Fable - Ask Dirt bath

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Goblin Knight
Character Biography
Clean is a dirty word to any self respecting Goblin but to Wrongtoe it was a crime.
After the utterly unfair treatment of the cowardly Midir, whose idea of justice did not even involve sharp needles, they were humiliated so badly that after they were soaped through the ears Wrongtoe fled the kingdom in a shadow and spent the next few weeks swimming in manure and rolling in rotten cabbages.

Once the trademark funk had been re-established Wrongtoe travelled to do something calming, relaxing and therapeutic.


Sack full of loot and mouth full of dry crackers, Wrongtoe pelted through the streets as fast as their tiny legs could carry them.
Revenge on the Autumn Courts capital was shown in a series of petty crimes and vandalism the like of which entertained Wrongtoe to no end.
Specifically the ones in which they drew Midir in faeces on alley walls.
So they did what they always did and jumped into a shadow fully expecting to arrive under Ianthe's bed or from out under her bootheels but instead of the trusted Night Court ally Wrongtoe came skidding to a halt in a strange room in a strange place that smelled disgustingly clean.

The goblin had arrived out from the closet of Signe Lusce and into her luxurious bedchambers.

"Gu bulba?"
*The fuck?*

Signe Lusce
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Signe Lusce
Her sister's betrayal did not fuel a damp depression but instead a blazing fire of indignant revenge. Signe had spent much time rehearsing and dancing, so much so that it was rare for her to be home. One-armed Luella had begun keeping Signe much longer underneath the theater, and even after that, sometimes Signe was coaxed into Luella's bed.

It was rare for her to be in her own bed, but today, Signe found that it was needed. Being a woman felt like she had to constantly perform, and while Seryn seemed to enjoy it, Signe did not. At least she could no longer keep up the facade she had so lovingly created.

Gu bulba?

Now, that voice sounded familiar but it was strange enough to cause Signe to roll over and look towards her wooden wardrobe. Auburn brows rose in confusion before a glittering smile found its way onto Signe's face.

"Wrongtoe!" She scrambled off her bed, going to pick up the little goblin. "You're alive!"
