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The Spine
On that particular day, the storm near The Spine was immense. It's great and oppressive thunder filling the sky in opposition to the blue and clear sky. Fighting the white clouds away, and replacing them with heavy, dark and bleak grey clumps of doom.
Sparhawk had come there for an oddly specific reason. Before beginning his quest, the first thing he must do is acquire a mount, as his last one fell ill and died whilst he travelled with Miles Widogast. A mount that could take him hundreds of miles across the land and seas. He had heard rumours that a flying horse had been seen flying around by the Spine, but he had to see it for himself. If he could tame it, even for a while, it could prove a powerful asset and a good companion.
He took the long road to the Spine, travelling for weeks from Belgrath, using caravans to get there as quickly as possible. Seeing the sea and snow along the way took Sparhawk back to simpler days, when things were also very much simple, and very much peaceful.
Arriving, he paid the caravan driver, overcharging Maho greatly to his annoyance, and made his way to the location he'd been tipped off to.
The rain beat against his robe, even after raising a barrier around him, the fantastic sound of the rain beat against it, making shockwaves into the floor.
He looked around, the blank landscape misted by the weather, raising a light cone through it to support his sight.
He can't see anything...