Private Tales Fate's Quicksilver Shimmer Locked

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Murk Altov

A steady march of stone feet animated by gleaming gem locomotion did make steady parade, a quadruped statue that did lumber with assurance about the precious creation that was clutched in numerous small firm hands. Draped by thick velvet, affixed by cords of silver that shimmered in warding tension, the flat wide circle of whatever was being hefted was clutched and carted with all safety; stone hands clasped firmly about the frame of what had been brought to such a place as this dwarven city of architectural triumphs without fear of human error. Four stone feet placed themselves in militaristic march to the steady strike of obsidian stone cane that did offer low tattoo as it strike the dwarven carved stone. The animated golem itself six feet by six feet, the circle clutched atop it.

To the heel of the master illusionist did this golem keep close. One Murk Alov, draped in iridescent luxuries and trappings of arcane powers far beyond his academic kin, had come to place under the protections of the only one he knew was worthy of his Art's bounty.

To be contained and protected until the moment the realm did need of it. Murk had deliberated muchly upon who should steward such a potent creation. Yet all except Zharzohved Vaultkeeper were deemed capable, worthy and integral enough for the task ahead. The humans of magic would fade before the moment demanded of them, the halls of wizened academics would pry and argue and debate as Murk did loathe them for, the gnomes would disassemble and chatter endlessly to which Murk was patient most times, and the rest lacked the pedigree, wit, prestige or seriousness of the one he sought to the matter of containment.

On his journey, Murk had sent waves of hallucinatory terrain made manifest and terrifying in flaring tempers to those who might tamper with his creation's sojourn. He kept his nerve by lashing out with every passion he had to protect his own erstaz emulation of the sun's fierceness, his own reachings of the seer pools of ancient races who did feel fate's vision in such waters. The device was multifaceted and could doom a minor mage to arcane blindness by their attempts to command his device, and more precious dooms besides that awaited those who might seek to ride the titantic waves that it could create upon the shores of reality.

Murk Altov knew he himself was a man of ambition, such set him apart and forward beyond his kin into the lonely peaks of power's ziggeraut by sacrifice and dedication. Isolation. His one indulgence, his ward, Bubkiss Widewallow, now left in favour to create and bring his such cargo to this point in his own career. His own obligation. He had foregone his foster child to deliver this device to the world, to be protected, caged and cloistered in the only reliquary that might hope to hold it.

What Murk needed now in service of what years had been spent in the construction and enchantment of this artefact was a steward of ambitious responsibility, one who could seal his creation under bolt and ward, against the good, against the evil, and most of all, against those who were not worthy to know of it's existence until the fateful moment it was required of the world. Only one dwarf deserved the respect of Murk in this matter.

To The Lord of the Deepvaults did the master illusionist and golem march with protective purpose and fate's eyes fixed upon them.

And beneath the velvet cover and clutched with stone hand, did quicksilver smothered and guarded surface did stare back at fate's eyes wantingly.

It was to the Lord of Deepvaults that Murk walked, proud and eyes sharp to danger that might snatch, knowing full well the statue that did march could thrust palm out against the fool who might fumble into the cherished device. But he knew that his glare and glamour was more than enough to promote discretion in those that might pry, if not forceful reminder that there were mages would should not be troubled, delayed or distracted by foolery. His cloak did shimmer with shades beyond the physical realm, promising all hells and heavens to those who merely gazed with wanton mischief.

The cane did place upon the ground as the city of Belgrath was host to him and his creation, Murk's journey to reach the Vaultkeeper was soon to reach it's culmination.

And from the Dark did the scrying eyes of those who sought to render that device a thousand futile pieces did bid their powers wait, abide, and plotted to render follies of masterplans nearing complete execution of the device's rehoming.

Zharzohved Vaultkeeper

The old dwarf had come to love his silence. His dark brown skin glowed like brass in the fire light as he tinkered on his stone slab in the depths of Old Belgrath. Deep in one of the vault's of his clan's manor. Above his left eye were lenses that he'd adjusted to see things a man's naked eye could not. Twenty lenses bent and twisted according to the adjustments on the small lever and he could see the mechanisms tick in the mechanical heart. It had not yet made a full beat. Such was the patience required when attempting to created life from the metals of Arethil.

"Lord Vaultkeeper," Mahkmozed, his man entered the room, his black armor glistening in the light of his Lord's hearth.

"Mm?" Lord Zharzohved stirred as he looked up from his project. The guard went on to explain that Murk Altov had arrived along with a golem. And he'd brought a most precious artifact. "Send a welcoming party to meet him. I shall be there shortly."

And when he'd appeared, he was resplendent in armor made of brass. His breastplate held a glowing blue stone in it's chestpiece and beneath what seemed to be the outer layer of the armor were all manner of gizmos and gears that were clicking in metallic synchronicity. His gauntlets were fixed with some sort of hidden design as evidenced by the mechanisms placed on them. A purpose of which only the Vaultkeeper knew. He'd arrived without his great hammer as the only thing he would need for such a meeting was his mind and tongue of silver.

"Master Illusionist," he said gruffly with a nod of his white mane. "You and yer constuct come along. Best be talkin' within me estate, mm?"

He didn't want any other Dwarven Lords knowing more of his business than they needed to know. He did business with many of them but he was protective over his hoard. As they all were.
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The construct did plod, slower for reaching the threshold.

Murk did stride at dwarven pace, welcoming the ushering into dwellings ancient and esteemed.

His silence at first did speak of the gravity of the portentous matter. The lesser did grovel meekly, the greater did note title loudly, the truly powerful amongst their peers did bid silence where silence was due, and matters momentous were spoken in quiet council of pragmatics at proper time.

Through gate barred and walls thick and chistled masterful did they traverse toward and within. Once gates sealed behind, and protections from attending hosts to the dwarven lord's wishes assured by boot and post, did Murk attend the matter.

Murk made movement of sound as the artefact did give chase to it's meaning.

"Lord of the Deepvaults," Murk began, seeming to be troubled by fatigue about the eyes as safety made itself apparent and relief did awash him, yet vigilance did bristle fiercely to spite his comfort's placation. "You are the only one I dare hope to hold what I have wrought. The future may depend upon that which must be sealed by your unique and commanding hand and vigils. This device rinses energy, it is eager to deliver it's portents. It strains any and all might covet it's use, and indeed, misuse, premature before the moment demanded by providence. I am steward to this, it's purpose that lies in the future by whatever hand be capable of understanding it, mastering it's overwhelming ways. Those potentially capable shall be sheparded by my Will and Testaments to the challenge awaiting them in Time's hold. To you, Esteemed Lord of the Deepvaults, I do beseech to safeguard it's present, and each moment that cascades into the next until such time as the device is beckoned to be brought to bear in dire times sure to come. I will lend all graces I have mastered to your ends and vigils. What tithes and respects shall be paid with glad and dutiful heart, now, and until the end of duty's demand."

A breath, shuddering, as the toils of years of creation did languish to this halt, and this admission was made for the first time aloud.

"For I cannot do this alone anymore."

Zharzohved Vaultkeeper
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He sat patient as time's turning as the Illusionist spoke of his device. His eyes the color of stone darted between he and his construct which held on to a device he didn't want to lay eyes upon. Within the Deepvaults, there were a great many items that might tempt a dwarf. He'd heard it said by his forefathers that nothing caught the attention of a dwarf more than what they did not already possess. Perhaps desire for worldly possessions left him long ago when he'd began to add to his family's wealth and saw how much of it there already was. There were some things more important than gold or artifacts. Sometimes respect meant more than anything.

The Vaultkeeper leaned forward as his elbows adorned with brass chainmail clinked against the slab that was his desk. It was ornate with all manner of dwarven runes and trappings. His slate eyes were fixed on the construct and he marveled at it. Altov had done well with animation magic. His armor ticked, ticked, and ticked onward as he thought of how he might respond.

"Yeh needn't do it alone, Master Illusionist," his granite voice cut through the air as he sat back in his seat, putting both his massive hands atop his desk. "The tithes are a simple thing. I shall have you speak to my household Book Keeper about the rates, but I have another issue I need bring to yeh entirely. One that someone with yeh skillset migh' be capable of 'elpin' ou' with. Should it be 'andled, yeh'll find me impressed."

He rose from his seat.

"Yeh partial to ale, Altov? And not the type the surface dwellers drink. The make of the Aleheart."
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The candour of his host did much to relieve nerves fraught from weirding stressors and avaricious threats. Murk settled his shoulders, much tension releasing moment to moment as he found himself braced by the accepting Lord. He blinked slowly as he was awash by relief, his eyelids fluttering as if he did bedream for but a stolen, indulgent heartbeat of time.

Eyes that did reveals themselves again now were awash with hues of peacock shuddering feathers for long moments before returning to their bedrock of hazel.

"Aleheart you say? Gladly would I partake, for I hear it slakes a thirst that my kin know not lives within them before supping upon it."

He reigned in his comforts, relief was one thing to indulge in, this aleheart too, but to an issue to one that would supplicate his cause was one to be addressed with all diligent attentions.

"My skillset is at your disposal. Merely speak of the matter, and I shall be bid entire to your ends. If," Murk said, giving a rare tired chuckle as he found himself with an individual worthy of his solidarity of prestige, "I am not overwhelmed by what human frailties lurk within me for this auspicious libation."

Zharzohved Vaultkeeper
"Hrnhrnhrn," he laughed from his belly as he poured Altov a drink from a fine oaken cask studded with obsidian and stamped with the Aleheart sigil. "Twas the Aleheart's belief tha' one could conquer the darker side's of a man's hear' through his thirst. Heh. Poor devil. A shame wha' became of him."

Lord Vaultkeeper sat quietly as the Illusionist reminded him of his skillet, his cup sitting on his lap and being held by broad fingers. His face was like stone, unmoving but with a hint of amusement in his dark eyes as he regarded the man in front of him. Slowly, he nodded in acknowledgement as he leaned forward. He hoped to his ancestors that this man was everything he claimed to be. Perhaps more. If he was, then there was one less thing Zharzohved had to worry about. A problem that his own father inherited from his father before him might be put off long enough to become the problem of one of his heirs... If everything went smoothly.

"Alright, Master Altov... Alright,"

He sipped from his horn and sat it gently on the table as the clockwork in his armor ticked away. He mulled over how to explain the old tales to a surface dweller. It was something he had not needed to do for some time.

"We dwarves have enemies as old and deep as the Chasm, Master Illusionist. Some of them are sittin' righ' below our feet. Things, you can' even fathom. Some Lords dig too deep and wake somethin' up tha' don' want to be awake. Some dabble in things they shouldn' and when they can' put them back, they pu' them 'ere. HAHAHA! *cough*"

His laugh was raspy and his eyes that were now fixed on the table looked as though he'd seen a thousand horrors.

"A wager, Master Illusionist. A gold bar if you can guess what's in the deepest vault. The one me and me ancestors have been expandin' for centuries... Take your wildest guess."

  • Dwarf
Reactions: Murk Altov
"An enemy old and deep as the chasm, unfathomable. Were but my mind as routine in it's rotations of logic as your armour elegant, precise and mechanical..." Murk said, a faint smile upon his lips as he did consider the guess. He gave a side eye to his device that remained trapped, contained, dormant. Such a device would render all guesses redundant, all eyes opened to the past and future, with far more than a bar gold wagered for such correctness.

"You expand such a vault..." he said, returning his gaze, and took a healthy pull from the ale provided from a cup he carried for such purpose, a cup that seemed firmly belonged to the face of a tarot card in numerous portents. As he did sip from the metal, he allowed the unique taste to fire his imagination, his bravado encouraged, a small chuckle brimming from within him at the touch of such a proud and forthcoming drink.

The next word slipped from him premature before the guess was fully formed, but it seemed his gut instinct had become the ruling voice for such presence of such potent alcohol. It wasn't drunkedness that was imparted, just assurance in the condition he partook in.

"I guess Kudzu," Murk did say, and blinked a few times. He went on.

"Yes, the evergrowing plant that does possess the will to encroach into, beyond and entrench itself horrific to any borders of the living, the endless choking Kudzu. To cut it back is to contend with the ocean. Scarcely contained except by triple threat contortions of aligning entropic stone. That would be my, wildest, guess," Murk said, contenting himself with both the severity of such a threat to any place, let alone a place of underground pride, and his unwitting deduction that resulted in such a pun.

Zharzohved Vaultkeeper