Resource Guide Discord Chat Policies

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Discord is a popular hotspot for group chatting and the Chronicles RP board has its own server. You can find the link on our front page on the top right; there is a button that says Join our Discord Server. All of the Chronicles RP board’s policies apply to our server; from behavior to roleplay - but there are a few extra things that are applicable specifically to our Discord.


1. Be nice or leave. No personal attacks, offensive language, harassment, witchhunting, sexism, racism, hate speech or other disruptive behavior will be tolerated.
2. Discord profiles. No offensive or NSFW nicknames or profile pictures This includes blank or invisible names and excessive use of noisy or unusual unicode characters. Please use the name of at least one forum account even if this is appended in brackets.
3. Refrain from discussions pertaining to gender, sexuality, religion, politics or race. These topics quickly turn into heated debates that do not belong on this server.
4. No Spamming. The occasional image or meme is acceptable in the proper channels (photobucket, art, tavern, etc. see below).
5. NSFW content is NOT allowed. Our Discord server contains a tasteful semi NSFW channel #tavern_ooc_chat. You may share jokes, funny pictures, and risque items safely. However this is not an excuse to spam images, make fun of people, or in general bring down the community.
6. Keep cursing to a minimum. Especially outside of the General Chat.
7. No trash talking sites. You are allowed to talk about other roleplay sites as you please. No trash talking other websites. No obvious promotions for other sites without asking and receiving permission from the administrative staff.

If you are asked to stop with certain behaviour by a member of staff then please do so. Repeatedly breaking these rules will result in escalating punishment along the following track:

1 - Formal warning
2 - Kicked from the server
3 - Temporary ban
4 - Permanent ban

A user's behaviour may warrant immediate and permanent dismissal from our chat servers. Offences that may warrant this kind of dismissal include persistent harassment of our members.

If you feel you have been wrongly reprimanded by a member of staff then please PM an admin.

If you see behaviour that you feel breaks these rules then raise it with a member of staff. To do it PM our Mod Bot seen here.

Copy all of the logs and post them into your report so we can get the full scope of the issue. If this happens over Voice Chat, please explain in detail what happened, and who was around during the incident.

Expanded explanations

  • Follow Wheaton’s Law- “Don’t be a Dick”. In real time chatting especially, it's easy to get carried away with an argument, take sarcastic humor too far, or just be generally rude. If a Staff Member requests you to drop a subject - do it. They are trying to save you from going too far. Should you ignore the warning, you could be booted out of the server for a few hours. How do you know who is staff? They have custom titles and colors. If you click their name you will see their custom title, Admin or Moderator.

  • If you find yourself met with passive aggressive comments, having a heated debate that is starting to go downhill, someone is being outrageously rude or being a disruption to chat - PM our Mod Bot to contact an Admin or a Moderator. Copy all of the logs and post them into your report so we can get the full scope of the issue. If this happens over Voice Chat, please explain in detail what happened, and who was around during the incident.

  • Sometimes someone isn't breaking any actual rules, but you do not appreciate their behavior. You're not going to like everyone at Chronicles RP and we understand this. Make use of the ignore function to make those annoyances disappear. It'll make less stressful for you, and less awkward for everyone else.

  • Please do not spam. These messages will be deleted. If you want to share a bunch of images, links, or videos - use the proper channels. This prevents burying and flooding out the main channels right in the middle of people's conversations. There are plenty of other discord chats for spamming images, as well as private DM's

Credit to Diana for the original guide.
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