NUNYA BISNISS!!!" *spits*
Wrongtoe, not exactly a name that inspires fear among the enemies of the Fae Courts. True they are stupid, slow and clumsy even by Goblin standards but by gum if this is not the most ENTHUSIASTIC Redcap in all the wilds. It is said that they once ate their bodies weight in spiders on a dare and on another occasion they managed to stab every Goblin in their regiment in the back all at once during a pivotal moment causing the enemy to win the day. Fae scholars are still baffled by that one. Regardless it seems there is no task too small or meaningless that cannot be spectacularly bungled by this most impressively inept Goblin.
There are wagers going on all over the Courts as to how they will finally end themselves and from what I hear the pot grows daily.
A fine figure of a Goblin. Pot of belly and sly of grin with eyes like annoying little tealights that leave that irritating after-image for longer than you feel comfortable with. Sporting the traditional Red Cap of their Knighthood on their filthy head and wearing looted and rotting garb stripped from the dead you would not believe the funk of this Goblin. In their hands a halberd that would be an axe in the hands of any other being is hefted high and doubles as both weapon and "pokey stick". Along their belt are tied all manner of odd bits including a shard of blue glass, a horseshoe nail and a bedknob.
Skills and Abilities
-Fingersnaps, Redcap General. Died laughing mid interview.
-Fingersnaps, Redcap General. Died laughing mid interview.
Like all Goblins Wrongtoe is a rebel, a unique personality unlike anything else. So they are of course pretty much the same as almost any other Goblin. They are callow, cowardly and underhanded. No treachery is too small and all foes are too big, Even if they are in fact smaller than a Goblin.
Delight to Wrongtoe comes in the form of eating rotten apples and leaving the cores in baby cribs to attract flies. They find this hilarious.
They do however follow a simple rule, the Code of Goblin Chivalry, an oath all Redcaps must take. It has but one rule and it is thus "No Redcap shall ever follow any rule especially this one!"
Scholars have puzzled over its meaning for generations but the apparent hypocrisy of its words trouble not the Redcap for they have far more important things to do such as sneaking into farmhouses to urinate in pots of warm soup and stick their grubby little fingers into pies while giggling like madmen.
Wrongtoe has 3 names.
Their common name, spoken and known to any and all :Wrongtoe.
Their Court Name, which is used during official matters: Bibble.
Their True Name. The name by which one may command Wrongtoe to do anything they wish: "Nah not telling ya! Hee hee ho!"
Delight to Wrongtoe comes in the form of eating rotten apples and leaving the cores in baby cribs to attract flies. They find this hilarious.
They do however follow a simple rule, the Code of Goblin Chivalry, an oath all Redcaps must take. It has but one rule and it is thus "No Redcap shall ever follow any rule especially this one!"
Scholars have puzzled over its meaning for generations but the apparent hypocrisy of its words trouble not the Redcap for they have far more important things to do such as sneaking into farmhouses to urinate in pots of warm soup and stick their grubby little fingers into pies while giggling like madmen.
Wrongtoe has 3 names.
Their common name, spoken and known to any and all :Wrongtoe.
Their Court Name, which is used during official matters: Bibble.
Their True Name. The name by which one may command Wrongtoe to do anything they wish: "Nah not telling ya! Hee hee ho!"
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