the seasons and the herds in wagon homes and on horseback, sticking to the off-beaten paths and the seldom-traversed areas that most people knew little about.

Given the option, Kilien would nearly always choose to be outside.

He side-eyed the girl playfully, "Got something against naps?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"Well, open a window and it would not be so ruddy."

To her left, she undid the latch and pulled down the screen, letting light pour into the carriage. The open road from the Academy was sparse, but clusters of trees and shrubbery often dotted their view. Vittoria turned to her right, placing one hand on Kilien's knee to steady herself she she leaned over to undo the other latch and reveal the sun just falling from it's high position in the sky. They had at least eight more hours of light, plenty of time to make their way into the town called Orean.

"There we go." Pleased, she drew back the curtains and hooked it behind the drawbacks. Leaning back into her seat, she slowly drifted her hand that braced at his knee to rest on her lap. "How's the view now? If you napped, you may miss the scenery."
Seemed she was getting more comfortable with her association with him to deign making contact when it wasn't warranted by a project. Kilien watched this small action calmly, feeling the warmth of her hand through the material of his pants and thinking that to be rather ironic considering her otherwise chilly personality. He studied her quietly, denied the urge to lean forward and slowly inhale her scent as she leaned across him, but allowed a content smile to settle within his beard when she was done.

"Mm," a faint sound of agreement, though he'd not bothered to look out the window and was still looking at her, "view's nice."

Vittoria was quite pretty, after all. He was sure she knew it, but how often did she get genuine read-between-the-lines compliments? Certainly not from her fellow Initiates who were all apparently too frightened of her to even hold a conversation.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Her eyes caught his, and the intensity and honesty showing in his gaze disarmed her immediately. Her lips parted as if ready to say something scathing or to change the subject, but... his words stirred something within her. Vittoria was unfamiliar with the lightness she felt in her lungs, the tingling at her cheeks as blood rose to them. The shade of red was almost subtle to her olive complexion, but it was there. Kilien's gaze did not waver, nor did her own.

Slowly, her lips closed and she took a short inhale before her hand lifted to hold his face by the jaw with a gentle hold, turned his face to look out the window she had opened and leaned in just a little distance so that her eyes could see the line of sight he could see.

"And this? Now that I am not obstructing your view?"

Her fingers twitched, as if she would have held him jaw tighter, but she was unsure if she did so as a threat or unaware of how her body reacted to his sweet words. No one else had said such a thing to her, had never made her feel so differently. So... unarmed.



"Oh would you look at that," he raised his brows in a show of mild surprise, "a window."

Beyond there wasn't a whole lot to see yet. They were still traveling through the forest and, so far as Kilien was concerned, you've seen one forest around Vel Anir, you've pretty much seen them all. Had to get into the deep Falwood to really start finding the awe when the ancient trees began to fill the space around you. He hadn't seen them himself, but he'd heard stories from other Rovani families.

"It's alright," an assessment of mediocrity would have to suffice. He did nothing about her hand holding his jaw but she'd probably feel him smiling in her grip.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Her hold on his jaw slackened a little as her eyes shifted to stare at the side of his face. Beneath her hand, she could feel his muscles working as he spoke, expressed, and her magic flared that slight touch at it all. It was a temptation, a curiosity, to watch things comes apart, but still, her hand remained on his face longer than she would have liked. Kilien was proving to be something she never anticipated to happen, that he would not be afraid of her like everyone else had been.

Except for King, and Vittoria tried as she might, could not stop herself from respecting and then trusting him with friendship.

But she didn't feel like this with King.

"You would prefer to look at me, then?" Her hand dropped, leaning back and her shoulder nudging his hand that belonged to the arm he had draped behind her seat. "Not many can do that, you know? I like seeing how scared they become... but not you. Perhaps it infuriates me..."
  • Smug
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc