Fable - Ask From all corners

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Character Biography

Ittoi of the Moyani remained quite still near the edge of the clearing. It was the appointed gathering spot, but it would also make a fine ambush. They were close to the territory of the Rak'tell and another tribe.

It was considered cowardly - across all the tribes - to kill another elf woth a bow. Typically border disputes were settled by a few of the finest warriors from each tribes. Occasionally even a warrior so gifted they carried an Ioha blade would be involved.

That did not mean it was unheard of. Ittoi could not help but think that the trees above the flat rock pool would make an excellent position to rain down arrows on the clearing.

There were also more common threats: the variety of flora and fauna that preyed upon the elves.

Stay here he signed to his hunting party. Ittoi stepped out into the light. The first to enter the meeting place.

Nagai had been seen scouting their shores. They had to mount a response.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kano
The Moyani were right to be wary of the treetops; Such a position would put archers at great advantage over any on the ground. That was why Apallon had ordered thirteen of his best bowmen to ascend preceding his arrival to the clearing, to take careful watch over whatever was about to occur and intervene if necessary.

Despite his precautions, Taanach's Warrior-Chief did not believe the Moyani or the Rak'tell intended to show aggression. That he readied an attack before this gathering was merely the way of his tribe: To always strike first, to always be the aggressor. His tribe could never be attacked if they did the attacking first, and at the slightest provocation, he would not hesitate to loose the steel bolts in his quiver.

Of course, with such a reputation, it would be unlike Apallon to rely on hidden archers to do his bidding. Unlike Ittoi of the Moyani, Apallon walked boldly into the sunlight of the clearing, four more brawny elves on either side of him, dwarfing their Chief in size.

It was another favorite tactic of his; bring the most intimidating of his people to assist him, and watch as he was underestimated in favor of his rabble. Their enemies would find no weakness in the Chief, who had bested every one of the others in combat before allowing them to join him.

"Moyani." Apallon called to Ittoi as he emerged from the fringes of the forest. "I commend you for your heart, entering this clearing alone. The spirit of Talios touches even you."
  • Yay
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Kano and Jhyrann
Kano did not cut the figure of a strong warrior. Yet he crouched with the other hunters of the Moyani all the same, his belly in the dirt and branches of the underbrush scratching lightly across his back. In the cradle of a leaf laid out before him was a smear of purple paste. He rolled a thin dart through it with a twirl of thumb and forefinger, even as his eyes watched Ittoi step out into the light.

Poison. The only killing thing more cowardly than a bow. But Kano did not mind being a coward, where the Nagai were involved. Or the Taanach, for that matter. Five strong entered the clearing to meet Ittoi alone.

But of course, he was not alone. Kano slotted the dart into the long, hollow cane at his side. He measured the distance between his hiding spot and various points. The edge of the shallow pool, the place where Taanach's chief stood, the treetops overhead. He looked at nothing and everything, tracking only color and movement. It was the way an animal saw; not a warrior or a hunter.

He was ready to sully his name for Ittoi's life. That was the role of the healer. To do what was needed -- not always what was admirable.
  • Yay
Reactions: Jhyrann
"I am glad the Taanach came," Ittoi replied.

His hand stayed on his club as he approached the group. It was their way. Were he to face a warrior of note with his hands away from his weapons it would send a sign of deep disrespect.

It would be to say: I see you and do not need my weapon should you turn on me.

Ittoi was not a fighter of renown. He was one of their finest hunters and trackers, able to take a group through the wilds in relative safety. He was also a calm head.

Cess was a match for any and a worth holder of the iohan blade Thorn. However, she would also be more likely to challenge any other bearers for their metal weapons than negotiate the attack.

Ittoi waved his left hand out to his side, palm towards the ground. A suitable greeting.

"The snake people have made a landing. It is not a matter for one tribe. The Rak'tell should be here soon."
Apallon was headstrong, as was expected of a Taanach warrior. This did not mean he was a fool; That Ittoi was defenseless and without contingency would be the belief of a fool. The Warrior-Chief aimed only to intimidate, not to underestimate.

"Is that what this is about?" His expression hardened slightly at Ittoi's words. Apallon hadn't expected a call for such an inclusive meeting without good reason, and he'd had his suspicions. The four brutish fighters behind the Warrior-Chief grumbled, looking at one another uncomfortably. "Which shore?"

It didn't really matter, but he wished to know how informed the Moyani were about this. Apallon had little doubt the Rak'tell would come along shortly and indulge them with prophecy granted from the stars. Nonsense, really. Their devotion to their 'Gods' bordered on fanatical, and their claims of the foresight said Gods provided were even more infuriating with how often they were accurate.

Apallon returned the gesture with his opposite hand, and looked over his shoulder to one of his lesser.

"Thykka, report back. Tell them to double the watch. I won't have snake-filth on my soil."
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  • Yay
  • Sip
Reactions: Kano and Jhyrann
A fern blade brushed against Kano's calf, and tickled his skin. Kano desperately wanted to hitch a toe up and scratch the itch, but knew better than to betray their position with such a little inconvenience. So he stayed still, and watched, and listened.

Crawling in the dirt like snakes, just to fight snakes, he thought bitterly to himself.

The question posed by the one in the clearing was an easy answer. If they were this close to Taanach and Rak'tell territory, and the Taanach chief had not started with more urgency, then that left only one shore upon which the Nagai could have landed.

Speaking of, should hunters from the Rak'tell not be here, already? Should they not, at least, come and see who had gathered at their border with such force?

It was dubious. Didn't need to be a warrior to notice that. Kano sunk deeper into his hiding spot, letting the tempo of his breath match the shadowy sway of the underbrush above him. He continued to stay still, and watch, and listen.

Even though his leg itched.

Ittoi Apallon
  • Yay
Reactions: Jhyrann