Private Tales First Darkness, Last Light

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Rhidian took King's hand as offered, and the fight was done. No more sucker punches to be delivered, just a moment of camaraderie between brothers-in-arms. So he thought. After all, no one had ever known how King thought. How Fabien thought. No one except Vittoria.

Girls came on to King all the time, and on the very rare occasion King would acquiesce to an advance. At the very least doing so kept up appearances. But boys? How was King meant to feel when Rhidian's grip on his hand suddenly became tender? How was he supposed to know how his breath would hitch when Rhidian pulled him in? How his body would react when Rhidian finally--fucking finally--seized a kiss from him.

Skin pressed on skin, the salty taste of sweat and blood imprinted itself on King's lips, and his hands instinctively slipped around Rhidian's waist. By all rights this was baffling, but the adrenaline that still coursed his veins and sheer fucking catharsis of this sudden move took over. Rationality was left by the wayside, replaced by buried need, made manifest as King softly bit Rhidian's lower lip.
He didn't know if he wanted to loose a breath from relief or from astonishment when King did not push him away, but instead embraced the reckless spirit that possessed him this night.

A fire was set inside him, and through their shared kiss, it only blazed hotter and bigger. It engulf them both. Rhidian pushed, guided, and pressed D'Amour into the rock face. They became one with the shadows that lingered there, and Rhidian allowed himself a brief moment of reprieve to take a shaking but deep breath before moving his lips to brush soft kisses along King's jaw.

It always felt more rewarding to receive the returned affections of a male than it was with females. They were too easy to pull, to play with, but they were more likely to play with his heart. Going after boys left little chance for such a thing to happen in his history with them.

Soon, his teeth was bared and grazed against King's ear. "Everyone back at camp... they're asleep?" Dawn was hours away, and with how much their group had been drinking before and after dinner, they wouldn't be rising as soon as the sun hit the horizon. Time, they had sweet time to themselves now.