It was disconcerting for this unknown person...being, to continue to berate her about ignorance of her identity. How could anyone but the Church know who she was? Why now, in a foreign land across the globe, would such an accusation come to light? It made no sense to her, and nonsense was unwelcome in her life.
Frowning as it took leave,
Amore reached out with the hand of her good arm to find the small padoga statuette settled in the grass. She gripped it carefully, pulling the thing to her chest like the precious gift it was, and then slowly, painfully, pushed herself to her feet. The burn of her body from the running lingered, causing her to question if they might make any further progress tonight.
Standing there, swaying slightly through the haze of a spinning head and a shoulder wound still throbbing, she took a moment to try and gain some form of bearings on her surroundings. Off to the side. Unconscious but alive. Terribly unhelpful for a blind person.
"Kishou?" she called gently, turning her head and straining to listen for his breathing. A soft wheezing drifted to her from her right, so she carefully shuffled her way in that direction. Amore's toes eventually found Kishou's legs. She staggered, bending to kneel by him and setting the pagoda down to pat her good hand across his form, finding his face.
"Kishou, are you alright? Wake up, please."